Cane Corso training at home

Cane Corso - specific dogs. They are smart, but subduing them is very difficult. Throughout its life, such a pet will sort things out with the owner. This is manifested in the constant testing of leadership qualities. Who will win the confrontation: the dog or the owner?

Let's try to figure out what is the peculiarity of the education and training of Cane Corso.

Three dogs

A puppy appeared at home

The breed of the future pet has been identified for a long time. This is Cane Corso. The happy owner, in preparation, re-read a lot of literature about the breed. Now he knows exactly how to feed the dog, how to care for her and how she can get sick. But in an impulse to study the necessary books, the sections of training simply fell out of memory.

And here is a small and very pretty puppy at home. He is funny, clumsy and completely unlike the object of training. I want to squeeze and stroke this, but not to train at all.

Cane puppy - Corso

And you have to. The dog grows, after 4 months it will turn out to be quite an adult Cane Corso. And if she is not brought up, the owner is a big minus.

How does training a puppy begin?

  • With rules set by the host. If it is possible, then it is possible. But if this cannot be done, then it cannot be done at all. No concessions.
  • Training, in its early stages, is carried out in a playful way. For very young puppies, up to 4 months, a gradual increase in training time is necessary.
  • Be sure to reward the pet for a correctly executed team. When training a Cane Corso puppy at home, praise is a best friend.

Puppy training up to 4 months

Usually, babies are given to new owners at the age of 2.5–3 months. If the future owner is confident in his abilities, and he has time for a pet, then he can agree with the breeder and pick up the puppy at the age of 40 days.

So baby at home. The first thing to do is show him the place. Highlight a nook with puppy bedding. Or, as an ideal option, a cage for a dog. Puppy put a litter there.

Give the pet two to three days to master and you can slowly start raising it. Up to 2 months of training, Cane Corso is not conducted. The puppy is raised.

It all starts with accustoming to the daily routine. These babies are fed 6 times a day, every three hours. Woke up, went outside (if the pet has all the vaccinations), returned home - ate. Then time for the game. If at the time of the game the puppy begins to be forgotten and grabs the owner by the arms and legs, the owner strictly tells him β€œno”. The game ends. Golden Rule:

  • The owner plays with the dog when he wants it. And not on demand.

Puppies are good manipulators. The little Cane Corso will look into his eyes, wag his short tail and with all his appearance express his desire to play. The owner should not indulge the pet in this.

Brown Cane Corso puppy

Starting from the age of two months, in order to train and educate a Cane Corso puppy, they begin classes. They are built in a playful way. Does the kid want to get a ball or something tasty? First, let the team execute, then receive a reward. The first week of classes are held for 3 minutes, up to 10 times a day. In the second week already 4 minutes, the number of approaches is reduced. Gradually, the duration of the training increases, the frequency of approaches decreases.

From four and above

The main training of a Cane Corso puppy, when it absorbs all the material, takes up to 4 months. The kid at this age is obedient, the psyche is flexible. In general, the basics of obedience to the master are laid, and the pet learns the commands.

At 4 months, the baby gradually enters the transitional age. This is where the struggle for leadership begins. Doggie is trying in every possible way to prove to the owner that the leading role in their pair is on the puppy. The owner will need patience and restraint to stop this without violence against the dog.

At this age, it is better to continue training with a competent dog handler. The owner must be able to see his dog and have contact with it. If this is not the case, full-fledged training will not work.

Cane Corso puppies

Adult dog

What are the features of training a cane corso no longer a puppy? This dog is hard to get to obey. If in puppyhood it was not possible to establish contact with the pet, then adjusting the behavior of an adult dog is not an easy task. Not everyone can realize it. The owner should not only be solid, but also know the psychology of the dog.

Cane Corso does not tolerate when they raise their voices. And if any other breed simply shrinks and ceases to trust the owner, then the Cane Corso is quite capable of putting a person in place. He will do it quickly and without warning. Another thing is that the owner will hasten to get rid of such a pet as soon as possible.

