DIY hearts from fabric. How to make a heart? Fabric hearts

Want to surprise your loved one? Give him a small souvenir that will become the talisman of your tender feelings. It is a symbol of love - the heart. How could such a present not please someone who is dear to you? Moreover, the souvenir will be made with your hands, all your love and care will be invested in it. In this article, we will talk about how to make hearts out of fabric. Several master classes are presented for your attention, focusing on which you can perform different products in the form of a symbol of love. This is a soft pillow, and a fragrant heart-pendant, and a magnet. We hope that the information will be interesting for you, and you will take it into your arsenal. We study workshops that explain how to make a heart - a symbol of love and fidelity.

do-it-yourself hearts made of fabric

Hearts made of fabric. We create cute souvenirs using the tilde technique with our own hands. Training

Today, such a direction in needlework as the manufacture of souvenirs using the tilde technique is very popular. In the instructions below, we’ll talk about how to make a heart-shaped pendant using this method. But first, get acquainted with the list of necessary materials for work:

  • linen fabric;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • brush;
  • threads to match the color of the fabric;
  • needle;
  • filler (synthetic winterizer, holofiber, synthetic winterizer);
  • decorative braid or twine;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • cinnamon;
  • water;
  • PVA glue;
  • decorative buttons;
  • the saucepan is small.

Stage of making blanks for souvenir

Our product will be not only beautiful in appearance, but also very fragrant. The divine smell of cinnamon coffee emanating from a souvenir will always remind your loved one about you. How to sew a heart from a fabric, we learn from the instructions.

how to make a heart

First of all, you need to soak and dye a piece of linen textile with a fragrant solution. To prepare it, you need to take a pinch of cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of instant coffee and cocoa. Stir these products in a saucepan and pour half a large glass of hot water. Add 1 tablespoon of PVA glue here and mix the solution thoroughly. Put the fabric in the resulting mass and hold it there for about 5 minutes. Squeeze the flap, spread in a warm place and allow to dry. After ironing it with an iron.

We cut out a pattern in the shape of a heart from paper. Transfer it to the fabric, circle with a pencil. Next, we fold the textiles twice and, departing from the contours of the sketch by 0.5 cm, cut out two identical elements.

Assembly of parts and decoration

We sew the blanks along the contour outlined with a pencil. We leave a hole 2 cm long, through it we turn out the crafts on the front side. We fill it with filler, and we make out the hole with a hidden seam. We try to shove the sintepon (or other selected material) as tightly as possible, distributing it evenly.

Now, fragrant hearts made of fabric, made with our own hands, we will decorate. Using a brush, apply the remaining aromatic solution from coffee and other ingredients. Leave to dry. You can speed up this process if you put the product on a warm battery or window sill, where the sun's rays fall. After drying, sew a loop of twine or braid. We decorate the surface of the souvenir with decorative buttons in the form of hearts, flowers, coffee beans or any other. You can embroider in the form of the initials of your beloved or tender words. If you have artistic abilities, then you can paint the product with acrylic paints. All decorative elements are also coated with a fragrant solution and dried. Fragrant vintage hearts made of fabric made in this way will definitely not leave indifferent those to whom you give them.

hearts from fabric photo

The "heart" pillow is a soft and beautiful accessory. Training

If you have basic sewing skills, then to make such a product is not difficult. Bright pillow made of knitted fabric in the shape of a heart looks simply gorgeous. It can become a wonderful decorative addition to the overall interior of your home, and a wonderful gift for a loved one. Before you learn how to make a heart out of fabric in the form of an application for a pillow, we will familiarize ourselves with the list of materials necessary for work. We will need the following materials and tools:

  • small pillow;
  • red knitwear, cut into pieces measuring 38 x 38 cm, 25.5 x 38 cm (2 pcs.) and a strip of 4 x 150 cm;
  • fabric with a pattern that harmoniously matches the color scheme with square knitwear, with sides measuring 30.5 cm;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • threads
  • a piece of chalk;
  • sewing machine.

how to sew a heart from fabric

For appliques on a pillowcase, we make hearts from fabric

With our own hands we sew a cover on a small pillow. If you don’t have one, then you can quickly make it at home. To do this, cut out two identical square parts from natural fabric (linen, cotton, chintz), stitch them. Then the product is turned out, stuffed with filler. Sew the hole and that's it - the pillow is ready.

Let's talk more about how to sew a pillowcase. We fold the cardboard in half and cut out of it a 22 cm tall heart-shaped figure. Its width should also be 22 cm. We transfer this template to the fabric with a pattern. We cut out, departing from the contours of 2.5 cm. We bend one of the knitted details of a rectangular shape by 0.6 cm along the long edge and hem. In the same way, we arrange one side of the second such blank. Now about how to make a heart out of fabric. On a square knitted piece in the middle we put a figure from textile with a pattern, pin it with pins. We sew the edges of this workpiece together with the square, departing from the contour by 0.6 cm. We cut off the excess edges. Turn the square to the wrong side. From above (on the area where the heart is sewn) we put a template from cardboard and draw a circle around it with chalk. We make an incision in the center of the workpiece and carefully along the contour outlined with chalk, cut out the shape. It turns out a square knitted piece with a “window” in which the application in the form of a heart is located. We sew a long textile strip along the middle with large stitches. Then we pull the ends of the threads, forming a frill. Its length should be such as to completely frame the heart. We sheathe the application with it, thereby masking the seams along the edge of the "window". Rectangular parts are imposed on the square, wraping them one on top of the other. We sew the cover around the perimeter, departing from the edge of 0.6 cm. We turn the pillowcase out, iron it and put it on the pillow. The product is ready.

fabric hearts

How to make a heart from felt fabric? Mastering execution technology

A wonderful souvenir for Valentine's Day not only for a loved one, but also for all friends and work colleagues can be a small heart made of felt fabric with your own hands. The creation of such crafts is an exciting and interesting activity. Souvenirs of such a plan are executed very quickly, so in a short time you can make a lot of them. What is needed in order to start creativity? We read the list of materials:

  • felt fabric of red and white color (or any other);
  • needle;
  • paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • threads for sewing and embroidery;
  • scissors;
  • filler (cotton wool, holofiber, synthetic winterizer, thread or fabric trimmings);
  • decorative elements: buttons, beads, beads).

Stage of textile valentines

We are preparing small surprises for dear people - hearts made of fabric. With our own hands we will make them from felt. First, cut out the pattern template from paper folded in half. We transfer it to felt, circle and carry out two identical parts. Now decorate them. We do this as our soul desires: embroidery, beading, buttons or beads. If you want to make an ornament, draw it with a pencil before embroidering.

how to make a heart from fabric
When the decor is done, we fold the two halves of the product together and connect them together with a backing seam. We do this on the front side, that is, the product will not turn out. When the hole remains about 1 cm, we stuff the figure with cotton or other filler. Sew the hole.

What can serve as a "Valentine" felt?

Such hearts made of fabric (photo confirming this) can be pendants for keys, a mobile phone, a handbag. It will only be necessary to attach a loop from the braid to it. Also, such a souvenir can be supplemented with a pin from the wrong side - and this is a ready-made brooch for your beloved girlfriend. If you sew an elastic on it, then "Valentine" becomes an exclusive accessory for hair. Such hearts can also serve as souvenir magnets. A special blank is inserted into the middle of the product, attaching it with hot-melt adhesive, before stitching the parts.

vintage fabric hearts

As you can see, there are many ways to make a heart out of fabric with your own hands. Choose the one that you like. Give loved ones your love!


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