Feminine and masculine: Yin and Yang

The whole universe consists of two energies, male and female. So the ancient Chinese believed. They believed that these forces constantly interact, complement each other, manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent. Their symbols were yin and yang, depicted in pairs as a sign of harmony between two opposites.

Female energy

The feminine and masculine are in every living being. One of them always dominates and crowds out an opponent, therefore it is important for a person to learn to balance between the two poles living inside. Female energy is intuition, our inner "I". It affects the perception of the world, creativity, emotions, sensations. This beginning helps to contact the source of higher Wisdom. It is always passive, often trying to fill the void, spilling like water in the labyrinths of essence.

feminine and masculine
The symbol of female energy is "yin" - the dark side. It embodies the initial chaos that reigned before the advent of space, time and matter. This is a force trying to squeeze everything into a single black hole; it absorbs energy, preventing it from being reborn. Like everything in this world, "yin" reaches for the opposite - "yang." The masculine and feminine principles are compared as positive and negative, heat and cold, heaven and earth, sun and moon, day and night, light and darkness.

Male energy

Unlike the female, she is active, even aggressive. Her actions are inherent: the embodiment of "yin" into reality, its materialization. Male energy is not about inner feelings, fantasies, or dreams. She is responsible for thinking, intelligence, speech, logic. Helps us act in the world around us, adapt to society and our environment.

masculine and feminine
Her symbol is yang. Indicates hot energy that breaks out from the inside and tends to the sky. It possesses the qualities of the "male" primary elements of Air and Fire, while the "yin" - Water and Earth. The feminine and masculine are always diametrically different. If the second narrows, the first always tends to expand, impregnating with itself all life on Earth. "yin" is cosmic energy, without its interaction with the "yang" its embodiment and materialization in the world would be impossible. This process is called creativity, the makings of which live in every person. The harmony of male and female principles is a chance to show your talents and develop abilities.


Harmonization of the male and female principles is a logical process, since people have long been saying that the two opposites invariably stretch to each other. How is this manifested in our everyday life? The best example is the analysis of the stages of creativity.

It all starts with momentum, fantasy, intuitive vision. For example, an artist mentally imagines the image of a future painting; he knows that it will always be a landscape. What is this: "yang" or "yin"? Feminine or masculine? Of course, this is the dark energy of Mother Earth, which fills all the imagination and pushes to action.

The master reacts to the information received and transfers it to the canvas - this is already a masculine beginning. It helps to detail the images, determine their location, shape, color and angle. Without the interaction of yin and yang, there would be no finished product in the form of a picture. The suppression of male energy leads to the fact that the idea remains only in our head and cannot materialize. If the feminine principle is not sufficiently developed, the torment of creativity is observed in a person : lack of imagination, useless search for the muse.


Based on all of the above, their distribution is clear to us. Female energy is a guide to action, male energy is the act itself and its result. Moreover, the absence of one half makes life inferior, one-sided. The feminine and the masculine are inseparable. Their fusion, the distribution of their roles 50 to 50, is the ideal formula that everyone should strive for.

male and female beginning symbol
Man is a same-sex creature. We are born women or men, trying to fully comply with the criteria imposed by society and stereotypes. That is, if you are a girl, then you must be tearful, sensitive and tender. When you are a guy, it’s your duty to have courage, firmness, determination, an analytical mindset, logic. Of course, our gender affiliation affects the nature and way of life: in the middle, what is inherent in nature prevails. Our task is to maximize the activation of the second, “alien” soul mate and try to integrate its capabilities into our everyday life.

