How to give a cat an injection at the withers: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

For every loving owner, the need to give a fluffy pet an injection seems like a real tragedy. Of course, how can you betray a creature that trusts you endlessly, grab it, squeeze it and hurt it? The procedure is not always painless for the owner himself. No matter how gentle the cat may be, in such a situation it may very well scratch or bite. Today we’ll talk about how to give a cat an injection at the withers on his own, causing him a minimum of pain.

how to give a cat an injection at the withers

Actions for the good

First of all, come to terms with the idea that this is a necessity. Moreover, it is extremely important for the health of your pet. And of course, do not make the choice of drugs yourself. Only the appointment of a veterinarian should be carried out unconditionally. By the way, in this case, an on-site specialist will explain to you how to give the cat an injection at the withers.

The second step is to calm down. Animals react very strongly to your emotions, so before you start chasing a cat, prepare a syringe, a blanket in which you will wrap your pet, and take a few deep breaths. Now you can go in search of the patient.

Syringes and medicine

As a rule, the veterinarian explains in detail how to give the cat an injection at the withers. That is, you just have to follow his recommendations. When prescribing injections, doctors will tell you which syringes to take. If this moment was overlooked, then it is best to opt for insulin. The needles are thin and short, they will not cause severe pain to your pet. The dosage is usually small, so the size is quite enough. Ask your doctor about the nature of this injection. For oil-based products, it is best to take syringes with a removable needle. In other cases, the whole ones are well suited.

how to inject a cat at the withers

Since you have to give the cat an injection at the withers on your own from beginning to end, it is better to prepare everything in advance. In particular, the ampoule with the medicine should be used only if it is at room temperature. After taking it out of the refrigerator, first warm it in the palms of your hands.

Bright personality

Before starting the procedure, evaluate the nature of your pet. There are courageous individuals among the representatives of the cat world who will endure any torture. In this case, the cat, most likely, will only shake its paws with displeasure and leave to tidy up the wrinkled coat. However, as among people, there are hysterical personalities who will scratch, bite and scream. That is why it is important to prepare a diaper or blanket, quickly wrap the cat and, until he understood anything, make an injection. The less you fear yourself, the more successful the procedure will be.

Subcutaneous injection

It seems to many owners that an intramuscular injection is easier to perform. In fact, this is not so. If you know how to properly inject a cat at the withers, then once again you do not have to go to the veterinarian. This does not mean that you can treat the animal at its discretion. But usually pets are taken to the clinic once a day, in serious condition - twice. And besides this, additional injections may be required (several more times a day). Here you can just do them yourself.

how to inject a cat at the withers scheme

Why exactly the withers

Only at first glance, this procedure is so scary. It is easier to inject a cat subcutaneously into the withers because this place is not too sensitive. Mother raises a small kitten for him, and he never expresses signs of discontent. However, piercing the withers with a needle can be difficult, especially if you get into the muscle.

But there are also physiological reasons for choosing a place. Subcutaneous fat has a loose structure and good absorption capacity. That is why large volumes of liquid, in particular, oily solutions, can be injected into this part of the body. Due to their slow absorption, it is necessary to use medicines in a warm form and in a small amount.

The subcutaneous fat layer has good blood supply, which provides an excellent effect on all organs and systems. In this case, absorption occurs faster than when taken by mouth, but slower than when administered intramuscularly.

Basic Rules

  • It is best if the animal sits quietly. So you have a much better chance of performing the procedure painlessly. Since it is not difficult to inject a cat into the withers subcutaneously, you can act alone, but it will be easier to get together. One distracts the animal, strokes and holds, and the second quickly makes an injection.
  • It is not necessary to disinfect the injection site with alcohol.
  • Filling the syringe with medicine, be sure to close it with a cap. Do not touch the needle with your hands. The protective cap can only be removed before the injection.
  • The drug should have room temperature.
  • The needle is inserted no more than one centimeter.

inject the cat subcutaneously at the withers

Preparation for the procedure

The most important thing is sterility, because you do not want to harm your pet even more with your injection.

  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. Then open the sterile syringe. Be sure to take a new one at each injection, otherwise you risk introducing infection into the wound.
  • If the ampoule was opened earlier, then its contents cannot be used. Do not endanger the cat’s health.
  • Make sure you take the exact medicine you need.
  • Open the ampoule.
  • Pick up the drug.
  • Drive air out of the syringe. To do this, holding it up with the needle, slowly press the piston until the first drop of medicine appears.

