The best works of Dickens: list of best works, summary, reviews

Dickens was not only a writer, but also a critic. He created characters that the whole world knows to this day. He is considered the greatest of the Victorian novelists. Throughout the life of the writer, his work was very popular, in the twentieth century he was recognized as a literary genius. Dickens works are interesting to readers now.


The date of birth of the great writer Dickens is February 7, 1812. His birthplace is England, the city of Portsmouth, which is located in Hampshire. In the photo you see his house.

House in Portsmouth

Dickens attended school for some time, but the father of the future writer was in debt, as a result of which the guy had to leave the school and go to work. Although he did not have formal education, he became editor of the weekly magazine and worked there for 20 years. Dickens wrote 15 novels, 5 short stories, various lectures, articles and so on. He also sought to implement all sorts of social reforms.

It should be noted that success came to him after the publication of the book "Posthumous documents of the Pickwick Club", this happened in 1836. Just a few years later, Dickens became a real celebrity, he was recognized throughout the world. He became famous for his satire, observation of society. The works of Charles Dickens were published every month or even every week, for the first time they became a serial edition. Thus, the writer could appreciate the reaction of readers to his works and change a character or the development of the plot.

The popularity of Charles Dickens reached such an extent that many poor people looked for money and people who could read them every new episode. Dickens is a true literary colossus. His "Christmas Song" is the most popular short story that continues to inspire many people.

early years

Charles Dickens

Dickens loved to read Robinson Crusoe and Arabic Tales as a child. He also used his childhood memories when writing novels. Dickens also applied his observations, because the working class lived very poorly, and these people became the main characters in his works.

In his youth, Charles had a difficult period when he had to work in a factory. This time is described in an autobiographical novel called "David Copperfield." Dickens said that no one supported him, no one gave comfort or advice.

The writer’s first love was Maria Bidnell, whom he met in 1830. However, the girl’s parents did not like Charles’s courtship, and they sent her daughter to Paris. In 1836, Dickens married Catherine Hogarth, daughter of the editor of The Evening Chronicle.

Dickens was a very successful writer. Victoria, Queen of England, read his Oliver Twist, and then The Posthumous Notes of the Pickwick Club. His other works also found success.

From 1846 to 1870

When Dickens traveled to Paris, he met French famous writers, including Victor Hugo. During this period, one of Dickens' best works was written - "David Copperfield." The novel was published, was a success, and many researchers now believe that it is an autobiography.

In 1851, the author moved to Tavistock House, and also began to collaborate on a regular basis with playwright Wilkie Collins. In 1857, he hired professional actresses for a production based on a work that was written in collaboration with Collins. One of the actresses was Ellen Ternan, Dickens fell in love with her without a memory. He was 45 years old at that time, and she was 18. He decided to divorce his wife. Katherine left, taking the baby with her.

In 1859 he wrote "The Tale of Two Cities", after 2 years - "Great Expectations." These two works were a resounding success. In 1860, Dickens burned many of his letters to Ellen, and she did the same. Therefore, it is still not known for sure whether there was any relationship between them.

Dickens became interested in paranormal phenomena to such an extent that he was one of the first to enter a research organization dedicated to their study. When in 1865 he was returning from Paris, there was a road accident. Dickens used this experience for a ghost story.

The great writer died on June 9, 1870.


Character - Oliver Twist

The best works of Charles Dickens are the treasures of world literature. It is impossible not to mention the characters from them. They had very interesting, bizarre names. It is worth remembering, for example, Ebenezer Scrooge or Oliver Twist. Also David Copperfield, Samuel Pickwick and many others. Dickens' characters are so memorable, lively, that their names began to be used to mean something. Many are charged to real people. For example, Mrs. Nickleby and Mr. Mikober, the prototypes of which are Dickens' parents. Among the characters of the writer there is one more, he is very interesting, very big, very famous - and this is London. Dickens described the capital from all sides: from poor neighborhoods to a rich suburb, from small eateries on the outskirts to the lower Thames.


Dickens often idealized the characters, sentimental scenes contrasted with various ugly social moments and caricatures. If you list the best books of Charles Dickens, then in the first place (not in chronology), of course, is Oliver Twist. Neither brutal shelters, nor participation in the gang undermine the image of the ideal boy.

Dickens claimed that he used coincidences to create some kind of effect, either emphasizing the role of the conduction or the comic effect. For example, the family that saved Oliver from the gang turned out to be his relatives. This is not just a coincidence, it is a direct reference to the novels that the writer loved to read so much as a young man.

Charles is a popular novelist, the most famous. About 200 films and various adaptations were shot based on his works. Some works are adapted for the scene during the life of the writer. Other writers appreciated the realism of Dickens, his satire, caricature and propaganda on behalf of the poor.

Jules Verne said that Dickens is his favorite writer. Van Gogh inspired Dickens' novels, and he painted some of them based on them. Once the artist said that reading Dickens prevented him from committing suicide.