If you had to deal with an adult dog, then it must be encouraged for correctly executed commands. Ideally, it should be a treat that the dog loves. The pet should be trained only on the positive, no shouts and mechanical impact on him. Pulling on a leash, hitting the croup and paws - all this is prohibited. Unless, of course, the trainer does not want to lose his arm, leg or both parts of the body.

Cane - Corso in winter

Basic rules of training

Training of dogs Cane Corso can be done by a competent dog handler. These dogs are complex, but with the proper approach, they open up and are ready to serve. What should the owner do if there is no way to contact a dog handler? Remember the basic rules of training.

  • Moving from simple to complex. First, a primary conditioned reflex is developed. And already at its base - secondary, tertiary and beyond.
  • A simple conditioned reflex is acquired and fixed quite quickly.
  • The best way to influence a pet is to taste and encourage.
  • In many Soviet books on training, you can find words that nothing is better than a mechanical method. This is not true. The mechanics are not suitable for Cane Corso.
  • The basis of the basics is the contact between the dog and the owner. The pet must want to communicate with the owner. You can’t turn such a serious breed into a toy.
  • The education and training of Cane Corso is not an easy task. The main thing here is to see the line. The dog must want to train. If the dog looks detached, he does not like the occupation at all, and does not want to look at the owner, he will have to postpone the training. And get in touch.
  • When you hear words that the dog is simply obliged to love the owner, I want to say: she owes nothing to anyone. These dogs do not like their owners, in truthful language. But to gain respect from the dog is the direct task of its owner.

Basic equipment for classes

Cane Corso training does not require any special equipment or inventory. The trainer will need:

  • the leash is short;
  • the leash is long;
  • soft leather collar;
  • harness with a long leash for ZKS;
  • delicacy;
  • a toy;
  • bag for treats.

Nothing supernatural, as we see, is not included in the training kit. All this can be purchased at any pet store.

It is advisable to buy a leash leather or canvas. The collar should be soft, no burrs.

As a toy, a ball is used, most often. On a rope, to make it more convenient to deal with a dog.

A treat is boiled and finely chopped meat, offal, and crackers made from wheat bread. The main food as a treat for the dog is not suitable.

In the rack

A bit about the behavioral psychology of the breed

To train the Cane Corso to be a joy to the owner and the dog, you need to know something about these animals.

  • Most representatives of the breed are phlegmatic. They are slightly inhibited: they have to be pushed to action.
  • As mentioned above, these dogs do not tolerate moral and physical violence.
  • Pet control must be established from childhood.
  • Contact with a dog is a prerequisite for full cooperation.
  • Dogs are on their own mind, despite being phlegmatic.
  • If you have to defend the owner, you may decide not to attack without a team. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, it can serve a bad role.
  • Loyal to children. They treat strangers incredulously, but they do not feel anger.
  • With other animals get along quite calmly.


In the article we examined the features of training Cane Corso. We single out the main aspects.

  • It is necessary to raise a puppy from the moment he appeared at the owner of the house.
  • Parenting begins with establishing a framework of permissibility and prohibitions.
  • If the owner has allowed something, it’s forever. Bans are also set once and for all. Today the puppy made a puddle on the carpet, and laughed at it? Tomorrow he will not understand why he is scolded when he again performs this action.
  • The puppy is trained up to 4 months according to the principle: few, but often.
  • Feed on the same principle.
  • Be sure to reward the pet for a correctly executed team.
  • As a reward, a treat or a toy is used.
  • Cane Corso does not tolerate self-abuse. They can give a serious rebuff.
  • The pet needs a steady hand, but at the same time, guiding the dog without screaming and beating.
  • An adult dog is more difficult to subdue than a puppy. Correcting dog behavior is almost impossible.
  • Contact between the dog and the owner is a prerequisite for training.
Gray Cane Corso


We examined the main issues related to the issue of training Cane Corso at home. Speaking about the breed, I would like to note that this dog is not for everyone. It is specific, and will not suit an inexperienced owner.

Keeping such a dog in the apartment is not a problem. If he is raised. Otherwise, the owner and others will not be lucky.


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