Application "Bear": necessary materials, stages of creation, application

What is the most popular needlework among schoolchildren? Of course, this is the application "Bear"! The favorite fairy-tale hero is always liked by children and, as a rule, evokes the most pleasant memories in them. Why exactly him? Probably because he is kind, beautiful, cute and is the main character in many children's tales.

applique bear

Who can do this kind of work?

The application "Bear" made of paper is a fairly simple job, any child from three years old can cope with it. However, depending on age, the quality of the craft may vary. In general, they are practiced in the senior and middle groups of the kindergarten and in the lower grades of the school.

What is needed for this?

Standard application "Bear" is made of paper, to create it you will need the following:

  • Paper or cardboard for the base. White, gray or any light shade is suitable. It is acceptable to use a landscape sheet.
  • Packing colored paper, preferably double-sided.
  • Colored markers, paints or gel pens.
  • PVA glue, better finger.
  • Scissors.

applique paper bear

Main job

Once all the materials have been prepared, you can begin to create your own masterpiece. The application "Bear" consists of several basic steps:

  1. First of all, you should take brown paper and cut out several circles of various sizes from it. By the way, it is not necessary that the color should be just that; you can create a fabulous character from any other shade.
  2. If you canโ€™t draw or cut the correct circle on your own, then for this it is better to use a compass. On the back of the sheet, draw a circle, and then carefully cut it along the contour.
  3. You will need ten laps in total. One - the largest - for the body, the next - a little smaller - for the head. Six blanks will be needed to form the paws and ears. And the two smallest circles will become the future face.
  4. Now you need to take the base for the application and attach the main parts to it with glue.
  5. The head is formed first, it should be attached just above the center, the top edge should not be glued to the end, first you need to put two ears under it.
  6. In the lower part of the circle two small circles should be placed - this is the future face of the bear.
  7. Glue the body under the head. On its sides there will be paws-handles, and in the lower part - paws-legs.
  8. Some details will have to be completed with a felt-tip pen, for example, a spout, a mouth and shells of ears.
  9. Eyes can also be finished or made of paper or beads. By the way, it is best to buy special plastic body parts. They will create a natural look.

The application "Bear" from paper is ready. Now it is worth taking care of additional features of the future product.

applique masha and the bear

Additional decorations

Add additional components to your craft, and the application "Bear" will become even more vivid, beautiful and stylish. For example, a character may be in a forest. Around it you can make trees and green Christmas trees. A bear can also be depicted among a field of flowers, to create a silhouette of the sun, puddles or clouds. In the heroโ€™s legs, a basket with flowers, a toy or a flower will look good. All these additional details can be cut out of a book, created from colored paper, or painted on your own.

applique bear senior group

In recent years, the application "Masha and the Bear" has become popular among children. As practice has shown, creating a girl is quite difficult, it is best to cut the finished character from a postcard or children's comics and paste it near the bear. If you wish, Masha can be created independently, having previously cut out each detail from colored paper.

At present, creating any application is not so difficult, for this it is enough to buy a ready-made set for creativity. Usually it consists of several components, combining which, you can create a beautiful craft. Moreover, it can be bought at an affordable price - within 300 rubles.

What can be done with the finished craft

There are several ways to use this craft:

  • The most popular way to use it is to create postcards for loved ones or relatives. To do this, as a basis, you need to take a sheet divided in half, on the front outer part you need to stick a bear. On the inside, write or attach a congratulatory verse. If desired, you can make an applique on the inside of the card folded in half.
  • You can also give a beautiful picture with a fabulous character. For example, if it is presented for the New Year, then next to it it is better to depict a snowman, a decorated Christmas tree or a garland. If it is a gift on March 8 or a birthday, it is recommended to decorate the picture with flowers. On a card dedicated to February 23, there should be airplanes, a red star or a cap.
  • You can decorate with such an image a school notebook, the cover of a textbook or diary.

The leaders of creative circles claim that the most beautiful, interesting, bright, but at the same time simple application is โ€œThe Bearโ€. The older group of kindergarten and schoolchildren can easily cope with this task. Young children are advised to make blanks in advance.


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