Interactive doll Nastya: description, instruction, reviews

Any parents dream that their child grow up as a good family man, try to give him the right education. Through a game of dolls, it turns out entertainingly. If the doll itself takes an active part in entertainment, the pleasure of the process and positive motivation increase.

General characteristics

The interactive doll Nastya turns a fabulous fiction into an exciting reality.

Like a small man, Nastya is happy, sad, talking, playing, moving.

Its sizes in different versions vary from 40 to 60 cm. The creators took into account the standard sizes of prams.

The package does not include AA batteries necessary for the “maintenance of life”. 6 pieces should be purchased in advance in order to avoid unexpected accidents when meeting Nastya’s doll with a new girlfriend.

When they greet Nastya, she very touchingly reports that she is bored, then asks for food. When served correctly, this will develop an important maternal flair in the girl: the child should always be fed to the full.

doll on the couch next to the box

Nastenka’s doll is a humanized image: just like people blinks, doesn’t like to be turned upside down, whines, if you say stupid, you can hear emotions in the conversation, despite the not too bright intonation palette. When a child calls her clever, she boastfully admits that everyone says that. Non-positive example of arrogance. But people are not perfect. With the right approach, parents can successfully bring up modesty in their daughter thanks to Nastya.

Able to sit, bending his knees. Hands bends at the elbows. Inside the wire frame.

Elastic moving lips fascinate the eye. The gracefully turning head during a conversation gives the impression of thoughtfulness, excitement.

Hair is straight or slightly curly in different models. Light, blond. Soft, long, suitable for training the future young hairdresser.

There are several outfits for Nastenka’s doll. Girl with mom can sew their own. A great simulator for a fashionista who dreams of becoming a fashion designer.

It is noteworthy that Nastya precisely "understands" live speech and each time answers differently. (Given the limitations of the program.)

The number of phrases known to Nastenka’s doll varies from 20 to 100–200.

The complete set of the doll necessarily includes a detailed guide to its activation and a list of replicas to which it responds.

Manage the doll conveniently through the mobile application by downloading it in the Apple Store.

Age group

To play in kindergarten Nastya is not suitable. Its fragility and vulnerability require communication in an extremely narrow family circle, always with adults. According to the manufacturer’s idea, the doll is designed for children from 3 years old. Buyers do not agree. Some of them consider: too early, better 5-6 years.

It all depends on the specific child. It is not only a matter of careful handling. Among children there are shy, timid, not ready for a real interactive game. A conversation with Nastya is not quite natural, there is no spontaneity inherent in a person. A kind of interaction algorithm is needed, without which the game of the child will not carry away. It will be difficult for him to believe in the reality of a fairy tale.


After unpacking, parents can familiarize themselves with the instructions that came with the doll Nastenka.

In order to “revive” (“wake up”) Nastya, it is necessary to launch the application, press twice on her chest, as if making artificial respiration, and say a few phrases from the list proposed in the instructions. Nastena will react instantly, communication will begin.

The main thing is to always maintain a dialogue, answering questions requiring an answer of "yes" or "no" accordingly, asking counter-questions. If you speak slurred or when the radio / TV is turned on, the interlocutor will complain of noise and poor audibility. In order for the mischievous talker to be silent for a while, just shake her right hand twice slightly. After 45 minutes of rest, Nastia will go into sleep mode.

doll next to the box on a white background

Through the mobile application, playing is unusual and informative. Selecting the product image on the screen, you need to "point" the phone at the doll and with a finger movement send the picture towards it. Clever woman will surely tell interesting information about the selected product, give useful advice on using it.

Thanks to the three modes of interaction, the game can be varied to suit the mood: movement, education, game.

Training mode

With the doll Nastenka, the child learns the world, receiving new information about the surrounding reality and products.

The kid will learn to count and learn colors for fun (drawing next to his girlfriend with colored pencils or paints). If Nastya the frolic decides to go to the zoo - you can collect animal toys and take a walk with her, having fun playing the quiz, guessing riddles, repeating tongue twisters, and songs. When her daughter liked the rhyme to hear more, she might say, “Come on again!” - continuing so until you get bored.

The girl will receive safety lessons, learn the rules of the road.

Game mode

Before going to bed, the talking doll Nastya will please the young friend with a fairy tale, a lullaby; in the morning - smartly commands all the charging actions. A small minus is the fact that while making a peppy speech about sports movements, the arms of the toy are stretched out at the seams, it sits motionless, due to which the effect of the compatibility of the game actions of the doll and the person is somewhat lost.