Note that the list of works by Charles Dickens is quite large. The best of them:

  • “The Posthumous Notes of the Pickwick Club” (published since April 1836) is the novelist’s first work.
  • Oliver Twist, which was published in February 1837.
  • “The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby” is a novel printed in separate parts (there were 19 in all) between March 1838 and February 1839.
  • The Barnaby Raj (1841).
  • “Martin Cheslvit” is a novel that also appeared in parts from 1843-1844.
  • In 1846, "Dolby and Son" saw the light.
  • "David Copperfield" (1849).
  • In 1859, the historical novel The Tale of Two Cities was published.
  • In 1866, the Man-Signal saw the light of day.


There are museums that are dedicated to the life of the writer and his work. Festivals also take place. For example, in London there is a writer’s house-museum. In Portsmouth, this was the house in which Dickens was born. In the Victoria and Albert Museum (London), you can see the originals of the novels.

The writer was against any monuments being erected to him. However, in Philadelphia you can see a statue of Dickens and little Nelly.

Dickens Statue at Clark Park

Another sculpture is in Sydney. In Portsmouth, a monument was erected on the anniversary of the writer's birth with the support of his grandchildren. Also, the portrait of the writer flaunts on an English banknote.

Dickens on a bill

According to the BBC, Charles Dickens is the forty-first in the list of the greatest inhabitants of Great Britain. Images of the writer and his books also appeared on several postage stamps, including in the UK itself, the Soviet Union and other countries.

“Posthumous Notes of the Pickwick Club”

This book is among the best works of Dickens. It deals with cranks who travel across England to observe people. The club is headed by Mr. Pickwick. When the novel was published, it was a great success. Even a fashion for clothes worn by the heroes of this work appeared.

"Oliver Twist"

If you are interested in Dickens, then you can not ignore this novel. Oliver grew up an orphan, he had a lot of difficulties in life. In England at that time, orphans were treated unkindly, especially if they were poor. Oliver had no parents; his home was the slums of London. Despite this, he was able to remain a good boy, for which fate rewarded him.

"Big hopes"

Big hopes

Philip Pirrip, whom everyone called simply Pip, wants to become a gentleman, to achieve a position in society. However, his high hopes did not materialize. There is a lot of cruelty in this world, and the money that he got did not bring the desired results.

"Christmas Tales"

This is a collection of stories about various supernatural characters, such as elves or spirits. Tale and reality are connected and it is not known what is worse: reality or fantasies. The famous “Christmas story” (sometimes called the “Christmas Carol”) belongs to this cycle. There once was a miser who was called Scrooge. And he was so greedy that it was just awful. For example, he did not want to let people relax for Christmas. Not because I had something against religion, but because it was necessary for everyone to work!

"Christmas Carol" book illustration

In 2009, R. Zemeckis made an animated film based on the book by Dickens - “The Christmas Story”.

"Hard times"

The action takes place in Kokstown - a city in which industry is developed. All people have the same clothes, the same time to leave home, return, and the same shoes. All the same. There is no religion, no faith, only numbers. Bounderby is a banker, he is very rich. Once a traveling circus comes to this city.

Cold House

This book, of course, refers to the best works of Dickens and opens the period of artistic maturity of the writer. It describes the Victorian era and British society. The reader can observe a peculiar section of all walks of life: from the aristocracy to the poor and the world of metropolitan gates.

“The Life of David Copperfield, Told by Himself”

David grew up without a father, a stepfather appeared, who was a tyrant and believed that David was his burden. At the school where the hero studied, his mentor was Mr. Crickle, who used to sell hops. He had his own ideas about life, and he considered it necessary to convey them to the pupils.


With what works to begin acquaintance with the best novelist of the Victorian era? Everyone decides this question for himself. But, if you are at a loss, then first read Dickens' best books. There is no shortage of reviews from critics and ordinary readers. Contemporaries of the writer and ours spoke differently about Dickens. The writer attacked his era, society, his morals. Reading his novels, one can feel all the bitterness of his experiences. Dickens “cooks soup”, in which humor, human characters, signs of the era, people's fates, psychology, emotional throwing are mixed, and all this is generously seasoned with the soot of London.

For example, in the work Nicholas Nickleby, Dickens wrote about school students who were constantly tormented by their teachers. When the novel saw the light, it made a splash. Teachers were checked, hotel owners also suffered.

Many scholars who devoted their works to Victorian literature studied the legacy of Dickens. Many compared his novels with the works of other authors. For example, Albert Canning compared the Pickwick Club to the Vanity Fair.

In his works you will not find knightly castles, but only London. He reflected the world of this city, the streets of which were poor, the mansions of the rich stood. Dickens was able to combine his discoveries and the traditions of his predecessors.

Mystery writer

The collection “The Secret of Charles Dickens: Bibliographic Investigations” is a work dedicated to Dickens, including the translation of his works into Russian. The collection includes the testimonies of contemporaries, articles about the novelist’s stage productions, his contribution to literature, cycles and poems. Describes life, the best works of Dickens. It is also listed when and by whom the translations into Russian were made. It is indicated what literature about the writer was published in Russian. The book is informative in nature, allows you to get acquainted with the work of Dickens, with his works, as well as find a list of useful literature.


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