Wind generators: design, principle of operation

Alternative energy generation technologies have long been developed by the largest companies around the world. Some European countries provide opportunities for savings through the introduction of such developments in energy networks in the coming years. One of the most promising areas in this area is wind energy, which is not so popular in comparison with solar panels, but at the same time has its own advantages. In particular, wind generators for the home are distinguished by the efficiency of energy generation and the absolute environmental safety in operation.

Wind generator

wind generators

The structure of a household wind power installation includes an electric generator and a turbine, which is installed on a special mast with extensions and untwisted blades. To process the received energy, a battery charge controller is provided , connected to the batteries. As a rule, maintenance-free components of 24 V are used as batteries. An inverter is also provided in the design, which is connected to the mains. Industrial wind generators representing a whole range of equipment possess a more complex device. We can say that these are full-fledged stations, including a power cabinet with control elements, communication interchanges, electric generators, wind tracking systems , blade control devices, fire extinguishing means, lightning protection and other components.

Principle of operation

wind generators for home

Any wind generator works on the principles of energy conversion. The rotation of the active components (blades or rotors) produces lifting and impulsive forces, due to which the flywheel comes into action. In the process of spinning the flywheel, the rotor forms a magnetic field on the immovable part of the installation. As a result, electric current begins to flow to the wires. This model is common and applies to almost all stations of this type. Another thing is that in practice, wind generators can be adjusted due to weather conditions. Although the developers of the structures of the same blades tend to provide for maximum different indicators and forces of the wind, this phenomenon is unpredictable and can be accompanied by many other factors.

Power plants

At this stage of the region’s development, it’s too early to talk about standardized production formats for such aggregates, but certain patterns in the indicators of the main characteristics are traced. For example, the power of a wind generator for domestic needs is usually not more than 100 kW. Oddly enough, models providing up to 1 kW are also in demand, such installations are referred to micro-wind energy. They are used to equip yachts, agricultural farms, etc.

vertical wind generator

Not many companies produce more serious industrial and commercial equipment, but the capacity of such plants can reach 5 MW. As a rule, these are massive turbines, the mass of which reaches several tons. At the same time, manufacturers are striving to make the equipment mobile or, at least, provide for the possibility of transportation. If we talk about models for home use, then in most cases these are 220V wind generators, the total power of which can be about 4 kW.

Features of small wind generators

This class of equipment is of most interest from commercial companies and ordinary consumers interested in using wind energy. Installations of this type have a standard design, including blades, rotor, turbines, orientation means, a generator with a mast, an inverter and batteries. The features of such devices include independence from the central power grid - this means that small wind generators for the home can work offline. This format of operation is most attractive for owners of suburban real estate, where there is no stable supply from the central power grid. In addition, the creators of such installations in some models seek to combine the concept of a wind generator and a solar battery. As a result, the mini-station is equipped with a direct current module for communication with solar panels.

Varieties of generators

wind generator Price

The fundamental separation of such installations led to a classification of the axes of rotation. In particular, there is a vertical wind generator and its horizontal wing-type analogue. Units of the first first group are sensitive to gusts and do not need special orientation. However, such models have a serious drawback - in comparison with horizontal installations, their working surface is two times smaller in area. That is, the vertical rotary axis of rotation of the turbines is better guided by the characteristics of the wind, but initially provides less energy.

In turn, winged models with a horizontally directed axis are able to interact with wind flows of a larger area. Of course, there is a problem with the direction of the working elements, but this problem is solved using a conventional weather vane. Accordingly, in terms of the combination of advantages, the wing units are currently more promising than a vertical carousel-type wind generator. However, the designs are being improved, and it is possible that a cross between these options will come to the fore.

Wind generator manufacturers

Russian wind generators

In the market of wind generators, European and Chinese manufacturers take the lead. In particular, the Danish company Vestas, as well as the Chinese manufacturers Goldwind and Sinovel, show the greatest successes.

As for domestic enterprises, they also have something to brag about. For example, models from the Sapsan-Energy company are available on the market. To date, users are available two versions of the installations of this brand - 1000 and 5000 watts. The Chelyabinsk enterprise “GRTs-Vertical” produces just vertical type plants with a rated power of 1,500 to 30,000 watts. You can also find Russian wind generators to provide small amounts of energy. For example, Stroyingservice offers a 500 W wind generator. It is important to note that almost every Russian manufacturer also provides after-sales service for equipment, therefore, problems in the maintenance of equipment should not arise.

Price issue

wind power

Each manufacturer, despite the use of general principles for the implementation of installations, still goes its own way. As a result, aggregates with unique characteristics and, accordingly, price tags are obtained. In the initial segment, you can find a wind generator, the price of which will vary from 40 to 70 thousand rubles. This is a domestic mini-station with an autonomous mode of operation, which is optimal for the needs of a small house. The following are proposals worth 100-150 thousand rubles. As a rule, these are units with a capacity of 5000 watts, which can be used for commercial purposes.

The feasibility of using wind generators

According to experts, such installations are not always advantageous to use for private needs. This is due to the high prices of batteries, inverters and installation. In addition, the installation of a diesel generator as a supplement is sometimes required, which also increases the cost of organizing such a method of supplying energy. Nevertheless, wind generators can justify themselves if the conversion is carried out directly into heat. In this case, the function of the generator is realized as a heating system, the capabilities of which can be used both for hot water supply and for elementary heating of a house.

220v wind generators


With all the shortcomings, wind turbines are actively advancing in the market, attracting more and more new users. This is due to the prospects of the segment and the attractiveness of those opportunities that provide free energy sources. Already today, wind generators are able to take on the full energy supply of private homes. Of course, not in all regions the use of such installations is justified due to climatic features. But even in these cases, experts recommend not rejecting such offers, supplementing the installation with photovoltaic cells, fuel generators and other auxiliary energy sources.


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