How to determine lactose intolerance in infants? Symptoms, Signs, and Treatment

Lactose intolerance in infants is recognized as a pathological condition in which there is a lack of enzymes in the intestine that contribute to the digestion and absorption of lactose. Alactasia, or their complete absence, is a rather rare condition. Most often, doctors diagnose an enzyme deficiency at an early age of the patient. This leads to the formation of hypolactosia. Sometimes parents call this problem an allergy to milk.

Lactose intolerance in infants - symptoms

Briefly about lactose and its properties

Unfortunately, lactose intolerance in infants is not uncommon. This leads to difficulties in feeding them. The milk of any mammal, including humans and cows, contains carbohydrate, which comes from the process of the breakdown of galactose and sucrose. The result is lactose or milk sugar. It is an indispensable source of energy for the baby and a tool for its development. Lactose has a lot of useful properties:

  • Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Support for normal intestinal microflora. For the functioning of lactobacilli, an environment is required that is provided by the consumption of lactose.
  • Support the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Promotes a more complete absorption of calcium.
  • It plays a large role in the growth and development of muscle tissue.

It is known that most of all lactose contains mother's milk. About 6.5% of the substance is recorded in its composition. Cow also has a lot of this carbohydrate - about 4.5%. But in dairy products, disaccharide is almost always absent, or is found in very small quantities.

How to understand that a baby is lactose intolerant

Features of the production of the enzyme

Lactose intolerance in infants is associated with many problems, because their nutrition consists only of milk. Specialists have long found that lactose production occurs to a greater extent precisely at the age of one year. The children's digestive system is designed to better digest breast milk or formula. After all, only in infancy have to digest the maximum daily dose of milk sugar.

However, by the age of three, the production of this enzyme is significantly reduced, because the need for a mixture or maternal breast disappears on its own. Often you can observe an aversion to dairy products in children after three years and adults. This feature is due to reduced production of an enzyme that digests lactose. Experts note that dislike for milk does not mean lactose deficiency, but it can signal a low production of the necessary enzyme.

Why is there a problem

Lactose intolerance in infants can be congenital and acquired. If the cause is congenital, then the first symptoms appear immediately after the baby has started breastfeeding or with any milk mixture.

But there is also acquired lactose intolerance in infants. Symptoms in this case appear unexpectedly and are associated with the influence of certain factors.

Lactose intolerance at the genetic level is a disease whose causes are not fully understood by specialists. In some cases, it is associated with the racial affiliation of children. So, babies from Asian or African countries are more likely to suffer from this pathology.

An important role in the development of the disease is played by heredity. A baby is more likely to have difficulty digesting milk if mom or dad is also allergic to it. Doctors are at risk and those babies who were born prematurely.

How to determine lactose intolerance in infants

Risks causing lactose deficiency

Not only congenital may be lactose intolerance in infants. Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician, warns that the disease can provoke a number of negative factors. Among them, it is worth highlighting:

  • intestinal infections that were not diagnosed and treated in time;
  • persistent helminthic invasion;
  • inappropriate nutrition (baby menu consisting of cow's milk);
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • constant stress;
  • frequent use of milk in adulthood.

Acquired hypolactasia is most often diagnosed in adults. But children are also not protected from its development. Often the problem overtakes schoolchildren for no particular reason. It’s just that the level of enzymes responsible for the digestion of milk sugar drops to a critical level.

Lactose intolerance in infants - what to do

How to understand that a baby is lactose intolerant

Lactose intolerance can manifest itself in different ways. It all depends on the level of production of the necessary enzymes and the individual reaction of the body to incoming milk sugar. As a result, doctors divide patients into the following groups:

  • Toddlers who respond even to foods containing residual traces of milk.
  • Children who do not absorb natural milk and dairy products.
  • Patients who do not absorb dairy products, but in limited quantities can consume sour milk.
  • Children who have no consequences for the body can drink a glass of milk. The digestive system is able to absorb and digest this amount of lactose. Sour-milk products are consumed without restrictions.

First signs

It is difficult not to notice lactose intolerance in infants. Symptoms are associated with bloating, gas and grumbling. The baby is constantly tormented by constipation, and he has a belching after feeding. Parents also note many other factors that indicate a problem. So, signs of lactose intolerance in infants may be as follows:

  • there is a constant discharge of gases;
  • constipation occurs, and after the stool has passed away, many pieces of unchecked food are found in the feces;
  • constantly rumbling in the intestine, the abdomen is swollen and tense;
  • persistent colic; spitting up more profuse;
  • skin rashes or swelling may appear;
  • nausea and vomiting are common companions of the disease.

