Fallout: New Vegas - builds. Character upgrade in Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas is the penultimate part of the RPG game series, which is beloved by the gaming community. Complete freedom of action, variability in completing quests, various options for leveling the character and the living world have the potential to return to this RPG again and again. Some players pass New Vegas repeatedly for different factions, some just travel around locations, while others constantly try new builds. Fallout: New Vegas does not limit you in any way in choosing abilities and weapons. You can pump energy weapons and heavy armor, becoming a full-fledged “tank”, or become a peace-loving diplomat with the skill of eloquence, and leave the war part of the game to your partners. There are hundreds of options, so you can spend many evenings and nights in Fallout.

fallout new vegas builds

A little bit about the game

Fallout New Vegas has become a truly cult game and has been warmly received by the public. The Russian-speaking community, despite the English voice acting Fallout: New Vegas, still loves and remembers this project. Most of the upgrade and build guides are made up of the players themselves, therefore, in addition to the ones presented in the article, you can find many more character options for every taste on the Internet.

Game mechanics

Before disassembling builds in Fallout: New Vegas, you need to understand a little about the mechanics of the game. A set of skills is responsible for the main characteristics of the character - strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, dexterity and luck. At the beginning of the passage you are given 40 points, which must be distributed between all parameters.

The second thing you should pay attention to is ability. With the increase of each level, you get the right to choose 1 or 2 abilities that enhance one or another skill, or give interesting "passives". With the help of cheats in Fallout: New Vegas, you can try to pump them all to decide which ones are more profitable to use during normal passage. But we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the description of each ability in the guide, as their selection differs depending on the chosen build.

The third important aspect is skills. Each of them is responsible for a particular area of ​​gameplay. For example, the “Sneak” skill allows you to sneak past enemies quickly, and the “Eloquence” skill increases your chances of “chatting” with someone else or convincing him of something.

Build Selection

Fallout: New Vegas offers many development paths. You can choose one of the standard builds with which completing the story quests will become much easier even at high difficulty levels. Such pumping is recommended for beginners and those who play only for the sake of the plot and dialogues.

The second option is to choose one of the “exotic builds”. Standard leveling is based on one of the weapons skills + additional (science, repair, etc.), because of this, your character becomes a master in one area, which allows him to quickly deal with enemies. But no one forbids a player to mix builds. For example, you can create a diplomat who breaks doors to secret places, and then, instead of killing the guards, he tries to set them up to a peaceful resolution of the issue. All builds in Fallout New Vegas involve a certain selection of abilities, skills, armor and weapons. Let's look at some of the most popular options that can be useful to the player in the first or second pass.

fallout new vegas armor


A build recommended by most players who are just starting out with New Vegas. All combat operations will be conducted using stealth and VATS. It is better not to engage in an open battle with enemies, since the character is unlikely to be helped by light armor. Fallout: New Vegas allows you to get a good sniper rifle almost at the very beginning of the game - this is another plus in the piggy bank build. If you are looking for complexity and challenge, then we recommend that you refuse to upgrade the sniper. Let's start by distributing SPECIAL points.

At the beginning of the game, you should distribute points as follows: strength - 4, perception - 7, stamina - 1, charisma - 1, intelligence - 10, agility - 10, luck - 7. You need to take the “Strengthened Ridge” perk to get two Extra Strength Points. With a power of 8, you can carry a heavy sniper rifle.

Among the skills worth highlighting are "Weapons", "Repair" and "Sneak." They must be selected at the very beginning when creating the character. In the future, in the role of secondary skills, we pump up science and barter to 70 points, and survival up to 45. Of the features, you will definitely need Kamikaze (adds 10 action points), Four Eyes (adds Perception with glasses on).

Sniper Equipment

Now consider what equipment can offer a sniper Fallout: New Vegas. The Ulysses Cloak armor is perfect for our build, as it adds 5% of critical damage per shot. Remember that you only need to wear light armor to receive a speed bonus from perks. An alternative variant of armor is the cloak of the Soldier's Fortune courier, which adds one point of strength and gives 15 action points.

The sniper build in Fallout: New Vegas, of course, involves firing from a sniper rifle from a long distance. The main weapons will be a large-caliber rifle and a sniper rifle with a silencer. In case you fall into close combat with enemies (and this cannot be avoided 100%), a police shotgun will come to your aid, which you always need to keep handy. From the additional equipment you can distinguish “Happy Sunglasses”, which can be obtained for a positive reputation with the Legion.

fallout new vegas cheats

Thus, at the end of the game you will get a fighter who can kill almost all enemies with one shot from a long distance. If we take into account the fact that the game has auto leveling (increasing the level of the enemy is proportional to the level of the character), then the ability to kill monsters and raiders without losses is very valuable.


The whole Fallout: New Vegas is “saturated” with the themes of the Wild West and cowboys. Therefore, some players are trying to win back the behavior model of a real cowboy. If you recall all the films in this setting, you can understand that all cowboys usually use revolvers as their main weapon. Accordingly, in this pumping there will be an emphasis on everything related to light one-handed weapons, critical damage, and a little bit to melee. Such builds include those in which preference is given to abilities for light weapons, melee and critical damage. There are no exact figures for the distribution of SPECIAL points: you need to pump in 10 agility and 10 good luck, and “scatter” the remaining points as you wish. The essence of the build is based on the use of perks.

Of the weapons in the initial stage of the game, I want to single out "The Same." This gun can be obtained after several story quests, and it can be repaired with weaker weapons. At the same time, "The Same" has good characteristics.

