Three-wheeled scooter from 2 years. How to choose a scooter for a child?

Currently, manufacturers of children's equipment and toys offer parents to purchase a wide variety of products for their babies. A popular pastime is the tricycle scooter. For children, you can buy it in almost every toy store. This article will tell you how to choose the right entertainment accessory, and when to do it.

three-wheeled scooter from 2 years

Three-wheeled scooter from 2 years

Two years is the ideal age for a child to buy him a similar toy. During this period, the baby is already quite well developed physically. At the same time, he can learn new techniques. A child riding a scooter from two years old becomes stronger. He correctly formed posture and reaction. It is better to use a scooter in the warm season. The accessory is absolutely not intended for riding on ice and snow.

It is worth noting that not every scooter (tricycle from 2 years old) will suit your baby. In order for the child to develop normally, it is necessary to choose the right vehicle. Consider the main criteria that you need to pay attention to before you buy a three-wheeled scooter.

Product price

The cost of a scooter can range from 1 to 30 thousand rubles. What price is average and normal? In fact, a lot depends on related accessories and the material the vehicle is made of.

A good three-wheeled scooter (from 2 years) costs about 3-7 thousand rubles. For this amount you can buy a very decent means of transportation. So, with the price you have decided. What to look further?

scooter children's tricycle scooter

Wheels and their material

A very important criterion is the wheels. It is this detail that will have to carry your baby for a long time. Some manufacturers offer to buy a tricycle from 2 years old with an inflatable bottom. However, this option is far from the best. Inflatable wheels will be an ideal means of transportation for strollers, cars, bicycles. It is better to buy a scooter without such a detail. Otherwise, you have to constantly pump up the wheels, achieving balance. What should they be made of?

These parts can be silicone or plastic. Also, the wheels sometimes have a rubberized surface. What's better? Prefer silicone or rubberized wheels on the scooter. Be sure to pay attention to the possibility of replacing the part. If the wheels are removed, then this is a definite plus. After all, if one part deteriorates, you can simply replace it. Otherwise, the child is given to buy a new vehicle.

scooter tricycle price

Wheel arrangement

A vehicle for a baby has two wheels on one side and one on the other. Among the goods presented in the store you can see two types of products. It can be a scooter that has two wheels in front or rear. What's the difference? Should this criterion be taken into account?

In fact, it cannot be said that one type of vehicle is bad. If you get a scooter that has two wheels in front, then it will be more stable. Such a vehicle is suitable for kids who are afraid to ride on their own. When the two wheels are located behind, this suggests that the vehicle will be more maneuverable. It is suitable for rough roads. Before you purchase a particular type of product, you must give your baby a try to ride on both scooters.

The presence of additional accessories: Seat

You can purchase a three-wheeled scooter for children . Such a vehicle will allow your child to travel long distances. As a rule, kids get tired after one hour of riding. Indeed, in the process of entertainment, the child does not just play, he receives a fairly strong physical exertion.

Three-wheeled scooter for children allows the child to sit for a while in the process of riding. At the same time, the resting place can be removed with one hand. Also, some models are equipped with such an accessory that lowers and rises. In this case, the child can always use the seat.

tricycle scooter for children


What steering wheel should a three-wheeled scooter have? Experts say that the handles should be made of non-slip material. The fact is that the rotation function is embedded in the steering wheel. So, if you tilt it slightly to the right, then the vehicle will turn in the corresponding direction.

Quite often, a child’s pens can sweat. When moving, palms should hold the steering wheel firmly. With poor-quality performance of this part of the scooter, the baby's handles can simply slip. This is fraught with serious injury.

The main material for the manufacture of vehicles

The next criterion worthy of attention when buying a scooter for a child is the material from which it is made. See what the steering wheel is made of. Also pay attention to the bandwagon. Which options would be ideal?

The wheel and handle of the scooter for a child or adult should be made of durable metal. This will help to avoid breakage while driving. If this part of the vehicle is plastic, it can cause serious injury.

What should be the footboard? Here you can use durable plastic. However, if there is such an opportunity, it is better to purchase a scooter with a metal footboard. For products with plastic parts, the permissible load must always be taken into account.

tricycle scooter reviews

Summing up tips

You have now learned how to choose the right scooter for a two-year-old baby, and you can go shopping. Separately take into account the color of the product and the pattern on it. Give your child the opportunity to participate in this choice.

Pay attention to the presence of a basket on the purchased vehicle. She, of course, does not play a very important role. However, the baby, if desired, can put there his favorite toys and always carry them with him. Good luck with your purchase and easy choice!


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