Mononucleosis in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences, reviews

Mononucleosis in children is an infectious disease that is very similar in symptoms to angina or flu, it is also called "glandular fever", as the lymph nodes in different parts of the body increase. Unofficially, mononucleosis is also called the “disease of kisses”, as it is easily transmitted through saliva. Particularly dangerous are the complications that can arise and which distinguish mononucleosis from a common cold. So, what kind of disease is it, how is it transmitted, what are its symptoms, how is it diagnosed and treated, what preventative measures exist, what complications can develop? All this will be discussed in the article.

What is this disease?

Mononucleosis is a viral disease that causes the Epstein-Barr virus. According to doctors and parental reviews, mononucleosis in children is most often detected at the age of 3 to 10 years, less often the disease occurs in the age group up to 2 years. If a child has a sore throat, tonsils become inflamed, he snores at night, and during the day he has difficulty breathing - perhaps he has mononucleosis.

In a sick baby, the symptoms of the disease are observed for about 3 weeks, after which he recovers.

This is a very common disease, by the age of 5, approximately 50% of children have antibodies to this virus in their blood, which indicates that they have already encountered it. Most likely, the parents did not even know about it, since the disease was asymptomatic. Those who have not been ill in childhood, as a rule, get sick in adulthood.

Mononucleosis in children

Once it enters the body, the virus remains in it for life, that is, the person who has been ill is its carrier and, under certain conditions, a potential distributor. Relapse of the disease in acute form is impossible, because the immune system produces antibodies until the end of life. But the disease can recur with more blurry symptoms.

What is the difference between mononucleosis and tonsillitis?

Very often, parents confuse this disease with angina or flu. They begin to give the child medicines that are useless and kill immunity. Dr. Komarovsky Eugene emphasizes that mononucleosis in children is always accompanied by nasal congestion and severe runny nose. With angina, as a rule, there are no such symptoms. That is, if the child has a sore throat, and there is a runny nose, most likely he has mononucleosis. An experienced doctor can always distinguish this disease from all others.

Causes and ways of infection

The cause of the disease mononucleosis in children is close contact with a sick person or a carrier of the virus. The causative agent of the disease in the environment quickly dies. A child can become infected by kissing, using the same utensils, through common toys. Mononucleosis can be obtained through a wet towel, by airborne droplets, since when coughing and sneezing, the virus enters the air with droplets of saliva.

Children of preschool and school age are in close contact, so they are sick most often. In infants, mononucleosis is much less common, they are infected mainly from the mother.

Scientists have proven that boys get sick more often than girls.

The epidemic of the virus occurs in autumn and spring, since the spread and infection contribute to a weakening of the immune system, hypothermia.

Treatment of mononucleosis in children

This is a very contagious disease. If the child had contact with the patient, then 3-4 months parents should carefully monitor him. If there are no obvious symptoms, this means that the child's immunity is strong enough, and infection could be avoided, or the disease proceeded in a mild form.


The most characteristic signs and symptoms of mononucleosis in children are:

  • When swallowing, severe sore throat, enlargement of tonsils, plaque, inflammation of the pharynx, bad breath.
  • Difficult nasal breathing due to swelling of the nasal mucosa. Snoring in a dream, inability to breathe through the nose, severe runny nose.
  • Pain in the bones and muscles, fever, mononucleosis in children rises to 39 ° C, the child has weakness, chills, headache.
  • Constant fatigue manifests itself, which lasts after the illness for several more months.
  • Enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes in the groin, armpits, and neck.
  • Enlarged spleen, liver. The occurrence of jaundice, there is a darkening of the urine. With a strong enlargement of the spleen, it may rupture.
  • The appearance of a rash on the legs, arms, back, face, stomach, but there is no itching. As a rule, after a few days it disappears on its own. If an allergic reaction to the drug appears, then the rash begins to itch strongly.
  • Dizziness and insomnia.
  • Swelling of the eyelids and face.
  • The child becomes lethargic, refuses food, tends to lie. Possible violations of the heart (noises, heart palpitations).
  • Mononuclear cells are present in the blood, which are established as a result of laboratory analysis.
Temperature with mononucleosis in children

The smaller the child, the weaker the symptoms of mononucleosis are, they are very difficult to distinguish from the symptoms of SARS. Children under one year old have a cough and runny nose, wheezing, redness of the throat, and mild inflammation of the tonsils are heard when breathing.

Most clearly, all the signs of mononucleosis in children appear between the ages of 5 and 15 years. In addition, if there is a fever, this means the body is fighting.

Types of disease

The disease in children can be acute or chronic, its manifestation also depends on it. Types of mononucleosis:

1. Acute - characterized by a rapid onset. The temperature rises sharply, in the early days it keeps at around 39 ° C. The child has a clear fever, he is thrown into the cold, then into the heat, there is apathy, drowsiness, and fatigue.

For children, acute mononucleosis is characterized by signs such as swollen lymph nodes, swelling of the nasopharynx, white deposits on the tonsils, palate, root of the tongue, enlarged liver and spleen, dry lips, small and thick rashes of red color throughout the body.

It should be borne in mind that the child is contagious for 3-5 days, as with any viral infection.

Mononucleosis disease in children: causes

2. Chronic. Acute mononucleosis becomes chronic with a decrease in immunity, poor nutrition, an unhealthy lifestyle. In addition, it can occur in adults, if they are prone to frequent stresses, work hard, are few in the fresh air.

Symptoms are almost identical, but appear more mildly. There is no high temperature, the liver and spleen increase slightly, but there is weakness, fatigue, drowsiness. Sometimes the following symptoms appear: diarrhea, nausea, constipation, vomiting.

