Lilac Katerina Javemeyer (ordinary): botanical information

Lilac Katerina Javemeyer is a plant that grows in two forms: a large bushy bush or tree. The variety was bred at the beginning of the last century, and the Frenchman Emil Lemoine did it. This unusual name was obtained in honor of the wife of Lemoine's best friend, the famous breeder Theodore Javemeyer.

Lilac Katerina Javemeyer is characterized as a fragrant ornamental plant, resistant to urban conditions and the influence of external negative factors, including smoke and gas. The plant is distinguished by frost resistance, the main thing is to provide the bush with elementary care.

Lilac Katerina Javemeyer

Features of common lilac

The distinctive features of lilac varieties Katerina Javemeyer include:

  1. Size and height of the plant: the bushes are voluminous, with straight spreading branches, capable of reaching a height of 5 meters.
  2. A leaf shape resembling a heart; color is dark green; density is high.
  3. The color change in the fall is uncharacteristic.
  4. Belonging to the color group of pinkish lilacs. The color of the buds is from lavender to purple-lilac, the wrong side of the petals, as a rule, is painted more brightly.
  5. Size of inflorescences: double flowers can reach three centimeters in diameter.
  6. The structure of the corolla, which consists of 3 rows of petals of pointed shape, the edges of which are bent inward, resembling boats; rounded buds.
  7. The pyramidal shape of an inflorescence, assembled from 2-4 panicles with tight-fitting flowers, the base of which can reach 16 cm in diameter and 24 cm in height.
  8. Abundant flowering, falling from the end of April to the beginning of July.

Leaving and landing

Lilac Katerina Havemeier is a fast-growing plant, annual growth is 13-25 cm. Abundant flowering and the rate of development of the bush depend on the climatic characteristics and characteristics of the soil where it grows.

It feels best in an unshaded or semi-shaded quiet place. The plant is undemanding to the soil, but the application of potassium fertilizers positively affects its growth and development. Lilac can be fertilized once a year or less. After the flowering period, potassium fertilizer can be applied by mixing it with phosphate.

It shows good growth indicators on poor sandy soils, but, like any plant, it loves fertile soils rich in nutrients, perceives well-drained humus soil, from weakly acidic to alkaline, limestone.

Lilac negatively responds to waterlogging: stagnation of moisture and high standing of groundwater can provoke suppuration of the root system and the development of fungal diseases. But it shows high resistance to most diseases, frost and drought.

In general, the lilac Katerina Javemeyer is a picky plant. There are only two basic rules for tree care: timely pruning and removal of root offspring.

In the spring, even before the start of the growing season, cut branches to form the correct shape of the crown and stimulate flowering.

lilac katerina javemeyer description

Landing rules

Planting is performed in holes with a diameter of 40-50 cm and a depth of 35-45 cm.

Important! When planting, make sure that the root neck protrudes 5-7 cm above the soil level.

If sandy rocks prevail on the site, then the holes are additionally filled with the upper fertile soil layer, adding humus, chernozem, black peat or compost to it.

Favorite gardeners plant - lilac Katerina Javemeyer. Planting and care, as you see, are not difficult, and even a beginner in this business can grow such a plant at home.

Plant application

It is used at solitaire landings on a lawn, in groups, singly. It is actively used for municipal gardening: it is planted along roads, alleys, sirengari.

Parks are decorated with lilacs, forming freely growing hedges from bushes. From fragrant lilacs create excellent floral arrangements and bouquets.

The plant takes root perfectly in the conditions of the city, reacting poorly to the gas contamination of megacities. Therefore, it is landed at public places: shopping centers, hospitals, educational institutions, large office enterprises, in residential sectors and sleeping areas.

Lilac Katerina Javemeyer Planting and Care

Over the 95 years of its existence, the plant not only did not lose, but, on the contrary, increased the percentage of admirers among landscape designers, gardeners and summer residents. No one can remain indifferent to the beauty of inflorescences and their aroma.

Lilac Katerina Javemeyer, the description of which you studied, is not just a decorative, but also a plant useful to humans, because it treats with its appearance, aroma, and is actively used in folk medicine.

The plant positively affects the mini-ecosphere in the region in which it grows, which makes it even more popular among people choosing seedlings of flowering bush plants.


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