Driving mode

At a family holiday, it’s nice to move along with the dancing doll Nastenka, who knows how to recognize melodies “by ear” and move clearly to the beat of the music.

With the appropriate settings, Nastya just walks - slides her feet on a hard surface with little technical noise. In three years, this can slightly alert, scare. It is more advisable for adults to psychologically prepare a child in advance by inventing a ridiculous fiction or explaining the true reason, depending on educational preferences.

Examples of baby and doll replicas

Here are a few voice commands that you can get an answer from Nastya:



Let's play!

I love you!

Do you like fairy tales?

Who do you want to become?

Your favorite colour.

Cheerful score.

Good girl!

Let's go to the zoo!

Do you like cartoons?

Do you know the riddles? (Let's!)

Tell a poem! (Let's!)

Let's dance! (Let's!)

Tell me about the seasons! (Let's!)

Let's do the charging! (Let's!)

Quiz! (Let's!)


It's time to sleep!


Sayings of Nastenka look something like this:


I'm so glad to see you!

Let's be friends!

I am so glad to make a new friend!

I waited for you! I miss you!

I want to eat! Feed me please!


Each person perceives any toy differently. About the doll Nastya, reviews are mixed.

doll Nastya in a trouser suit

According to some, Nastya is useful in terms of speech therapy, because it requires the most accurate pronunciation. The child's speech in the process of interaction with Nastia is really improving.

Negative reviews of the doll mention the inability to adjust the volume of her speech.

In some families, the toy instantly becomes a kind of friend with whom the girl shares her entire daily routine.

Optimists find Nastena’s answers diverse.

Negatively, buyers respond to loose hair that falls out very soon, that is, there is a great danger of it getting into the eyes and respiratory tract.

Pessimists are unhappy with Nastenka’s reaction to unrecognized speech: some models pronounce the phrase: “Why, what?” Not too positive-educational formulation, setting a bad example for children.

Some parents complain about the need to constantly listen to the child’s conversations with the toy.

on a white background doll Nastenka in a blue outfit

A great plus is the ability of Nastenka’s interactive doll to perceive live speech, to respond appropriately, to ask questions, including those requiring an unambiguous negative or affirmative answer. They consider the “come on again” cliche convenient, allowing you to hear from the doll many different sayings of the type you like.

It is noted that children like to watch the toy lips move when it talks.

About 60-centimeter dolls sometimes speak negatively, considering the size too large, unsuitable for the baby.

doll Nastenka and a child

Toys are found to be hard-to-find among owners because of the softness of the vinyl of their arms, legs, and stuffed body.

Not all children have a long-term interest. There are girls who stopped playing with the doll, finding out all the possible combinations of dialogue with Nastya, the "skills" of the toy.

An interesting fact is that Nastya's clothes are suitable for a real baby.

Sometimes a doll is not like children who are keenly aware of the difference between a person and a mechanism.

People who pay attention to detail praise the packaging that can be grabbed by the handle. Through a transparent film, Nastya is clearly visible, as if looking out the window from her small house.

doll nastenka in a box

It is noted that Nastyusha is difficult to comb if her hair is tangled. Handle it with care, carefully.

For some children, the severity and large size of the doll is not a problem. They do not interfere with girls wearing it everywhere with them in the process of communication.

Due to the mechanism, Nastya cannot be bathed. Among the reviews you can find those that talk about the possibility of water procedures. It is safer to limit yourself to wiping with a wet and dry cloth.

A nice nuance is the lack of emphasis.

Adults like the inability of the child to independently intervene in the mechanism due to the isolation of the screw through the cover.

Mechanisms tend to fail over time. But even the silent Nastya, many girls continue to love, play with her like with all other dolls.

After buying an interactive doll, kids often cool off to ordinary ones because of their passivity.

doll in a red skirt on a background of silver drapery

A lot of enthusiastic reviews about the beautiful appearance, fashionable elegant outfits. Admiration is caused by the realism and interactivity of Nastenka.

Manufacturers often brag: their dolls are very similar to little girls. But toy friends should not take the place of the real. Dolls remain dolls.

The magical world of a child with imagination is filled with fabulous creatures (toys), among which Nastya can become a guide. (With the active participation of parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, educators.)


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