Frisolak mixes: reviews of baby food

Everyone knows that the best nutrition for a nursing baby is breast milk. However, various factors can affect the lactation of a young mother, and then the time comes to choose a mixture for artificial feeding.

frisolac reviews
Let's talk about Dutch-made baby food - Frisolak. Reviews about this line today are collected in large quantities, since it has been sold on the territory of the Russian Federation for more than ten years. The main question that parents are interested in when switching to artificial nutrition is: β€œWhich of the mixtures is suitable for the baby?”

Frisolak baby formula: reviews of experts and parents

frisolac hypoallergenic reviews
The company produces baby food in a variety of formulas. There are as many of them as the distinctive features of the digestion of young children at different stages of development. Today, many pediatricians opt for this baby food, as it is a full-fledged milk mixture that contains prebiotics and nucleotides. Thanks to the unique processing of protein, the manufacturer offers moms a digestible mixture for artificial feeding of children from the first days of life. The infant Frisolak mix provides the necessary supply of vitamins, nucleotides, trace elements and mineral salts. Reviews of pediatricians indicate that all the necessary components for the harmonious development and growth of the child are present in this diet. However, after reading the notes of the parents, one can note the fact that not all of them share the opinion of specialists. Some children have noticed changes in bowel function, someone does not absorb the mixture, or complaints about allergic reactions occur. It is fair to assume that perhaps in such situations it is simply necessary to choose the right mixture. After all, the company has developed both hypoallergenic options, and nutrition for children with cow protein intolerance, and much more.

Frisolak hypoallergenic: reviews of pediatricians and parents

baby friso mix

Since today there has been an increase in the growth of allergic reactions in the population, especially for young children, the baby food line includes specialized mixtures: Frisolak GA-1 and Frisolak GA-2. This food is intended to neutralize any allergic manifestations. It is advisable to include it in the diet, even if you baby is prone to diathesis or other reactions. Always consult a pediatrician before giving your child one of the specialized Frisolac products. Parents' reviews indicate that a lack of information in compiling a child’s diet sometimes leads to disruption of the stomach and intestines. Pediatricians noted complaints of constipation or too rare stools. Moreover, it has a green color and a sharp unpleasant odor. However, it later became clear that parents had no idea how to correctly introduce specialized mixtures into the diet.


At the sixth month of life, babies already need various cereals. The Friso infant formula will help here. This line is rice, corn, cereal milk porridge. The composition of these baby food dishes includes various fruit additives that have been tested for harmlessness, and have also been approved by pediatricians.


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