New Year's ball for children: interesting ideas. New Year's Eve Masquerade Ball Scenario

All children love the holidays. Especially when they turn into an interesting and fascinating tale. So why not arrange something similar for the kids on New Year's Eve ? What could be a New Year's ball for children? This will be discussed further.

New Year's ball

Visiting a fairy tale

How to organize a New Year's ball? The first idea is to make it into a fairy tale. To do this, you need to choose one thematic work that will appeal to children and will be recognizable by guests. And based on this, you need to develop a script. There may be many options. Theatrical fairy tales “Cinderella”, “Adventures of Santa Claus”, “Snow Queen”, etc. are suitable. However, in this case it must be taken into account that there will be not so many main characters, other children will play secondary roles.

Scenario example

The scenario of the New Year's ball according to a certain fairy tale should not differ much from the original. That is, if a particular work is selected, the main idea of ​​the plot should not be lost. For example, when interpreting the fairy tale “Cinderella”, the main characters will be Cinderella herself, her sisters, her stepmother. There should also be a fairy-aunt, maybe a good father, well, the presence of a handsome prince is mandatory. The remaining children are assigned the role of mice for the carriage, as well as guests at the ball. If there are many participants and everyone needs roles, you can put on a dance of snowflakes: let Cinderella remove the snow, and not sort out the cereals, etc.

Texts are best rhymed, so it will be easier for small artists to learn the text, and for the audience it is easier to perceive what is happening on the stage. Dialogs do not have to be long. It is best to bet on dynamic action and musicality. The script must include songs and dances. And the action can end with a beautiful ball, where all participants of the evening will take part.

New Year's ball script

The second idea: in a modern way

We must not forget that the New Year's ball is done specifically for children. Kids should first of all enjoy what is happening. Therefore, it is best to take into account all the wishes of small participants. And for this you can ask themselves how they see New Year's Eve. It is not surprising if the guys choose a modern cartoon as a script. It can be "Shrek" or "Beauty and the Beast." The right approach will provide a very fun and unusual presentation.

Shrek Script Example

What could be the scenario of the New Year's ball-dress based on the cartoon "Shrek"? Very funny and interesting! After all, this is also a fairy tale with a positive ending, when lovers find each other. Acting characters, which must be mandatory: Shrek, Fiona, donkey, dragon, cat in boots. The remaining characters can be anyone: villagers, a mischievous prince, invented beasts that will help the heroes find each other. The script itself should be that the lovers find each other, overcoming all the problems in their path.

script for the New Year's Eve ball masquerade

Idea Three: Favorite Cartoon

Why not make the New Year's ball as a projection of the beloved cartoon of many children and adults - "Masha and the Bear"? There are already a lot of variants of the scenario, because the plot itself is very diverse and consists of many series. And if you come up with a story yourself? For example, Masha and Misha got lost, and the inhabitants of the forest help them find each other, performing various tasks. In the end, everyone goes to the New Year clearing with a beautiful Christmas tree. Actors can also be quite a lot: Masha, Bear, bear, hare, two wolves, squirrel, hedgehog, pig, goat, dog, Masha's sister, penguin, panda. Diverse heroes and interesting unforgettable costumes - is this not the best idea for a children's holiday?

Idea Four: Compilation

A New Year's ball for children can also be created from a variety of cartoons and fairy tales that children like so much. Mix everything and make a festive mix of classics and modern plots, heroes of domestic and foreign cinema. Let the boys and girls choose the role themselves, and the author will write the script for the holiday under it. And kids will like it, and adults will be interested in working.

New Year's ball for children

Scenario example

The scenario of the New Year's ball in this case can be absolutely anything. Invite fairies and princesses, princes, snowflakes, snowmen, gnomes, superheroes, bunnies and squirrels, chanterelles, tangerines and crackers to the Christmas tree. Where without negative heroes: there may be Baba Yaga, the Evil Wizard. The main faces in the New Year are the Fir-tree and the Snow Queen, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Events can develop like this: a negative character stole the Christmas tree, and without it, New Year will never come. And all participants should help Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden find the forest beauty by completing various tasks.

Masquerade ball

If we are talking about older children, for example, middle school age, you can make a New Year's ball in the form of a masquerade. In this case, there can also be a huge amount of scenario variations. The main thing is not only to put on a beautiful suit, but also to think over the mask.

The script for the New Year's masquerade ball is very simple to write. A great example of fantasy is the Soviet comedy Carnival Night. In this style, you can come up with a school New Year's Eve: it may not be a theatrical action, but just an evening with dancing, songs, funny numbers and monologues. The obligatory rule is to comply with the dress code, that is, dress in a smart suit, and hide your face under a mask. Ideally, such a holiday will be made at the level of not only the class, but the whole school.

New Year's ball for children

Nuances, features

And at the very end I would like to talk a little about the nuances that need to be taken into account when compiling the script. First of all, you need to think about costumes. You can buy an outfit, sew it yourself or rent it. It should also be envisaged that all children participate. If someone is on the bench, the holiday will be ruined. It is important to think about the thematic decoration of the hall, to create the scenery, even the simplest ones. Well, of course, do not forget that the dialogs of child actors need to be diluted with songs and dances. Only in this case the ball will be as saturated and interesting as possible.


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