Introduction technique

We came close to how to inject a cat into the withers. The scheme is quite simple, but requires practical skills. For the first time, everything seems complicated, but if you perform this procedure correctly once from beginning to end, you will understand that there is nothing to fear.

an injection to a cat how to make at home

  1. Pull the skin at the withers of the animal. Here you can not be very afraid, for sure you already did this during games with him, sorting through the silky coat. Three to four centimeters up, the skin rises completely calmly and painlessly. This will be the injection site.
  2. Now it's time to give the cat a shot. How to make this procedure the least painful at home, we are trying to find out. Having pulled out a skin fold, press on it with the middle finger to make a pocket. It is here that we will introduce the drug.
  3. It is very important to hold the syringe correctly. It should go parallel to the spine, the needle penetrates under the skin no more than a centimeter. If you use an insulin syringe, then you can not really worry about this. His needle is short, so it can be inserted almost completely.
  4. This is the most crucial moment, but now you know how to give a cat an injection at the withers. The instruction says that at this moment the animal usually ceases to resist. The needle is already under the skin, and you can start to administer the medicine.
  5. Now the most important thing is not to rush. The slower this procedure is performed, the less painful the process itself. For example, 20 ml of the drug is administered for about two minutes. Calculating the proportion is not difficult at all.
  6. Watch the process carefully. If the hair near the injection site began to get wet, it means that you did not pierce the skin, and the medicine did not get where you need it.
  7. When removing the needle, hold the animal in your arms for several minutes, soothing it. It is not required to disinfect the wound, but if you feel calmer from this, take chlorhexidine from the pharmacy first.
  8. After the procedure, you need to slightly massage the injection site so that the medicine disperses.

Withers and not only

We examined in detail how to properly inject a cat at the withers. The instruction emphasizes that this is the easiest way of medical care for the animal, which every owner will easily master. However, the injection site may not only be the withers. A similar procedure can be performed on any part of the animal’s body, where the skin is drawn well enough and there is developed subcutaneous tissue. However, the withers wins in the sense that there is the least number of nerve endings.

Intramuscular injection

There is nothing easier than giving an injection to the withers of a cat. How to put an injection in the muscle is already a more complicated issue. Typically, such procedures are carried out by a veterinary nurse. However, there are times when help is needed immediately, and the time of day or distance does not allow you to quickly call a specialist.

  • So, for intramuscular administration, a large volume of the drug is not recommended. Usually it is not more than 1.5 ml.
  • Open the ampoule, remove the sterile syringe and draw medicine into it.
  • Now it is important to determine the location for the injection. To do this, slightly extend the hind paw and feel for the muscle. She rolls under her fingers. The best place is the middle of the thigh.
  • Be sure to probe the bone with your fingers. It is important that, having determined the place of administration of the drug, the owner does not get into it with a needle.

how to make an injection at the withers cat instructions

Injection Technique

This procedure is more difficult to tolerate, as it is painful. However, it is in your power to do everything right, then the discomfort will be short-lived.

  • The syringe must be taken in hand so that then it is not intercepted.
  • The movement itself must be fast, sharp and accurate. The slower the needle enters the muscle, the more painful. Often animals are very patient. This is because their pain threshold is higher than that of a person. But do not abuse it.
  • The correct direction of the needle is from the back of the paw. It is introduced at an angle of 45 degrees, not more than 1 cm.
  • After the puncture is completed, do not rush. For every ml of solution, it will take at least 3 seconds. In this case, each subsequent ml is introduced more slowly, already in 6-8 seconds.

If the cat is very stressed, try to calm her down before the procedure. Stroke and place in front of her a plate with a treat. You can make an injection in the front paw, but here the muscle is smaller, and it will be much more difficult for you. Immediately after administration of the drug, the cat can be released. If several similar injections are required, then each time change the paw into which you will introduce the medicine.

how to inject a cat at the withers

Instead of a conclusion

It’s not difficult to master the injection technique; it is enough to put them into practice once. However, do not abuse your skill. Prescribe drugs, dosage and duration of therapy should only be a veterinarian. Following his recommendations, you can perform some procedures at home, on your own. By following the instructions, you will not harm your pet and will quickly complete the full course of treatment.


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