Do not forget about items that add a chance of critical damage and light armor. As you can see, this build is very similar to a sniper with a couple of differences. Firstly, you cannot kill enemies at a very long distance. Secondly, your hero does not need 8 strength points to carry a heavy rifle. The Cowboy Build in Fallout: New Vegas is for those who love Wild West themes. You have to use pistols, which in the game are many. However, do not forget about close combat, as part of the enemies will have time to run close to you. To minimize risks, do not skimp on the skill "Hide".

fallout new vegas cowboy build

Build through energy weapons

Fans of the first two parts of Fallout were unsatisfied with the power of energy weapons in the third part and New Vegas. If in the original games the energy weapon was considered one of the strongest and helped to pass the game, then in the continuation of the series its significance significantly decreased.

We note right away that if you want to play through the energy weapons build in Fallout: New Vegas, then get ready to spend the covers on fixing equipment and acquiring ammunition. This weapon is the most expensive to maintain, which is why it is extremely disadvantageous at the initial stage of the game. When you get to the casino and get rich with 10 luck, then allow yourself endless ammunition. The game has several energy guns that do not require replenishment of ammunition - they shoot with a plasma beam and eventually recharge.

The main skills in this build are Energy Weapons and Science. The first for accurate shooting, and the second for repair and self-creation of ammunition. Also, a flamethrower and similar weapons are related to energy.

Although in Russian Fallout: New Vegas you only have to read and not listen to the voice acting, many players like to pump precisely conversational characters. The gameplay for them is fundamentally different from all previous builds.

fallout new vegas energy weapon build


The pumping of the diplomat’s build in Fallout: New Vegas is significantly different from all the previous ones. “Peaceful” skills come to the fore. This pumping is recommended for those who have already passed the game and know in which dialogs you can solve the problem peacefully, and where you can not do without weapons. Also, part of the decisions and beliefs are made, depending on the level of a particular skill. Therefore, it will be much more difficult for a beginner to alone; do not forget to bring a partner with you, who will help you settle military issues.

So, the main parameters are Eloquence and Barter. In the distribution, do not forget to definitely pump in the “Charisma". It is worth giving one slot of the main skill under one of the weapons, so as not to remain completely helpless without a partner. Further, it is recommended to pump passive skills that will help you in passing, such as repair, science, medicine, etc.

It is worth noting right away that you won’t be able to play a character without a single kill - you still have to get rid of monsters and some quest NPCs. You can shift this task to a partner, and personally participate only in negotiations and trade.

fallout new vegas diplomat build


The secretive character is the most difficult to play, but this will not stop fans of stealth games. This class is based, of course, on covert movement, hacking, critical damage and melee attacks. You can combine the ninja build in Fallout: New Vegas with conventional melee and combine it with light weapons. In this situation, you will get a truly “universal fighter”. In the beginning, we focus on the following SPECIAL points: dexterity, intelligence, perception and luck. A high level of luck will greatly affect the likelihood of a critical hit in the back due to stealth. Perception will also help: it increases the range of display of enemies on the radar, because of which the player receives a tactical advantage, which is important for a ninja.

Basic skills are knives, stealth, hacking and science. When you get 100 stealth points, you can get past most of the enemies. Remember that this class can deal huge damage only in the right hands. In an open battle, they will most likely not even feel you - the damage from melee weapons is too small. Another minus is that it does not combine well with computer partners, because you have to constantly give instructions (to stay in place, to bend down and so on). Without control, your allies will automatically enter the battle, which immediately destroys the concept of invisible passage.

Attack aircraft

This build is suitable for beginners, as well as a sniper. The difference is that you do not have to hide over long distances. The main parameters for the attack aircraft are strength, endurance, intelligence and luck. The first two SPECIAL parameters are obvious: you get the opportunity to take more equipment, carry heavy weapons, endurance increases the number of health points. The character becomes a kind of "tank." Intelligence is useful for enhancing the skill "Medicine". So you can restore more health points through treatment. Also useful weapons include weapons, repairs, and explosives. If you like to fight in close combat, you can add melee weapons to the list.


If you are passing the game for the first time, we advise you not to try to get all the skills and weapons at once. In New Vegas, you can level your character up to level 50. During this time, you will get so many skills that you will feel good with almost any weapon. Shake those skills that are suitable for you in the style of battle and game.

For the strongest players

You went through Fallout: New Vegas many times and tried all the builds that you think are working? Then a random selection of parameters and skills will add fun to the next walkthrough. Try to create a strong hero when points are distributed randomly, and for the level you get random perks.

For added complexity, you can add a random selection of weapons and armor. Also, diversity will add mods that add new skills and abilities. With them, you can take more partners with you, get rid of a character's hangover, and much more. With such changes, completely new builds may appear that cannot be used in the original game.

fallout new vegas in russian


So, we reviewed the current Fallout: New Vegas builds. You can make your own adjustments, change the distribution of points at your discretion, and so on. Because of this, this game is popular with hundreds of thousands of fans. Developers restrict freedom of action only within the limits of a game card. For the rest, you can do whatever you want. The same applies to the choice of weapons, pumping, etc.

It is worth remembering that the incorrect distribution of points and abilities can lead to the fact that at some points you will not be able to pass a check for a conversation or hack a complex computer. However, the creators thought of everything: each task has several solutions. The only thing you risk with arbitrary thoughtless pumping is to get an unworkable hero. Therefore, you can use the cheats on Fallout New Vegas to try different builds and abilities and choose the one that best suits your style of passage. All the classes described work in the original version of the game without additions and mods to change the balance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9634/

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