How to choose an aquarium: criteria, filters, compressors, soil, tips for beginners

Choosing the first aquarium is not an easy task. Indeed, the general condition of the fish, their well-being and whether they will have offspring depend on how correctly the vessel itself and all the components necessary for it are selected.

This article will provide tips for beginners on how to choose an aquarium for fish so that the indoor pond becomes a safe, stable habitat for cold-blooded animals.

indoor aquarium


It is worthwhile to find out why difficulties usually arise with the first aquarium and which aquarium is better to choose in order to avoid them. One understandable thing should be recognized by a beginner aquarist, first of all, is that the aquarium water is strictly limited in its volume, and this volume is extremely small compared to natural reservoirs. And the most important resources, respectively, are extremely small. This circumstance can lead to inevitable consequences. For example, if the owner is prevented from sleeping by the gurgling of bubbles from the compressor or filter, he can turn them off, which, in turn, will lead to death from suffocation of aquarium fish. Since a limited volume of water contains very little dissolved oxygen, one should resort to its constant artificial supply. Or, so that the fish always have it, you will have to keep a limited number of them in the aquarium.

beautiful design

How to choose an aquarium for fish

Before you purchase an aquarium, you need to determine for yourself what its purpose and task is. Therefore, in order to find out how to choose the right aquarium and not make mistakes, you should use the tips for beginners and rely on certain criteria.

The size

So, which one to choose an aquarium for beginners? A medium-sized aquarium will be optimal for a beginner, this is a capacity of about 60-170 liters. If the financial means allow enough space in the house, then you can immediately purchase a large aquarium of 250-500 liters. The larger the aquarium system, the more stable it will be, and the hassle with it will be less. This is only if everything goes smoothly.

aquarium cabinet

But what to do if a failure occurs that requires replacing water in a large aquarium? After all, it still needs to be prepared, but from a water supply system, as a rule, one cannot pour water in such quantities. To avoid disruptions, it is necessary to equip the aquarium with effective, reliable and rather expensive equipment. But this, too, cannot guarantee that everything will go smoothly, since a beginner can make such a mistake that even the most intelligent and expensive equipment cannot fix. Therefore, if a novice aquarist is not ready for high financial costs, then the best choice for him is to purchase a medium aquarium. It will be the easiest to maintain. But how to choose between 60 and 170 liters? In this case, it is better to choose the last option. It has more options for decoration, selection of fish and plants.


The proportions and aspect ratio of the aquarium when choosing it are a very important factor, and not only from an aesthetic point of view. Depends on how much and what kind of fish can be kept in it.

cylindrical aquarium

That aquarium, whose height is not greater than the width, is the most fish-intensive. Among aquarists, its name is not too poetic; it is called a “trough”.

You should not buy a very narrow one (this is a screen aquarium that has a small distance between the back and front walls). Without special equipment, it will be quite difficult to maintain the oxygen concentration necessary for fish.

An aquarium above 60 centimeters, even if it is very wide, can also lead to serious problems. They are connected with the fact that it is rather difficult to illuminate the bottom of the tank quite brightly through this water column. Aquarium plants (higher) will not be able to grow under such conditions, and lower ones will quickly cover the bottom with brown fouling. In addition, it is quite difficult to plant plants and clean the bottom in such an aquarium. After all, it will be difficult to reach him. In general, if the question is which one is better to choose an aquarium for beginners, then you need to abandon the tank with high walls.

Aquarium shape

An important question that needs to be decided in advance for yourself is what shape the aquarium should be, because there are not only rectangular, but also panoramic, angular and so on. When choosing a form, you need to decide what in this case is an advantage: content or appearance.

original aquarium

If the priority is the appearance and the aquarium itself will be part of the interior, then different forms can be considered. But if the contents of the container are more important and you want to enjoy the underwater world without any problems, you should opt for the classic rectangular shape.

A panoramic aquarium with a curved front glass can also be selected, but a panoramic hexagonal shape should be decisively rejected. Such an aquarium narrows the view and causes difficulty in perceiving the entire composition created in it. If there is not enough space in the apartment, but there is a free corner, you can try squeezing a corner aquarium into it. However, it will be quite difficult to arrange it beautifully and organize optimal living conditions for fish.

aquarium coffee table

How and where is the aquarium installed

Before buying, you need to decide where and on what exactly the tank will stand. The easiest solution is to buy an aquarium with a stand. If it is not possible to purchase it, it is worthwhile at home to cook a sufficiently durable table or bedside table that does not deform under weight. Secondly, the surface on which the aquarium will be placed must be flat so that its bottom does not crack. It is best to pre-lay a synthetic foam mat or rubber mat on the prepared surface.

The aquarium is located a few meters from the window. The most important thing is that direct sunlight should not fall on it for more than three hours a day, and when the room is aired, the water in the aquarium will not cool significantly. In the northern regions of the country there is such a thing as white nights, so the location of the aquarium near the window can lead to blooming water. This is due to the fact that microscopic green algae are rapidly multiplying in water, the water turns green and becomes cloudy. Such algae prefer diffuse long-term lighting, but higher plants, on the contrary, prefer an 8-9-hour daylight and quite bright lighting. Therefore, when the aquarium is near the window, and the water in it begins to bloom, it must be shielded from excess exposure. It is also worth not to place the aquarium near central heating batteries.


Nowadays, filters are divided into three main types: external, internal, bottom. It is worth finding out by what criteria each of them is selected.