Masculine and feminine: symbol

He is depicted as a vicious circle. This means that everything on earth is infinite. Two halves, divided into equal parts, are painted in black and white. Such a contrast emphasizes their opposite and equality at the same time. The circle is broken not by a solid line, but by a wavy one, which creates the illusion of female and male penetration into each other. Looking at a symbol, you understand that two elements influence each other and interact. This is shown with the help of the eyes: it is white in the black feminine, and dark in the light male. It turns out that "yang" looks at the world through the eyes of "yin" and vice versa.

male and female beginning of the picture
The inextricable connection of opposites, its cyclical nature, which has no edge - it has been through the centuries the masculine and feminine. A symbol is a sign that everything in the Universe is created from two different halves, which only together form a single whole. Depending on whether they are in a state of peace or struggle, a person lives in harmony or in conflict with his inner world.

Symbol story

It is assumed that initially the image of "yin" and "yang" imitated the appearance of a mountain that is illuminated on one side, while the other half is in shadow. This state of affairs cannot last forever: the sun moves along the trajectory - accordingly, the two sides of the mountain change their colors. It was understood that everything in the world was cyclical.

The ancient Chinese borrowed the image from the Buddhists. The exact date is unknown, but historians say that this happened in the I – III centuries of our era. It was then that in the teaching of Taoism the concept of "mandala" arose - the feminine and masculine principles. Pictures depicting their interaction were first drawn in the form of fish.

fusion of masculine and feminine
Interestingly, over time, other meanings were assigned to the sign of the Celestial Empire: for example, the struggle between evil and good, the ratio of harmful and useful - everything that is on diametrically opposite poles. Although researchers argue that the symbol demonstrates precisely natural opposites, not moral or moral.


There are only five of them. The fusion of the masculine and feminine "generates" fire, water, air, earth and metal. These are the five phases of existence and its transformation. These natural phenomena first appear, then develop, reach a peak and die, while not disappearing without a trace, but merely degenerating into another element. This happens endlessly. This is a hint of the existence of reincarnation: the soul after death can come into this world in the form of an animal, plant or another person. The Chinese did not believe in rebirth. But since the Buddhists lent them a sign, the doctrine of reincarnation gradually migrated from India to the Middle Kingdom.

Interestingly, "yin" and "yang" are used even in medicine. The basis of Chinese, Tibetan and Japanese sciences is the balance in the human body. Its violation can lead to illness and death, mental suffering and mental disorders. A special diet and meditation will help restore balance. The feminine and masculine beginnings are balanced, and this leads to healing. Eastern medicine does not treat physical symptoms, but the spiritual foci of the disease.


Since the masculine and feminine beginnings are present in each of us in different proportions, then initially we are looking for what we lack. If yin dominates, we reach for a partner with a strong yang, and vice versa. Until a person balances his two halves, only people of a certain type of character, way of life and even appearance will pay attention to him. Look at your partner and you will see what you personally lack.

harmonization of masculine and feminine
If the representative of the beautiful half of humanity made friends with the "woman" within herself, then she becomes wiser. The girl understands that to concede is not to admit defeat, and eternal resistance is not a victory. The man, having established contact with his yang, is convinced: the source of courage is not in violence, but in the open expression of feelings. Awakening of soft qualities in the representatives of the stronger sex and firm in their ladies is the key to harmonious relationships, eternal love and affection. When the feminine and masculine begin to change places, we better understand the opposite sex.

Energy exchange

It is very important in the life of every person. People should understand that you can’t only receive and don’t give anything in return. Even if another freebie fell on your head, remember that sooner or later you will have to pay for it. Often the most expensive and important for you. If the principle of energy exchange is violated, a person becomes a consumer, loses respect, friendship and success.

harmony of masculine and feminine
Unfortunately, there are more such people than creators who, on the contrary, share everything they have with the outside world without demanding anything in return. And this is also bad. Because only by balancing the principle of "give-take", we find harmony within ourselves. The signs of the masculine and feminine principles, “yin” and “yang,” convey to us that only by establishing a connection between the halves of the energies, we achieve equilibrium. In everyday life, it manifests itself in such qualities of character as self-confidence, fortitude, optimism, the desire to develop and improve, to know the world and the people around you. Such a person is truly happy and successful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9574/

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