Mom's note

It is important for young parents to understand how to determine lactose intolerance in infants. Doctors warn that in this case, the stool in appearance is similar to sour milk. Moreover, feces are heterogeneous, as it should be normal. You can see a clear separation into the liquid component and undigested milk or mixture. Often you can observe bile or mucus in the stool. In this case, it takes on a greenish tint.

The most severely congenital lactose intolerance in infants occurs. Signs and what to do in this case - only the doctor will tell. The baby is feeling unwell. He suffers from discomfort in the digestive tract and constant pain. As a result of indigestion of food, there is a lack of many useful trace elements and vitamins. Infants lag behind not only in the physical plane, but also in the mental one. They later begin to hold their heads, sit, walk and talk. Mental development suffers, therefore it is important to keep such children under full medical supervision.

Lactose intolerance in infants - reviews

Establishing diagnosis

It is not difficult for an experienced pediatrician to make an accurate diagnosis based on the clinical picture. However, signs may also indicate other digestive problems. Therefore, the doctor will definitely conduct a series of studies to exclude them. It is necessary to verify the absence of:

  • pathogenic bacteria in the intestine;
  • worms;
  • impurities of bile in the digestive tract;
  • infectious diseases.

There are also special laboratory tests:

  • Milk perception test. The child drinks a glass of milk, and after 30 minutes a blood test for glucose is done. Its excess gives reason to make a diagnosis.
  • In infants, feces are taken for analysis and the amount of carbohydrates is detected.
  • A breath test can be used, which is the level of expired hydrogen. If it is necessary to process indigestible lactose by bacteria, the level of exhaled hydrogen increases sharply.
  • Analysis of lactose intolerance in infants can be carried out using an indicator strip. The baby is offered milk sugar mixed with water. After this, the analysis of urine is analyzed for half an hour using indicator strips.

In addition to standard laboratory tests, others may be prescribed. These include abdominal ultrasound, radiography, colonoscopy, and endoscopy.

How to treat

If lactose intolerance is detected in infants, what to do - this should be decided by the doctor. In any case, an appropriate diet will be prescribed, therapy with the necessary enzymes and taking medications to relieve symptoms.

Soya based mixture

Necessary diet

The basis of treatment is the complete exclusion of lactose-containing products. For infants, special mixtures that are devoid of this carbohydrate are recommended. As your child grows, you should also be careful. The list of recommended products included;

  • fish;
  • boiled meat;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • pasta, buckwheat and rice;
  • eggs
  • nuts
  • whole grain bread and bran;
  • vegetable oils;
  • jam, honey.

Parents are often interested in how to replace milk. In this case, soy milk and all products from it are suitable. Soy provides the body with vegetable protein, and meat - for animals. Therefore, the exclusion of cow's milk from the diet will not adversely affect the development of the baby. If fermented milk products do not cause digestive problems, then you can use them.

Nutrition Features

Sometimes a serious condition requires even refusal of breastfeeding. In this case, the doctor selects a special lactose-free mixture. But if the baby’s condition is not so serious and it develops normally, then, perhaps, you only need to adjust the mother’s menu. It is necessary to drastically reduce the consumption of products containing milk sugar. Thus, there is less lactose in breast milk, which means that the load on the digestive tract of the baby decreases.

Do not be afraid of mixtures without lactose or with its low content. They have in their composition all the necessary elements and vitamins for the successful growth of the baby. With the further introduction of complementary foods, you should focus on the list of recommended products above.

Lactose-free mixture

Drug therapy

If the baby's condition could not be normalized with the help of the mother’s diet and the introduction of lactose-free mixtures, then medication will be required. The digestive tract lacks certain enzymes to digest lactose, so they are prescribed in an artificial form.

Next, you need to populate the intestines of the baby with beneficial microflora. In this case, prebiotics based on lactobacilli are prescribed. They not only promote the digestion of milk, but also suppress the pathogenic microflora and struggle with increased gas formation.

If you feel unwell, symptomatic therapy is prescribed. It includes:

  • medicines for constipation or diarrhea;
  • preparations against fermentation and flatulence;
  • agents that improve intestinal motility;
  • vitamin-mineral complex to avoid vitamin deficiency.


A rather dangerous phenomenon is lactose intolerance in infants. Responses of doctors show that, if you put a similar problem without attention, then lags in physical growth and psychomotor development are possible. It is important to correctly choose the milk mixture, and mothers to eat rationally. The baby’s digestive tract should not be overloaded with milk sugar. At present, mixtures for children with a similar problem have been developed that fully satisfy babies in nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, there are no problems with their nutrition. The main thing is to undergo examinations on time and follow all the doctor's recommendations.


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