Cork panel and other home crafts

Creative people will find an approach to everything, right? If you like to create something new with your hands, decorate your home with designer crafts, decorations and panels, you know exactly what it is about. Not a single thing that any other person does not need is subjected to such creative attention as needleworkers. So, for example, they do not ignore wine corks. They make excellent home decorations, useful and just pleasing to the eye. Are you curious to see what we have prepared for you? Then go ahead, we have in store a couple of successful crafts.


Following our instructions, you can make excellent crafts, for example, paintings, convenient coasters, figures. You can’t imagine what can be done from wine corks! The Internet is full of ideas, but at the same time each of your work will be original, because not a single traffic jam used by you will be like another.

Original cork board

But before creating from them, let's learn how to prepare corks so that it is easier to use them for creating crafts.

Traffic jam preparation

Wine corks can always be used, right? They can also decorate the wall, and decorate a corner in your kitchen, and create panels or neat coasters, tags and key rings. And when you have collected enough traffic jams, the question is how to use them correctly. Often corks, for example, from champagne, have a rumpled appearance, while others, for example, can be dipped in red wine, they need to be leveled and washed. To work in the future with traffic jams it was simple and pleasant that they easily succumb to the knife, boil them. No matter how strange it may sound, however, cooking will not only soften the cork, but also clean and level it.

How many interesting things can be made from traffic jams

Having welded a portion of the collected corks, you can safely proceed to the creative process.

Wine cork pattern

Cork panels are very popular, they harmoniously complement any interior. The paintings look great both in the bedroom and in the kitchen, it all depends on what you depict on them.

Look at the beautiful traffic jam picture below. Gorgeous image that is very easy to lay out. But start with a simple one, such as flowers, fungi, etc.

Great picture!

After you have prepared the corks, divide them by color and cut into circles no more than three millimeters wide. On the drawing paper, draw the contours of your painting with a pencil. You can also print your outline by finding a suitable simple picture on the Internet.

Place the cork on the paper, do not forget about the colors and shades. When all the circles are located on the "canvas", take a closer look, whether everything is so, whether everything suits you, whether your picture looks right, and proceed. Stock up with superglue or glue gun and gradually attach the details to the Whatman paper, collecting the picture, like a puzzle.

Geometry, a panel from traffic jams

See what panel can be made of corks and beer caps. After all, you can use not only wine. Combine, create and from corks from plastic bottles. They are colorful and bright. Having collected a sufficient number of different colors, you will get an incredible bright decoration for the home.

Marine Theme


What else can be done from wine corks? For example, hot coasters. In general, a small napkin made of cork circles is just a great decoration for a table in the kitchen or in the living room on a coffee table.

Hot Stands

There are many options for creating a stand. You can cut the corks along or in circles, lay out the ornament, press the circles tightly to each other or glue them in the form of honeycombs.

Great table decoration

Use a hot glue gun to firmly fasten the cork to each other, then you will get excellent, durable, heat-resistant coasters made by yourself from improvised materials.


How to make a panel of traffic jams, we already know, and what else can you create with your own hands to diversify the interior? Wine corks can be used as a rug. It's simple: sticking halves of wine corks in a certain order, you will get an excellent rug that perfectly absorbs moisture. Such a place in the soul or, for example, at the threshold.

You can find the use of cork panels not only as a simple decoration, but also, for example, as a holder for jewelry. How do you like this idea? It’s easy to drive a couple of nails into the panel, but you will get a convenient holder for jewelry.

Panel holder, very convenient

By the way, how about using such a panel of key caps? Nice and comfortable, and the keys are always in place.

Figures from this material are no less relevant. See how wonderful this heart of corks looks. You can put a couple of bottles in it or store any little thing. Nice decoration in the living room, hallway and kitchen.

Wine cork carriage

There are many other options, such as candle holders, cork boards, brooches and wreaths. They can decorate countertops and use instead of tiles in the kitchen.

We hope you enjoyed the ideas from the wine bottle panel and other life hacks. Create, create and experiment, and then share with us the result of your imagination!


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