Memory of Zhegalov (pear): ripening period, description, photo

Pears are a delicious and healthy fruit. They compare favorably with more common apples with a sweet taste and a refined aroma. Usually in gardens, the number of pear trees is much less than apple trees. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a large number of varieties of this tree was created relatively recently. But different varieties of pears are little similar to each other. Therefore, the more pear trees planted on your site, the better. One of them is a pear of the variety Pamyat Zhegalov.


The memory of Zhegalov is a pear created by the Russian breeder S. Chizhov in the 80s of the last century. He crossed the famous Forest Beauty with Olga. In the 90s, state tests passed and was recommended for industrial use in memory of Zhegalov (pear).

Grade description

What is the value of the memory of Zhegalov (pear)? Its ripening is late autumn. The tree is usually not tall. The bark of the trunk is dark gray. The crown shape of the young tree is funnel-shaped, adult - round or oval. Skeletal branches grow almost vertically, like most varieties. Their color is light green. The crown is not very thick, forms quickly.

memory zhegalov pear reviews

The number of shoots is small. They are smooth, dark brown, curved, with small convex lentils. The leaves are oval, dark green, pubescent, serrate. Petioles of medium length. Inflorescences are shields of 5-7 white flowers. Their petals are snug against each other.

Pear bear fruit. The memory of Zhegalov begins in the third or fourth year after the tree is transplanted to a permanent place.

The variety is resistant to frost and temperature changes. Fruits almost do not crumble. There are reviews of gardeners in the Southern Urals that the variety does not freeze in their climatic zone and is considered reliable.

Fruit Description

The fruits of this pear are quite large, egg-shaped. Their weight averages 130 g. But this is not the record weight of fruits that the Memory of Zhegalov (pear) may have. Reviews say that there are cases when they reach 200 g. This is evidence that the tree has all the conditions for growth and abundant fruiting. Over the years, the fruits become slightly smaller than on a young tree.

memory zhegalova pear

The color of the fruit is green, yellowish. On the sunny side are covered with a slight blush. The skin is slightly rusted, thin, delicate, smooth, slightly oily. The pulp is white, juicy, tender, melts in the mouth. The taste of the fruit is pleasant, sweet, slightly sour. The aroma is pleasant. Inside are about a dozen seeds.

The appearance and taste of the fruits of the pear Memory of Zhegalov speaks expert assessment. They gave her 4.3 points in both categories.

Pears keep well on branches, do not fall. They are removed from the tree near the end of September. Stored up to 4 months. You can eat the pear fruit of this variety until January, or even February.

Reviews of gardeners indicate that the pear bears fruit regularly. But sometimes the crop is too much for the tree. If some fruits are not cut off, then next year they will be much smaller, about 90 g. It happens that it does not bear fruit at all after freezing, lack of moisture during the formation of flower buds or overload.


The memory of Zhegalov is a self-infertile pear. Other crops must be grown nearby to produce crops. But not all of them are equally suitable for this. What varieties does the memory of Zhegalov (pear) best react to? Pollinators Lyubimitsa Yakovleva, Moscow Bergamot are optimal for this variety.

memory zhegalova pear reviews formation

For pollination to be successful, good weather is needed. After all, bees that transfer pollen from a flower of one variety to another should be able to do this. In rainy weather, the tree may not be pollinated and not give a harvest.

If there are no pollinating trees nearby or no pears at all, you can pin a branch of the desired variety into the crown. It will be enough to pollinate the whole tree.


Eat pear fruit. Zhegalov's memory is mostly fresh. They are suitable for making jam, compotes. Pear fruit Zhegalov's memory does not deteriorate when transported over long distances.

memory zhegalova pear pollinators


The memory of Zhegalov is a high-yielding pear. During a season, about 40 kg from one tree can be collected from one tree. In industrial cultivation, about 120 centners of fruits are harvested from 1 ha.

Landing site requirements

Plant a pear. Zhegalov’s memory needs to be in a quiet, sheltered from the wind. Groundwater should not come close to the root system of a tree. It should be lit by the sun as long as possible.

The soil

Pear The memory of Zhegalov grows well on the main soils: chernozems, sandy loams, loams. A pair of humus buckets, a glass of superphosphate are introduced into the pit. It responds well to soil liming. If it does not contain sand, make several buckets of it.


A pit for planting pears is prepared with a depth of about 1 meter. Width - 60-100 cm. From the time of preparation of the pit to planting the plant takes at least a week. During this time, the soil settles, which allows you not to pick off the roots when planting. After planting at a height of 6 cm, the root neck must be visible. A trunk circle is formed, pouring a roller with a radius of 50 cm. Water the tree. The trunk circle is mulched, using humus with sawdust or freshly cut grass for this.

memory zhegalova pear ripening period


The main care for the pear is regular watering, especially the first year and during the formation of fruit buds. Weed out. In subsequent years, they carry out shaping and sanitary pruning.

If the crop is very plentiful, the branches of the pear may not withstand the load and break off. In order to prevent this from happening, they put props under them. Gardeners' reviews recommend installing a high pole near the trunk, from the top of which ropes hang to tie branches.

Cropping and shaping the crown

Needs pruning. Memory of Zhegalov (pear). Reviews crown formation compared with the apple tree. They indicate that the tree does not like shortening branches. Therefore, the main attention should be paid to removing excess branches that are cut into a ring. Strong pruning makes the fruiting period later. Therefore, it is better to do it after the tree begins to bear fruit. But you need to carefully form the crown from the second year after planting. The main attention is paid to creating a reliable skeleton, lighting of all branches.

memory zhegalova pear description

The branches of the pear, which are directed vertically down, need to be bent and fixed so that they later grow horizontally. At the end of spring, they can be fixed with clothespins, closer to the fall they use twine. This will improve the fruiting of the tree.


Zhegalov's memory is a pear that is not affected by the main fungal diseases, including scab. Therefore, it is very much appreciated by amateur gardeners and professionals.


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