How many years Labradors live: description of the breed, conditions of detention, advice of veterinarians

Labrador is an amazing dog, which is especially popular among dog breeders. Thanks to the good-natured and completely non-conflict character, he perfectly suits the role of companion and ordinary pet. Therefore, it is increasingly being turned on by residents of city apartments and families with children. In today's article, we will tell you how Labradors look and how many years they live.

A bit of history

Specialists still have not been able to establish the exact origin of this breed. According to one of the most plausible versions, their homeland is the island of Newfoundland, located in the eastern part of the Canadian coast. If you believe this theory, then Labradors appeared as a result of crossbreeding of Basque dogs and Viking dogs. Europeans who accidentally came to the island were captivated by the working qualities of these animals and their ability to act equally effectively in water and on shore.

how many years live labradors

Subsequently, these dogs were divided into two branches, very different from each other on the exterior. The former had a large body, covered with long shaggy hair. The local population actively used them to transport goods. The latter did not have such a massive body, but short, stiff hair. They were characterized by incredible dexterity and love of water. It was these animals that became the ancestors of modern Labradors.

In 1830, they began to be imported to England and bred as a separate breed. To fix the required qualities, they were crossed with foxhounds, setters and curly-haired retrievers. They were recognized as an independent breed in 1904, and twelve years later an official standard was developed, according to which only black dogs had the right to exist. A little later, changes were made to it, allowing to breed fawn and chocolate dogs.


Those who are interested in how many years Labradors live have to understand that they are considered to be large enough dogs, which means that their age will be a little shorter than that of their small brothers. However, representatives of this breed can not boast of outstanding dimensions. Depending on the gender, their growth ranges from 50-57 cm, and the weight is 25-36 kg. Brown almond-shaped eyes, framed by fully pigmented eyelids, and medium-sized triangular drooping ears are located on a wide wedge-shaped head with well-defined superciliary arches, flat cheekbones and a moderately convex forehead.

how many years live labradors at home

Under the tightly knit rectangular body with a taut groin line and deep chest, there are two pairs of strong straight limbs with arched fingers. A flat, not too long neck smoothly flows into a pronounced withers, a wide elongated back, a relatively short loin and croup, ending with the base of a gradually narrowing tail.

Wool and color

Representatives of this breed were bred to work in water. Therefore, how many years Labradors live, in many respects depends on the type of their coat. It should be rigid, water-repellent, and as close as possible to the body. Too soft awn and poor undercoat will quickly get wet and the dog may get sick, which will significantly shorten his age.

how many years live labradors at home

As for color, the standard allows the existence of black, chocolate and fawn. In the first case, the dog’s chest may have a slight white mark, in the second the hue varies from hepatic to dark brown, in the third the color intensity changes from almost white to rich red.

Behavioral Features

Representatives of this breed are very active and cheerful animals. They quickly become attached to their masters and do not tolerate forced separation. Those who want to find out what affects how many years Labradors live at home need to remember that a dog who is regularly left alone can develop stress, shortening his already short-lived century.

These are real family dogs that love to frolic with children and are able to coexist peacefully with other animals, including cats. They are very loving and friendly. These dogs are ready to give their attention to everyone around them and never show aggression. They are very balanced, reliable and intelligent. However, due to their non-conflict and good nature, they are not suitable for the role of security guards. Instead, they do a great job with the functions of companions, nannies, guide, rescuers and hunters.

Care Features

How many years Labradors live at home depends on the conditions of their maintenance. Before you bring a puppy, you need to take care of its safety. Since small representatives of this breed are very active and curious, all wires, sharp and small objects should be removed away. Otherwise, the doggie can be injured and even die.

how many years live labradors retriever

In general, Labradors are unpretentious animals that easily adapt to the urban environment. They do not require special conditions of detention. They can be settled both in the apartment and in the indoor aviary, equipped with an insulated booth. As for the care, on which how many years Labrador Retriever lives, it comes down to regular processing of wool with a special scraper. This simple manipulation allows you to get rid of dead spines and down. You need to bathe the dog as it gets dirty with the help of shampoo bought at any pet store. It is also important to systematically trim the claws of your ward and clean his ears.

Feeding recommendations

Nutrition is one of the most important factors affecting how many years Labradors live. Mestizos and purebred dogs should be provided with high-quality and well-balanced food.

If you prefer to give your pet industrial food, it is important to opt for products from trusted manufacturers. In the composition of high-quality dry food, meat is necessarily present, but there is not a gram of corn, wheat and artificial preservatives.

how old is the labrador dog

Those who prefer to give their four-legged pet natural food should remember that the basis of such a diet is fresh raw meat (poultry, lamb or beef). In addition, the menu of the animal is recommended to diversify buckwheat, rice, vegetables, sour milk, eggs, offal and low-fat sea fish. It is strictly forbidden to treat the Labrador with tubular bones, chocolate, pastries, legumes, smoked meats, pickles, potatoes and onions. Should not be in the dog menu of river fish, pickled spicy and fried foods.


Parenting also affects how many years Labrador breed dogs live. An uncontrolled dog faces many dangers not only in the house itself, but also beyond its threshold. Therefore, it is extremely important to establish a certain framework in a timely manner and explain the rules of conduct to your ward. From an early age, the puppy must remember his nickname and learn to run up to the owner at the first call. It is also important that he calmly relate to the leash and collar.

how many years live labrador dogs

By the age of one year, your dog should know and unquestioningly carry out at least basic commands, such as “To me”, “Place”, “You cannot”, “Near” and “Stand”. Unconditional obedience will protect both you and the dog from many troubles. Therefore, do not be lazy and devote to training at least half an hour a day.

Disease predisposition

Those who want to find out how many years Labradors live before buying a puppy will be interested that on average this figure ranges from 10-12 years. These dogs are distinguished by relatively good health, but they are also prone to certain diseases.

Often, modern labradors reveal arthrosis of the knee and dysplasia of the hip joints. Both of these diseases are hereditary or age-related. They are accompanied by lameness and severe pain. Both one and the other ailment is not cured by medication. You can get rid of it only through surgery.

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Representatives of this breed are also subject to progressive retinal atrophy, oncology, atopic dermatitis, epilepsy, panosteitis, osteochondrosis, cataracts and ichthyosis.

Veterinarian Tips

Specialists involved in the treatment of animals, like no one else know: how many years live Labradors and dogs of other breeds, depends on the conditions of their maintenance, diet and a few simple rules. Therefore, veterinarians recommend regularly treating their four-legged wards from external and internal parasites, and also not to neglect routine vaccination. They also draw the attention of Labrador owners to their indefatigable appetite. According to experts, systematic overeating and the lack of physical activity can cause obesity, adversely affecting the general condition of the canine organism and shortening life expectancy.


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