Skyrim Quest Items: Talos Amulet

Today we’ll talk about one of Skyrim’s quest items, the Talos Amulet. Amulets belong to the category of magic items that can both protect their possessor and significantly enhance his magical talents. Due to its properties, these gizmos can be useful to characters of absolutely all classes.

The Talos amulet from Skyrim was blessed by Talos the Dragonborn himself, the greatest hero God and protector of all mankind. Perhaps one of its main effects is considered to be a 20% reduction in time between the Tu'ums (dragon Shouts) . As we said earlier, this necklace is a quest item that can be obtained after completing several different tasks. We will talk about them below.

Talos Amulet in Skyrim

Quest "Search and Arrest"

The first task, in the course of which you can find the Talos amulet, in the "Skyrim" offers the city of Markarth. We set off for the location of the Podkamennaya Fortress, where we will meet with the Talmor Justiciar named Ondolemar. He will offer to carry out a small assignment, during which we will have to follow a certain bard. The main goal of the quest is to find any evidence that bard Ogmund is worshiping Talos.

The fact is that the Empire considers Talos a forbidden god, therefore, in accordance with the White Gold Concordat, any worship of Talos is prohibited. Despite these restrictions, many places in Skyrim still retain their former faith, and people continue to visit the Sanctuaries.

Search and Arrest: Searching for Evidence

An object that will help to compromise Ogmund is, of course, the Talos amulet from Skyrim. He is in a chest inside the character’s private house, located in Markarth. We recommend that you wait until the moment when Ogmund leaves for his business, since after opening the chest without attracting attention is simply impossible.

Quest for Talos Amulet in Skyrim

We take the little thing and go to the meeting with Ondolemar. Congratulations, completing one of the Skyrim quests with the Talos amulet will be considered completed! As a reward, we will receive a sum of money, which will depend on the level of the character, and (possibly to someone) an unpleasant feeling that he played the role of an informer. At the same time, relations with Ondolemar will significantly improve - we will definitely use this bonus when completing the "Diplomatic Immunity" task.

If you don’t really want to inform Ogmund, then you can try to kill Ondolemar - then the quest will be considered canceled. It is unlikely to do this in the stealth, but you can try to attack at a time when the target is in the room next to the legate along with two other soldiers. Unfortunately, no one will appreciate this act of nobility, and the character will be left without all the above rewards.

Quest "Return the grace of the Gods"

During our very first visit to Solitude, the execution scene will unfold at the main gate. It turns out that the person sentenced to decapitation is called Roggwyr, who was accused of complicity with the Storm Brothers. Let's talk with the locals about the crime and how they themselves relate to what happened.

& quot; Skyrim & quot ;: where to find Talos amulet?

The day after the execution, we will meet the girl Svari, from a conversation with which we learn that Roggvir was her uncle. Svari still does not know about the execution, she is worried that her mother no longer visits the Temple of the Gods, since Roggvir disappeared. We set off in search of a poor woman.

Greta stopped appearing on city streets, and prefers to be in her house. We will talk with her and find out that she is not completely opposed to the idea of ​​returning to the Temple, but after the execution of Roggvir she can no longer worship Talos. In order to somehow circumvent this ban, Greta needs a special amulet.

"Bring back the grace of the Gods": where to find the Talos amulet in Skyrim?

At this point, the body of the deceased brother of Greta will already be in the catacombs. We go towards the Hall of the Dead (a mark appears on the map) and go inside from the side of the city. We examine the catacombs - next to the entrance, on the left side, there will be a coffin with the body of Roggvir. We take the amulet of Talos and return to the Greta awaiting us. A grateful woman will report that she will now be able to return to the Temple of the Gods.

Quest Items in Skyrim: Talos Amulet

It is worth noting that sometimes there is a bug due to which players can not complete this quest. We advise you not to pick up the Talos amulet before talking with Greta, otherwise it simply will not work to give it back.


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