Solikamsk prison, or the legendary colony "White Swan": history and modernity

"White Swan" - this name is familiar to any modern Russian. The Solikamsk prison, or PKU IK-2 OIK-2 OUKHD GUFSIN, gained national fame due to the particularly strict conditions of detention of prisoners. Where is the legendary special regime colony located and how did it get its unofficial romantic name?

Correctional History

One of the most famous prisons in modern Russia was built in 1938. Initially, the prison was intended for political prisoners, mainly priests were kept in it.

Solikamsk prison

In 1955, a reorganization was carried out. The priests were transferred to another correctional institution, and the colony in Solikamsk became criminal. The famous Solikamsk prison becomes in 1980. It was then that EPKT was created here - a single chamber-type room. It was here that thieves in law were re-educated; through the colony "White Swan" in the entire history of its existence passed at least 4,500 convicts.

According to statistics, the average sentence to death of a prisoner was only 3-7 years. The prisoners who came here did not hope to leave the prison alive.

Where did the White Swan come from?

The place where the Solikamsk prison is located is the city of Solikamsk in the Perm Territory. The people most often call this correctional institution the “White Swan”. Where did such an unusual name come from?

Solikamsk prison address

The facades of all buildings located on the territory of the “zone” are painted white. If you look at the prison buildings from a bird's eye view, they resemble the silhouette of a large bird spreading its wings. But this is only one of the versions. According to another, the Solikamsk prison is called the “White Swan”, because the convicts here are allowed to move only in a special position - by tilting the body forward and throwing their arms far behind. The third legend about the origin of the name is more romantic. According to her, the prisoners who got into this colony understood that it was here that they would "sing" their last swan song.

Modern everyday life of the legendary prison

Today, the White Swan is a special regime colony. The most dangerous criminals are serving their sentences here. These are serial killers, rapists, members of terrorist groups, organizers of gangs. Many prisoners were sentenced to life imprisonment.

Solikamsk prison has cells designed to hold one, two or three prisoners. Each prisoner has a daily walk and weekly shower visit. The prisoners do not work in this colony, but, having received the personal permission of the leadership, they can engage in self-education and take books from the library.

Interesting facts about the colony of the special regime "White Swan"

In the entire history of the prison, there was not a single successful escape from it. Today, the “zone” is guarded by modern tracking systems and specially trained dogs. The Solikamsk prison has the following address: Perm Territory, Solikamsk, ul. Karnalitovaya 98. Prisoners can correspond with relatives. But the procedure for personal visits in this prison is strictly regulated. A special permit must be obtained to meet with the prisoner. Prisoners can visit a prison stall selling food and essentials.

where is the solikamsk prison

The “White Swan” today respects the conditions of the international standard for the maintenance of prisoners. The distribution of prisoners in the cells is carried out after passing tests of psychological compatibility. In the event of the death of a prisoner, his relatives can arrange a funeral on their own. Otherwise, the deceased is buried at public expense in the city cemetery of Solikamsk.


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