External filter

External allows you to mechanically, biologically and chemically purify water. The main advantage is ease of maintenance. Nothing needs to be pulled out of the container, since the filter is on the outside. When buying, the question may arise: which filter to choose for an external aquarium? It is necessary to rely on its main indicators. The first is power. When the filter is selected according to this criterion, it is necessary to take into account the volume of the aquarium, the composition of hydrobionts and the features (individual) of the underwater world. This means that you need to weigh three main components: the type of aquarium, volume, population.

panoramic aquarium

Also, when choosing an external filter, it is worth considering that over time, the filler may become clogged, which will lead to a decrease in its throughput. That is why it is better to take a filter with a margin.

The equipment of the external filter should also be considered. For example, many models have valves, but it is not recommended to use them, since they block the holes into which water enters and exits, which leads to an overstrain of the filter pump. Such work is undesirable for her. It is best to regulate the flow of water using nozzles, such as, for example, a flute.

Another important criterion is noiselessness. In this regard, a clear recommendation is not to purchase filters with a metal axis of the rotor.

Another important aspect is the dimensions and equipment. It is necessary to determine what filtration from the external filter the aquarist wants to receive: chemical, biological, mechanical or mixed. Therefore, you should pay attention to the volume of the canister, the number of baskets in it and fillers.

The following nuances: the taps of the external filter adapter should rotate. This will facilitate the installation of it in the cabinet. The hoses must be rigid so that they do not bend and do not impair the flow of water.

Internal filter

And in order to determine and choose an internal filter for the aquarium, you need to know what options exist and what is their specificity. So, in essence, the internal filter is a pump that pumps water in one system or another of the installed filter element.

A sponge pump is the easiest option. Such filters are used for mechanical purification of water, and secondly for biological. They are installed, as a rule, in large cichlids.

The second option is a filter cup. The essence of it is the same, the only thing is that it has a compartment in which the sponge fits. The advantage of this model is the use of other filtration elements (peat, zeolite, aquarium coal, ceramics).

Another view is the inside backpack. What are its advantages? In that fillers and a heater can be hidden in it, it creates a jet-waterfall that aerates the water. Its only drawback is the dimensions.

Airlift filter can also be attributed to the internal. The principle of action is the movement of air under water. Rising to the surface, its bubbles create traction in the vent tube. Under the influence of this draft, water passing through the filter material is purified. The advantage of such models is that they perform two functions: filtration and aeration. Such options are used in spawning aquariums, where a strong current is undesirable.

design example

When choosing an internal filter, as well as when choosing an external filter, one should pay attention to what material the rotor axis is made of. In most cases with a ceramic axis, the filter is silent.

Also, when buying, you need to focus on power. In this case, you need to evaluate the volume of your aquarium.


The compressor is an indispensable aquarium device that pumps air into the water column at low pressure. Rising to the surface, air bubbles produce a small boiling, which helps oxygen from the air to actively saturate the reservoir. How to choose a compressor for an aquarium?

There are several types of compressors. The most common are membrane and piston.

The main disadvantage of all aquarium compressors is the noise they make during their operation. Unfortunately, silent options do not exist, since the principle of their work lies precisely in vibration.

The diaphragm compressor is one of the noisiest. However, it will save energy costs, almost never breaks down, its life is long. It is also more effective. It can be connected to several aquariums at once.

Reciprocating compressors are leaders among silent. With a sufficiently large capacity of the aquarium (150 liters or more), people install two or more aerators. Compressors with different operating principles can be selected in this case: membrane can be turned on during the day, and piston can be turned on at night.


Another important question for a beginner is which soil is best for the aquarium. Aquarium soil, as well as the foundation for the home, plays a crucial role in the life of an aquarium. It is a unique and powerful biological filter that cannot be replaced with anything else. The fact is that when soil is launched into the aquarium, beneficial bacteria colonize colonies in it, which process the vital products of organisms living in the aquatic environment into harmless substances. Moreover, the soil is a substrate for nutrition and rooting of plants through the root system, a place of life for some fish and many microorganisms. And also in one direction or another, he is able to change the parameters of water.

In order to choose the right primer, you should:

  • think carefully, to the smallest detail, how your aquarium should look in the end;
  • analyze and collect information about the hydrobionts that the novice aquarist plans to populate;
  • Thoroughly think through the design.

After all, for example, colored soil does not belong to porous materials and has a minimum usable area for colonizing the necessary bacteria. If it is laid in a very thin layer, this will reduce its effectiveness. The white color of the soil is very easily soiled. Also, with its natural origin (most often it is marble), the water in the aquarium becomes hard, and not many fish like it. A clear presentation of the tasks and goals of the aquarium will be the key to the successful arrangement of the aquarium bottom and the choice of soil.


Another important point that a novice aquarist will have to face is the lamp for the aquarium. How to choose? If the aquarium is tall and does not exceed 50 cm, the total power of fluorescent lamps should be at least 0.5 W per liter. Therefore, if the aquarium is large, even more power is required from the light sources. If it is small, then under such an artificial sun only certain types of plants (shade tolerant) can grow normally.

It is also important that lamps cover almost the entire length of the aquarium: if they are shorter, shadow zones will appear at the side walls, which will lead to poor growth of plants near them.

Often manufacturers of aquariums provide regular lighting, which does not reach the norm. Therefore, when buying, you should pay attention to whether there is an empty space under the lid on which you can place additional lamps or LED lamps.

All of the above tips will allow a beginner to find out which aquarium is better to choose and how to equip it according to all the rules and to your taste, without harming all its inhabitants.


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