Belief in God what it is. Quotes about faith in God and in man

Why does a person live? This question excites many. Perhaps every person sooner or later seeks an answer, because he is dissatisfied with real life, wants to change it. But in the search for earthly goods, he continues to experience a feeling of dissatisfaction.

That will help satisfy the excruciating thirst, when all the time you have to drink the salt water of worldly life. Only faith in God comes to everyone in a difficult and happy moment. She will help to overcome all the hardships of life. Consider quotes about faith in an article. Let's start with this:

Nothing is needed so much by man as faith. Not only the bliss of the future life, but also the well-being of the present life, and not only the well-being of each of us, but also the well-being of entire societies depend on it.

(St. Philaret. Metropolitan of Moscow).

In search of faith

The great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov claimed:

"A man must be either a believer or a seeker of faith, otherwise it is an empty man."

His stories vividly reflected the man’s search for his highest destiny, suffering of conscience, obscure languor of the spirit in the desire to gain true faith in God. Here is what the younger brother of the writer M.P. Chekhov writes in his memoirs:

... he did not spend a single Easter night in bed and went to wander around the churches, listening to the Easter chime and holiday service ...

However, a thinking and spiritually educated person understands that love for church rituals, for their beauty and aesthetics is completely insufficient for true faith. This is important to understand.

everyone needs faith in God

The need for faith and quotes about faith in God

What does need mean? So, human life becomes meaningless if a person loses or cannot gain faith in the Lord. Because the real joy and fullness of being is given precisely by faith, for example, that God created us in order to be happy.

Jesus Christ said:

I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in Me, even if he dies, shall come to life. And everyone who lives and believes in Me will not die forever.

(Gospel of John).

The soul of a person initially has a need to believe in God.

This is especially noticeable if you watch the children who sincerely and unconditionally accept the faith, without any doubt expect miracles and the fulfillment of the commandments. After all, children do not know how to lie.

This is confirmed by quotes about faith. The famous scientist astrologer Galileo Galilei said:

Scripture can never lie or err. Everything that it says is absolutely immutable. Both it and nature are created by the divine Word: the Bible is according to the suggestion of the Holy Spirit, and nature is to the fulfillment of divine decrees.

child's prayer is miraculous

Modernity and Faith

In our age of latest technology and the threat of impending wars, faith in God takes on special significance.

Only people who care about cultivating a healthy morality in themselves can truly perceive faith as the main achievement in life. This is a special ability.

In evidence, another quote about faith in God:

In prayer, a person is assured of a direct influence on the divine will, and thereby joins the divine omnipotence.

(Mark Twain).

Scientists who have learned many scientific truths, as a rule, discover the secrets of faith in God. Here is what the great French mathematician, philosopher and scientist Blaise Pascal wrote:

Only God can fill the vacuum in the heart of every person. Nothing created by man can fill this vacuum. Only God, whom we know through Jesus Christ, fills this void. Knowing God without knowing one's sinfulness leads to pride. Knowing one's sinfulness without knowing God leads to despair. The knowledge of Jesus Christ leads to the right path, because in Him we find God and our sinfulness.

We gain love for God through communion with God, prayer, and through love for people. John the Evangelist, the apostle of love, as the Church calls him, says: He who does not love his brother, whom he sees, how he can love God, whom he does not see?

(1 John 4, 20).

And further:

He who does not love does not know God; because God is love.

(1 John 4, 8).

The British writer Clive Lewis, who wrote the world famous Chronicles of Narnia with a circulation of over 100 million copies, called his books initiations or fairy tales about God.

In the photo: the author of the Chronicles of Narnia and his quotes about faith:

A storyteller of faith in God

Getting ready for eternity

All people are mortal, so the earthly world is arranged. Therefore, throughout life, a person should prepare for a meeting with eternity.

Without faith in God, it is impossible to realize that good deeds and spirituality will lead a person to the kingdom of heaven. After all, everything that is done here on earth has a meaning and a higher meaning only from the point of view of eternity.

Therefore, the more a person knows himself and God in himself, the deeper and stronger his faith. After all, this is the life-giving source of a person’s spiritual life.

Remembering quotes about faith in a person, it is necessary to bring one more. From Albert Einstein:

Better to believe than not to believe, because with faith everything becomes possible.

If for some reason a person is not accustomed to religious education in childhood, then nothing prevents him from coming to God in adulthood.

But we must remember that in the search for spiritual development, in anticipation of help from God, he himself will have to make an effort: to grow a beautiful flower of faith, receiving in return no less beautiful spiritual fruits: hope and love.


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