How to choose a tie for a shirt and suit?

A basic men's wardrobe must include at least two to three elegant business suits. The main rule when buying a classic men's two or three is to choose high-quality, well-sewn things from natural fabrics. But even a suit that is perfectly shrunk in shape can be ruined by an inappropriate tie or shirt. Unsuccessful colors and poorly matching patterns turn a laconic and elegant look into a parody.

How to choose a tie for a suit? In fact, this is a real science in which there are extremely many rules, requirements and various pitfalls, and not everyone can master it, and not everyone needs it. For most men, it is enough that the suit looks organically with a tie, and both of these items are combined with a shirt. And this effect is very simple to achieve if you follow a few important and simple rules.

classic ties

Types and Features

There are several types of men's ties, but today we are only interested in classic models, namely:

  • Normal. Universal accessory 7 - 9 cm wide, medium length. It is found in any color scheme.
  • Regatta. It differs from the classic model by the presence of a ready-made assembly and a special fastener (elastic band). It is often an element of a uniform because it can be put on quickly.
  • Windsor. Wider and longer than usual. This model got its name due to the knot tying method.
  • Butterfly and a more simplified model - a bow. Initially, this accessory was part of a military uniform, then it began to be worn at ceremonial events (this tradition is observed today), but it can also be found as an element of a dress code for service personnel. In modern fashion, a bow-tie is often combined with a shirt and jeans.

Color matching

How to choose the color of a tie for a suit? This is quite simple to do if you know the basic rules for choosing color combinations. But you should not forget about the shirt: it is best to get all three items and see how they will harmonize with each other. Someone with simple visual control will be enough to reveal a clear dissonance and replace one of the things. For the rest, you can use the color wheel, which tells you the best combination of shades.

Colors located on opposite sectors of the disc are contrasting.

In the neighborhood - related or similar.

color circle

Colors located at an angle of 120⁰ will combine well with each other. These are traditional, frequently used combinations.

Black, white and gray are universal colors, and combine well with each other and with other shades of the palette.

Suit and tie

The main colors of the costumes have long been established. And if there are no more than three in the men's wardrobe, then most likely they will be black, gray or blue. You can also often find brown or beige. How to choose a tie for such classic colors? This is completely uncomplicated.

  • Black suit. Solemn and elegant, with a good cut slender, and ideal for solemn occasions. It is preferable to choose the same restrained and stylish tie - black, black with silver, burgundy, gray, pearl, cherry. It is better to refuse bright colors and cheerful patterns.
  • Gray. The most calm and neutral color. Such a suit can be worn for any reason. Different colors and patterns are suitable for this color. It is only necessary to make sure that the accessory itself looks stylish, without lurid prints and crazy acid colors.
  • Blue. Nice and calm color. But such costumes require perfect tailoring and attention to detail. How to choose a tie for a blue suit? A cherry, burgundy, blue or gray tie is ideal for him.
gray suit
  • Brown. A suit of this color can look both very good (dark shades) and tasteless (some light shades of brown). To this, you need to choose a cherry, brown or burgundy tie.
  • Sand-colored suit is a summer version of men's business style. A light brown, cherry and burgundy neck accessory goes well with it.

So, as you can see, the color of the tie either matches the suit (related tones), or neutral (all shades of gray), or universal (burgundy and cherry). To some this may seem too boring, but in reality these are ideal color combinations for an elegant and stylish business look.

Shirt and tie

Now let us dwell in more detail on how to choose a tie for a shirt. To do this, remember a few rules:

  • A tie is always (almost always) darker than a shirt.
  • If the color of the shirt and tie is related (similar in tone spectrum), then the neck accessory should be lighter.
  • To create a contrast effect, the color of the tie should be lighter than the shirt by 1-2 tones.
  • Red tie and white chemise - a classic color combination. It emphasizes the authority of a man, and creates an imperious strict image.
  • A gray neck accessory can be combined with any shirt. But combinations with a pink, salmon or lilac shirt will be the most stylish. If you need to look interesting, but it is difficult to come up with something more original, then use this option.
  • A green tie looks good in combination with a white shirt, or light green and pale blue. On shirts, let's say the same pattern as on the accessory.
  • The yellow color of the tie is in perfect harmony with the white, blue or blue shirt.
    tie and shirt

How to choose a tie for a short sleeve shirt? Here you need to understand that this is a summer option, and it does not imply the presence of a jacket. In this case, the contrast between the shirt and the accessory should be noticeable, and color combinations should be bolder.

