Museum of Fine Arts, Yekaterinburg, Voevodina 5: review, history and interesting facts

A person always seeks to know everything about his past. That is why people go to museums and find answers to exciting questions in them. The Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, on Voevodina 5, works very interestingly! It has wonderful own funds and changing expositions from storerooms, interesting imported exhibitions and own programs with master classes and lecture halls. The museum hosts international festivals. Mezzo Tinto is worth it! But the most interesting in the article.

What is the museum like

Many generations grew up on trips to museums and retained in his memory his perception of him as a public institution of a certain orientation. For most older citizens (according to polls), for some reason, a museum is presented with dull and gloomy rooms, old museum chests of drawers with glass covers under which the exhibits are gathering dust, elderly museum workers only watching who they would shout at. Perhaps this is how it was in those distant years when the elderly were now children.

Museum of Fine Arts Yekaterinburg Vojvodina 5

But this image has long been outdated. The whole paradox is that the museum is what we imagine it to be. The Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts is a confirmation of this. It differs from the view mentioned above. He is not boring and quite interesting.

History of the museum

The beginning is led by the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts from an art gallery in Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk). Currently, it is the largest cultural and art center. The museum has two sites. On the bank of Iset, in the reconstructed building of the XVIII century, which previously served as the mountain hospital of the Yekaterinburg Ironworks, there is the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, on Voevodina 5. In 1985, a spacious hall was equipped in the buildingโ€™s courtyard, in which there is a collection of Ural cast iron casting.

Since 1936, the second building of the museum (Weiner, 11) was occupied by the Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg) art gallery, which in 1985 was merged with the Museum of Fine Arts. Here is the construction of the exhibition building "Hermitage-Ural". During the war years, a collection of paintings by the Hermitage was evacuated to Sverdlovsk from Leningrad. Therefore, it was decided here to make a branch of the Russian museum.

Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts

Museum events and projects

The museum is known for its unique collections, such as iron castings. It exhibits cultural and educational projects, excursion programs, lectures, poetry evenings and performances. The museum takes part in the annual "Museum Night", being an interesting platform with virtual tours and unusual expositions, according to visitors who participated in this event. If we talk about the art museums of the Urals, the Museum of Fine Arts of Yekaterinburg on Voevodina, 5 will be the largest of them.

Carrying out the social project โ€œArt against Cancerโ€ with the charity foundation of the Russian Copper Company, the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, the Museum of Architecture and Design, the Mezzo Tinto, a copper engraving festival, is annually held at the museum. In 2017, on the day of the city, visitors saw the work of artists made by this sophisticated technique. Young talented authors who participated in the festival competition for the first time demonstrated their skills at the festival.

Mauk Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts

Kasli casting

These are amazingly beautiful things made by both old masters and modern. The most complex and beautiful exhibit of the exhibition is a pavilion made of cast iron. Around it are many large and small sculptures made of the same metal. This pavilion was created for the art and industrial exhibition of 1900 in Paris. The work is truly delicate, openwork, similar to lace. Visitors to the exhibition are simply enchanted by this jewelry work with cast iron. There are no such exhibits as here in any of the museums in the world. The pavilion made of cast iron deservedly received the awards of the World Exhibition in Paris: a gold medal and a crystal Grand Prix.

You can go for hours to the exhibits of Kasli casting, admiring how such fine work, such small things can be done from cast iron. The exposition of the pavilion has cast-iron figurines and designer jewelry.

Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts Art Gallery in Yekaterinburg

Picture gallery

The art gallery of the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts on Voevodina 5, has many halls and venues. The permanent exhibition provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the paintings presented on it for several days, or to select a specific topic and devote time to it in the museum. In the halls, each visitor will find what he likes.

Among the exhibits in the museum building there is a rich collection of icon painting, dating from the 17th century, of Russian and European art from the 14th to the 20th century. The applied art of the peoples of the Urals is multifaceted. Some of the paintings were donated to the UAC Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts from the Tretyakov Gallery, Pushkin Museum, and the Hermitage. You can slowly walk through the halls and look at paintings from different centuries. There are also various exhibitions that come with rare specimens. The museum contains landscapes of Levitan and paintings by I.K. Aivazovsky.

Museum of Fine Arts on Vojvodina

There is also a portrait painting of well-known artists Tropinin, Venetsianov, Repin, Kramskoy. The place of honor is occupied by the work of the sculptor Shadra and the painting of the Florentine artist Jacopo di Chione "Madonna and Child".

In the museum halls on Weiner, 11 is the exposition of Russian artistic avant-garde, Russian painting and contemporary art. Mobile exhibitions and exhibitions of photo artists are constantly working.

Instead of an afterword

A visit to the museum is useful for schoolchildren of all ages, their teachers and parents. You need to know both the history and art of the Urals. You need to go to museums! The inner intellectual space is filled precisely in them. Emotional empathy with the heroes of works (especially paintings), unity with them brings up, like nothing else. And if after visiting the museum you have thoughts about a work that have not gone out of your head for several days, then the time spent in the museum has not passed in vain.


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