Bright colors of autumn nature: when does Indian summer begin?

Indian summer ... It's a great time ... The sun's rays make their way through the trees, the yellowed leaves rustle underfoot, and thousands of cobwebs fly in the air. Indian summer usually comes after the first period of autumn cooling, it returns dry and warm weather, the duration of such heat is impossible to predict. When Indian summer begins, nature is transformed under the last warm rays of the sun, as if playing with it.

Ancient signs

Since ancient times, people associated the arrival of the Indian summer with multiple church holidays. Previously, it was divided into two periods, it was “young” - at the end of August, and “old”, which usually began in the middle or end of September.

when does Indian summer begin
Under various influences, a sharp change in climate is observed in our time, and this, of course, affects the seasons and their different manifestations. Now it’s difficult to determine when the Indian summer begins, each year it happens in different ways. In other countries, this manifestation of the last heat has its own name. So, for example, in Germany it is called "Grandmother's Summer", in France - "Summer of St. Martin", and in the Czech Republic autumn sunny days are called as "Seeds-panna-Maria".
Indian summer when it starts

Indian summer nature

There is a logical explanation for such a natural phenomenon as significant warming in the fall. After all, when Indian summer begins, nature prepares for winter and cold weather. Chlorophyll begins to break down in the leaves of the trees, and instead of the green color, they acquire yellow and red hues, and then fall off. Forests and gardens at this time are simply charmingly beautiful, not for nothing that poets and writers from different centuries described the Indian summer season. Also, after these last warm days of the year, many animals hibernate until spring. Beautiful warm and sunny days give us Indian summer. When this period begins, you always enjoy the beauty of nature, which seems to have frozen, and only a light breeze excites it. Sometimes during this short autumn heat, some plants bloom repeatedly. No one can fully predict when the Indian summer begins, 2013 presented this golden period in October. Autumn began with cold rains and a sharp drop in temperature, but still we were pleased with a warm couple of weeks of Indian summer.

when the Indian summer 2013 begins

Where did the name “Indian summer” come from?

This expression has several explanations. Some say that this natural process resembles the youth and beauty of women. And silver cobwebs symbolize gray hair that appears with age. And in ancient times, at that time, women, when they were exempted from field work, started doing homework and asked the sun to warm a little more to finish all the work before the cold winter. No matter how wonderful this phenomenon is called, everyone knows that when Indian summer begins, you can enjoy two weeks of warm and clear days. Nature becomes unusually beautiful, freezing in a crystal day and a radiant evening. This is the most romantic time.


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