Arbolite blocks: reviews and construction experience

It is foolish to talk about what all of recent years have been marked by the desire of people to build their own housing. The man realized that the living conditions in modern cities are very far from ideal, and therefore their own suburban cottage has become the crown of dreams for many of our compatriots.

wood concrete blocks reviews
It was then that they were confronted with the unpleasant fact that the cost of building materials started up sharply. What can you build your home from without going broke? Experts advise using arbolitovye blocks. Reviews say that from them you can build a very decent and durable housing.

Material characteristics

If you are not a builder, you are unlikely to know what it is. Well, this issue needs to be clarified. The fact is that “arbolit” is a material related to aerated concrete. In addition to cement, it includes woodworking waste: shavings, sawdust and other “garbage”.

Due to such specific fillers, this material is light and easy to process. Of course, affordable and common filler greatly reduces the cost of the production and construction process. That is why many choose arbolite blocks. Reviews of the material say that for relatively little money you get a full house.

Material properties

What properties does arbolite endow with such a production technology? First of all, it is characterized by low thermal conductivity, quite durable, and is not amenable to fire and burning. With all this, this material is much more environmentally friendly than the same polystyrene concrete and its analogues.

house made of wood concrete blocks
In particular, this is manifested in the fact that the walls "breathe". Thus, arbolite blocks, reviews of which are so optimistic, are an excellent alternative to expensive brick or not too durable wood. Unlike the latter, you will have to make less effort for the interior decoration of the house, as they are quite even.

Given this, arbolite blocks, the sizes of which are in the range of 500x250x300 mm, can be used for the quick construction of high-quality and durable housing.

Some disadvantages

Of course, not without negative traits. Note that many of those who did not like arbolite as material did not at all take into account the “human factor”. Simply put, the properties of the material largely depend solely on the place of its production.

Some builders say that care must be taken when processing and laying walls. Ostensibly large pieces may break away from them.

This is due to the use in the production of cement of inadequate quality. In addition, it often happens that domestic "businessmen" in order to reduce the cost of laying in the blocks not normal wood shavings, but real dust. What this leads to is not hard to guess.

arbolite blocks sizes
In any case, arbolite blocks, reviews of which immediately become negative, are clearly not to blame.

Other benefits

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to determine other advantages of the material. For example, its lightness makes it possible not to use heavy construction equipment. The reviews of grateful people say that they saved a lot of money, managing only on their own when erecting walls.

In addition, a house made of wood concrete blocks can be put on a light foundation, which will also save you money.


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