Lermontov. Poems that are easy to learn - what's the secret?

The curriculum on Russian literature at school involves the children studying the work of many famous writers. One of them is Mikhail Lermontov. Poems that are easy to learn especially appeal to schoolchildren. Such clear and light works with complex constructions, metaphors and long words that are absent in them leave the impression of so-called friendly sincere stories.

Lermontov poems that are easy to learn

Lermontov. Poems that are easy to learn at school

So, more details. One of the most beloved authors among schoolchildren is Lermontov. Poems that are easy to learn do not take too much time for this. Therefore, the guys, quickly coping with homework, can go for a walk with a calm heart and soul. In a word, a student simply cannot but like familiarizing himself with the work of such an author as Lermontov. Poems that are easy to learn - it is a clear rhythm, coordinated cross-rhymes, a very harmonious composition. Among them: “Song”, “Repentance”, “Elegy”, “Hope”, “Black eyes”, “Thank you”, “Prayer”. Consider the last of these works.

If we analyze the poem according to the stanzas, at the beginning of the first one you can clearly feel the depressing mood of the author: “In a difficult moment of life, sadness is crowded in the heart ...” The abundant combination of consonants (the “p” is especially common) gives the impression of heaviness and difficulty. And the repetition of the sound “y” causes associations with the gloom of a person.

The second stanza is a transitional stage in the poem. The power of prayer is described here: “There is a gracious power in harmony with the words of the living ...” It is for the lyrical hero, although incomprehensible, but clearly palpable. “Holy charm”, “consonance of living words” - all this conveys the very life-giving sensations experienced by every sincerely praying person. The key word is grace. It is it that absolutely changes the general mood of the work.

The third stanza symbolizes ease with the departure of all doubts, when the burden rolls from the soul, overshadowed by grace. Each syllable helps to reveal exactly the stressed sounds “e”, “o” and “a”. The repetition of the word “easy” at the end of the stanza leaves an impression of incompleteness and flight. In general, reading such poetic works, you understand how thoughtfully everything was described in them by Mikhail Lermontov. Poems that are easy to learn are the result of his painstaking work.

Lermontov’s small poems that are easy to learn

Actions and Consequences

The next moment. Lermontov’s small poems, which are easy to learn, owe much to this coordination of actions and consequences in them. For example: "In the north, wild stands alone on a bare peak pine ...". The lyrical hero is a tree. Throughout the poem, his main action is to “stand.” The rest of what is happening is the consequence. She sways, she is dressed in snow, she has dreams in which a palm tree grows.

In principle, all of Lermontov’s small poems that are easy to learn are, to some extent, a description of a single impulse of the hero’s soul and his changing mood. It is difficult to say whether the author had a certain support in writing the poem in some way, doubts ... But philosophical reasoning is clearly present in them. Moreover, not only the poet’s experiences play a key role here. Sincere and inspiring words also make the reader feel some kind of involvement in his soul rush.

Lermontov’s poems about love are easy to learn

Use some tricks

By the way, Lermontov’s poems about love are easy to learn in high school. For example: To love ... but whom? .. for a while - it’s not worth the work ... ". This work is very easy to learn and remember. It is only worth paying attention to some technique.

First, try to read this poem several times. It will be much better perceived precisely by ear.

For some people, learning a poem is a lot easier if you try to rewrite it. Or retype. In these cases, the so-called visual memory speaks about itself.

Do not forget also that to pronounce words mechanically is by no means worth it. You need to try to read them with expression, as if telling the story to the audience. Where necessary, the voice should be lowered to a calm tone, where there are especially emotional moments, on the contrary, should be raised. In a word, turn on your theatrical skills - and this will help you memorize a poetic work much faster.

Lermontov’s little poems that are easy to learn

Feel the story

Lermontov’s small poems, which are easy to learn, give you the opportunity to understand the plot, to clearly feel exactly what the author wanted to convey to the reader. Having dealt with each of the complex words, which are practically not found in these works, understand their common theme. The main thing is to understand the essence and plot of the poem, its meaning and connection. In this case, you can learn it without any problems. Well, the poet, for his part, did his best for this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9607/

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