In the chronic form of the disease, children often complain of headaches that resemble a flu condition.


In order to distinguish mononucleosis in children from other diseases and prescribe the correct treatment, diagnostics are carried out using various laboratory methods. The following blood tests are done:

  • General: for leukocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes, ESR. All indicators with mononucleosis are increased by 1.5 - 2 times. Mononuclear cells do not appear immediately, but several weeks after infection.
  • Biochemical analysis; on the content of glucose, urea, protein. According to these indicators, the doctor evaluates the work of the liver, spleen, and kidneys.
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antibodies to herpes viruses.

An ultrasound is done to determine the condition of the internal organs.

Signs of mononucleosis in children

Mononucleosis in children: treatment, symptoms, consequences

There are no drugs that can kill the virus. Therefore, mononucleosis is treated in children in order to alleviate symptoms and prevent all kinds of consequences. A prerequisite is bed rest. Hospitalization is necessary if the disease is very severe, accompanied by profuse vomiting and fever, impaired functioning of the internal organs.

So, how to treat infectious mononucleosis in children? Antibiotics are powerless against viruses, so giving them to a child is useless, in addition, they can cause severe allergies. For treatment, antipyretic drugs (syrups "Ibuprofen", "Panadol") are used. To relieve sore throat, it is necessary to rinse it with solutions of soda, furatsilina.

ibuprofen syrup

To alleviate the symptoms of intoxication, eliminate an allergic reaction, doctors prescribe antihistamines (Claritin, Zirtek, Zodak).

Choleretic drugs (Karsil, Essentiale) are prescribed to restore liver function.

It is also necessary to give the child immunomodulating drugs that have antiviral effects (Cycloferon, Imudon, Anaferon). Of great importance is vitamin therapy and diet.

With severe swelling of the nasopharynx, hormonal drugs are prescribed (Prednisolone, Nazonex).

If the spleen ruptures, surgery is performed.

It should be remembered that any self-medication of this disease can lead to irreparable and serious consequences, therefore it is necessary to follow all the doctor's recommendations and treat mononucleosis in children only for its intended purpose.

Mononucleosis, like the herpes virus, cannot be completely eradicated, and treatment is aimed at alleviating the symptoms and condition of the patient, as well as reducing the risk of complications.

Additionally, you can use inhalation with special solutions that help relieve swelling and facilitate breathing.

How long is mononucleosis treated in children? There is no clear answer to this question, it all depends on the child’s immunity, timely diagnosis, and the right treatment.

Mononucleosis in children: treatment, consequences


With improper treatment, late diagnosis, failure to follow the doctor's recommendations, the disease is complicated by otitis media, tonsillitis, paratonsillitis, pneumonia. In severe cases, neuritis, anemia, and renal failure develop.

The negative consequences of mononucleosis in children during treatment in the form of enzymatic deficiency and hepatitis develop very rarely. But within six months after the onset of the disease, parents should be careful and respond with lightning speed to symptoms such as yellowing of the eyes and skin proteins, light feces, vomiting, and digestive upset. With these symptoms, and if the child is still complaining of abdominal pain, you should consult a doctor.

Prevention of Complications

To prevent their development, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child not only during the illness, but also a year after the disappearance of symptoms. You should donate blood, monitor the condition of the liver, spleen, lungs and other organs in order to prevent inflammation of the liver, leukemia or impaired lung function.


With mononucleosis, the food should be balanced and fortified, liquid, high-calorie, but not greasy, to facilitate the work of the liver. Be sure to include soups, dairy products, cereals, boiled meat and fish, and sweet fruits in the diet. Do not eat spicy, sour and salty foods, as well as onions and garlic.

So, the following products should be excluded from the menu:

  • Pork and fatty beef dishes.
  • Spicy spices, seasonings, canned food.
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard.
  • Broths on bones or meat.
  • Chocolate, coffee, cocoa.
  • Carbonated drinks.

The child should drink a lot so that dehydration does not occur, and toxins are excreted in the urine.

Mononucleosis in children: symptoms, treatment, consequences


Traditional medicine, can only be used after consultation with a doctor.

To eliminate the fever, you can give your child a decoction of chamomile, dill, mint, as well as tea from the leaves of raspberries, maple, currants, with honey and lemon juice.

Linden tea, lingonberry juice helps with headaches.

To alleviate the condition, in order to accelerate recovery, the child should drink decoctions of rosehip, motherwort, mint, yarrow, mountain ash, and hawthorn.

To combat microbes and the virus, to strengthen the immune system, tea from echinacea helps well. You should drink 3 glasses a day, for prevention, take 1 glass per day.

A good soothing, immunomodulating and anti-allergenic remedy is the lemon balm herb, from which they make a decoction and give them a drink with honey.

Compresses with a decoction of willow, birch, calendula, pine, chamomile leaves can be applied to swollen lymph nodes.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures include: strengthening immunity, good nutrition, sports, hardening, stress reduction, strict adherence to the daily regimen, vitamin therapy in the spring and autumn.

If a child is ill with mononucleosis, a virus remains in his body, and sometimes he becomes active and can be transmitted to other people.

In order not to get infected, you must follow the basic rules of personal hygiene, each family member should have his own set of dishes, his own towel, you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, more often to be in the fresh air.

There are no medications that would prevent infection with the virus, but the precautions listed will help significantly reduce the risk of the disease. In addition, ARVI should be treated in a timely manner and, if possible, be less in public places during epidemics. In addition, it is necessary to organize a balanced and fortified diet enriched with fresh fruits and vegetables.


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