Electric air compressor 380V professional: device, technical specifications

The segment of professional compressors has many features that are determined by the specific operation of the equipment. As a rule, such units provide high performance and operate under a voltage of 380 V, which allows them to be used in large enterprises. But high power also requires appropriate support in terms of protection. Cooling systems, the presence of a high-strength casing and a durable casing are an indispensable component in the design of such models. On the market, an electric 380V professional air compressor is available in different versions, which allows each consumer to find the right solution for their needs.

380v professional electric air compressor

Varieties of aggregates

Manufacturers produce models in which the principle of operation and the structural device may differ. In particular, one of the basic signs of difference is the use of oil. Oil-free models are characterized by ease of use, since they do not require the use of lubricants of the element group. This is a 380V professional electric air compressor with reduced performance characteristics, but it is cheaper to maintain. As for oil models, they require regular application of a lubricating fluid, which helps to maintain their working life at an optimal level. Compressors also differ in the implementation of the structural device. Belt aggregates are the most popular type, as they enable the integration of effective cooling means.

Compressor device

compressor device

Most often, compressor units are based on a piston system. A working group of this type generates optimal pressure due to the reciprocating function. In addition, the structure includes a receiver for filling with air, a compressor head, an electric motor and, depending on the modification, a cooling system. The piston group itself is a whole complex of functional elements, including a cylinder, crankshaft, connecting rod mechanism, valves and an oil seal with a flywheel. That is, the compressor device is focused on the interaction of the piston system and the receiver, the result of which is the injection of compressed air in the direction of the equipment being serviced. Depending on the indicators of pressure and productivity, the compressor can be integrated into the working area of ​​the plant or perform short operations in a small workshop. However, for small household operations with pneumatic tools, the acquisition of an industrial model is impractical.

Main characteristics

compressor performance

If it is difficult to determine an industrial installation by a structural device, then the performance indicators give it every reason. For example, the technical characteristics of compressors in terms of performance are a good illustration of the capabilities of such equipment - on average, units provide about 6-8 thousand l / min. This amount is enough to service factory lines, for example, a machine-building enterprise.

Another characteristic indicator is the volume of the receiver. In industrial compressors, it can reach 1000 liters. The higher this value, the longer one working session will last. As for pressure, the compressor capacity is the same 8 thousand l / min. can be provided with 8 and 10 Bars. In this case, similar characteristics can be attributed to average power household models.

Optional add-ons

air compressor Price

Modern compressors rarely do without additional options and structural devices that increase ergonomics, reliability and safety of equipment. So, for ease of operation, compressor stations are equipped with functional control relays, which necessarily include pressure gauges. To ensure the safety of the installation, they are also provided with protection against overheating, automatic shutdown systems and structural inclusions in the form of ribbed panels that improve heat transfer processes. If the compressor capacity exceeds a level of 1000 l / min, then the presence of the listed means of protection is mandatory. However, if necessary, some models can be improved due to similar systems as auxiliary equipment.

Expendable materials

As already noted, compressors may require a regular supply of lubricants. Manufacturers of such equipment often produce their own line of oils, designed to provide working groups of compressor stations. The list of accessories also includes adapters, fittings, hoses, fasteners and extension cords. Thanks to the correctly selected accessories, the compressor will work optimally in terms of performance in conjunction with pneumatic equipment. By the way, the receiver is also worth mentioning in the list of additional components. If the volume of this capacity in the basic configuration for one reason or another does not meet the requirements, then you can replace this part of the equipment with a more suitable one for the requirements of the work process.


compressor operation

The most high-quality and reliable professional compressors are produced by companies such as Remeza, Abac, Black & Decker, Nuair, Fiac, etc. A balanced combination of working qualities, safety and ergonomics, which is also a significant factor in the operation process, helped to occupy leadership positions in the segment. . Presented is an electric air compressor 380V professional and in the lines of domestic manufacturers. The most interesting developments are offered by the Spets, Zubr, Sorokin, Enkor and other enterprises.

Price issue

The category of professional equipment in this sector is represented by no means cheap models. Even at the initial level, an air compressor can be introduced, the price of which is about 30 thousand rubles. Of course, there are more attractive proposals for the price, but although they belong to the industrial segment, they significantly lose to their analogues in terms of quality indicators in operation.

The middle and highest levels represent models worth about 50 thousand and above. This is a high-quality equipment, characterized not only by power and feature sets, but also by durability. Choosing an air compressor, the price of which is 50-70 thousand, you can be sure of the stability of its function. The presence of technological security systems and performance monitoring also increases the safety of the user himself.


compressor specifications

This is not to say that industrial plants for generating and supplying compressed air are very popular. Still, the 380V professional electric air compressor belongs to a specific class of equipment, although its principle of operation cannot be replaced by other equipment. Often, such equipment in factories is calculated at the stage of designing production lines, which indicates a high degree of responsibility. Another thing is that low-power models of the same segment are also used to provide small workshops where multifunctionality and high performance support are required.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9589/

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