Russian breeds of dogs: a brief description

Russia is a rich and unique country. Over the centuries, its culture, traditions and customs have evolved. And all this has a lot of fans. For a long time dogs have been bred on the territory of our state. At the moment, more than 10 unique breeds are known that were "created" here in Russia. And many of them are recognized internationally. Russian dog breeds have spread around the world.

Russian dogs

All breeds that were bred on the territory of the Soviet Union, after its collapse, automatically belong to Russia. For example, the South Russian shepherd obtained in the territory of the former Tavria, the present Kherson region, and the Georgian Caucasian - are assigned to the Federation and belong to domestic breeds. At this stage in the development of cynology, we can say for sure: any person on the planet will like a representative of a particular breed. You can choose to your taste - there are hunting, decorative, service dogs.

Each of them has its own individual character, like a person. They differ among themselves not only in their purpose, but also in size, coat, and temper. Some Russian hunting dog breeds have a long history dating back to ancient centuries. For example, hounds dogs have been known since the 11th century. They were bred to hunt the king. There are also relatively young dogs - the so-called chestnut and mermaid.

East European Shepherd

Dog hatching period: 1930-1960. Outwardly, the dog looks like a German. And this is not surprising, because it is the basic type of breed. However, there are significant, albeit subtle differences. Most of them relate to the shape of the body: the croup of the Russian specimen is not beveled, the dimensions are larger. The characteristic color will be black, dark with opal, and black. East European Shepherd is smart enough, hardy and well trained. Due to this, it can be used in police, customs, security. The dog is suitable even for a novice dog breeder.

Russian dog breeds

Black terrier

The species appeared in the second half of the XX century. Not all Russian dog breeds can boast of such a legendary name as "Stalin's dog." In addition to the black terrier. It was on the orders of Joseph Vissarionovich that this breed was bred. Giant Schnauzer became the base dog. It is with him that you can confuse terrier puppies. The external data of an adult is unique. The height of the dog reaches 70 cm. The coat is quite thick, on the face you can see a small mustache and beard. By nature, these dogs are brave, bold, intelligent and strong.

dog breed russian toy terrier

Hound dog

The dog appeared in Russia a very long time ago. The breed was bred in the XVII century. The color of the dog varies, which adds to its mystery. The coat is thick. Aristocracy and elegance - this can be felt not only during the external examination of the dog, but also after communicating with it. With a greyhound they hunt various animals: from a hare to wolves, although in recent times it has been increasingly used as a simple decorative dog. At exhibitions, this breed always takes first place.

dog breed russian spaniel


The period of withdrawal of the dog: XIX century. Huskies, as a rule, are used for hunting many small and large animals. They perfectly cope with game, fur-bearing representatives of fauna, large and ungulate animals. The most powerful of this family will be the East Siberian husky. The height of the dog reaches 73 cm. Although Russian dog breeds sometimes surprise with their colors, the husky exceeded all expectations. A dog can be born black, brown, red, white, gray, black piebald. The breed is represented by a whole palette of different colors. In the XX century, a small like of all possible appeared - West Siberian. Her height does not exceed 60 cm. The color of this species is black and white.

dog breed russian hound


The dog appeared at the very beginning of the XXI century. The prototype for this breed was the small animals that were among the favorites of the ladies of Tsarist Russia. In other words, the base view is York. The growth of the mermaid does not exceed 30 cm. The face of this dog is smart and intelligent. Six is ​​quite thick. Color options are pleasing in abundance: piebald, red, symbiosis of the listed colors, white and marble. A dog by nature likes to accompany his master always and everywhere. Loves to sit in his arms.

Russian hunting dog breeds

Russian Spaniel

The period of withdrawal of the dog: XX century. Russian Spaniel is the result of the union of the American and the springer. The dog will be indispensable in the hunt. It is easy for her to catch a bird or some small animal like a hare. This breed of dog is capable of much. Russian Spaniel will become a best friend. He gets along well with children. With pleasure he will find on a regular walk in the forest a hedgehog, a snake, a turtle or a lizard. The spaniel is hardy and loves exercise.

Russian spaniel

Toy Terrier

The dog was bred in the 20th century. In those days, as a result of the crisis and a certain situation in the USSR, the import of decorative dogs into the territory from the West stopped abruptly. That is what influenced the work of canine societies. As a result, a new breed of dog, the Russian Toy Terrier, was bred. The nature of the animal is such that it does not need careful care. They perfectly play the role of an ordinary urban doggie. However, the character of the dog, despite the appearance, is quite strong. Some representatives should be carefully trained so that an evil and aggressive animal does not grow out of them.

Toy Terrier


Withdrawal period: XX century. This breed of dog - the Russian hound - is characterized by special qualities when hunting. The character of the dog is designed so that it is able to track down the smell of the game by its smell and pursue it until the victim is completely exhausted. The dog is kind, sympathetic, loving, hardy, assertive and stubborn when it comes to hunting.



The breed was bred in the XX century. Buryat-Mongol wolfhound bypasses all Russian dog breeds. Well suited even for nomadic tribes who need constant protection. This guard and hunting dog will amaze any owner with its abilities. She has a stable psyche, good intuition, and she is also a caring and loyal friend.


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