Print combination

How to choose the color of the tie to the suit, and the shirt to the tie, have already figured out. But we talked only about flowers. And when patterns and prints appear, then everything becomes complicated many times over.

ties with patterns and prints

Plain suits, in combination with the same tie and shirt, albeit perfectly matched in color, can not always be worn. It is rather an outfit for a festive evening, celebration or important business meeting. But in everyday business style a variety of prints are often found, and they also need to be able to be combined. To do this, we adhere to the following rules:

  1. One of the colors on the tie should overlap with the color of the shirt. Ideally, tones should match.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the proportions of different patterns in clothes. It is best to use the 2 + 1 scheme (two plain objects, one with a picture), or 1 + 2 (one plain thing, the other two with different prints).
  3. When combining several checkered patterns, it should be remembered that on the shirt the pattern should be the smallest, on the tie - larger, and on the jacket - even more.
  4. When choosing things with stripes, remember that contrast combinations will be most successful.
  5. When combining a striped tie and a shirt, you must also provide for the strips on the accessory to be of a different width.
  6. A polka-dot shirt with an abstract geometric pattern will work well with a pinstriped shirt.
  7. The scarf in the chest pocket should resonate with the color of one of the things.
    a combination of a green tie and suits

Shirt, suit and tie: the basic rules when combining

So, now let's try to connect all three items together. How to choose a tie for a suit and shirt so that all things look harmonious and fit well with each other?

You need to start choosing things with a suit, then pick a suitable shirt for him. And the last thing you choose is a tie. A man’s wardrobe can have no more than 2-3 suits, but there should be a lot of shirts and ties.

One of the most unfortunate images is the monochrome style, when the jacket, shirt and neck accessory are made in the same tone. Also a bad taste is the choice of tie and shirt of the same color.

With a striped jacket, it is better not to combine a shirt and a neck accessory with a similar pattern. This is very few who manage to make it look stylish, and not go old-fashioned.

Strip and cage rarely combine well. But if you combine them, you need to remember the scale and combine patterns of only different sizes. For example, a small cell and a large strip are good. If vice versa, then also an acceptable option. But a large cell and a large strip are bad.

Also, the image should not have more than three active colors.

The bow tie

I also want to dwell on the butterfly in more detail. How to choose a tie of this shape to a suit and shirt? Everything is simple here - they are subject to the same rules with a combination of colors and patterns as on classical models. The only thing that can be added is that monophonic (white, black, blue and red) butterflies are worn for special occasions. While butterflies with a bright pattern, in a cage or striped look good as part of the everyday look in the company with a plain blue suit.

They also go well with a white shirt and jeans.

the bow tie

How to choose the right tie for women

Women first borrowed pants and shirts from men, then it came to suits and ties. And today, beautiful ladies wear slightly modified classic models, and butterflies, and neckerchiefs, and narrow tie-ribbons and many more different variations. And the whole charm is that for women's fashion, all boundaries and conditional rules do not exist. And girls can wear this accessory as they like, with anything and in any color combinations inaccessible to men.

Successful images

So, if you still doubt which ties to choose for a shirt and a suit, here are some ready-made classic looks:

  • A gray jacket with a white and pale blue striped shirt and a deep blue tie with black narrow stripes.
  • A brown plain suit with a pink shirt and a pink and brown striped tie.
  • A black suit with a white shirt and a red tie is all plain.
  • A navy large plaid suit, white chemise, and brown tie.
  • A brown suit in a large cage, a shirt in a small white and blue cage, a blue tie with a dark green stripe.

In fact, there are a lot of combinations, and even if all the above rules and restrictions are observed, you can choose a combination of a suit, shirt and tie that will not only meet all the requirements of style and business etiquette, but also like you personally.


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