Ender's World: how to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft

Today, a very small number of computer games comes out in a completely finished form. Many of them are later released add-ons, mods, additional downloadable content, and so on. Minecraft, which captured the minds of millions of users around the world, was no exception. Interesting additions are constantly coming to him that expand the world, players' capabilities, add new items and unique creatures. And because of this, the question of how to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft has become very popular on the Internet. It all started with the fact that a new location was added to the game, which is called "ender", although many call it simply "end".

How to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft?

Final level

This location is called the end for the simple reason that the final boss of the game lives there. Yes, you heard right, even in Minecraft, which is famous for its freedom of action and the absence of any specific goals set for the gamer, there is the last, most important boss. But this is not what attracts the most in the new location, but some other facts.

Minecraft: how to create a dragon egg?
Firstly, there simply is no direct way out: if you got to Ender, then you have to go all the way, otherwise you will be stuck there forever, and this is not a very pleasant option, especially if you have been pumping your character for a long time and were not going to abandon your account. Secondly, it is this location that contains the notorious egg, which confuses everyone so much. Do you want to learn how to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft? To do this, you first have to defeat the dragon himself, and this is not so simple.

Get to the dragon

When you teleport to Ender, you are thrown onto a platform with which you will have to independently create a path to the main island. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase as many resources as possible, which will allow you to create a kind of bridge from the platform to the island, and this is how you can get to the dragon.

Minecraft: how to hatch a dragon egg?
And for the battle you need the best equipment that you can find, the largest possible supply of arrows, as well as food, with which you can restore lost health. After all, if you die, then you will not have to learn how to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft.

Deadly battle

On the island where you will get from the platform, there is no large space or an abundance of any objects or characters. In fact, there is only the dragon itself and six special pillars. First of all, remember - in no case do not attack the dragon right away. The fact is that these pillars, located around him, restore the dragon's life when he flies over them. Therefore, the fight with the boss must begin with the destruction of these pillars. At the same time, be careful, since upon destruction each pillar explodes, causing damage to everything around, so it is advisable to deliver the last blows from a long distance. In addition, you can use this feature to your advantage - guess the moment when the dragon will fly over the pillar, and then deliver the last blow. The pillar will explode, causing the boss decent damage. When all the structures are destroyed, take on the dragon himself - here everyone is free to choose battle tactics, but do not forget to restore health when it begins to approach a critical point. And when the dragon falls, you will at the same time find a way out of the island, since the return portal will open at the place of the boss’s death and get an egg. What to do with him? How to grow a dragon egg in Minecraft? This issue has long occupied the minds of players all over the world, until one annoying feature has been clarified.

Minecraft: how to activate a dragon egg?

Egg without application

In the original game, the dragon egg simply cannot be used in any way. It is, but it does not carry any functional load. You can take it with you to make jewelry out of it. In his image and likeness, you can even make copies - after all, this is the main advantage of the game Minecraft. How to create a dragon egg? You just need to find the right materials of the right color and turn on a little imagination. But at the same time it is worth remembering that the original egg will still be only one. Moreover, you should not get rid of it too quickly, because it was only about the original Minecraft game. How to hatch a dragon egg using Dragon Mod is a completely different matter.

Minecraft: how to get a dragon egg?

Egg hatching process

As everyone is well aware, Minecraft is a game that can be pumped with the help of add-ons and mods to unprecedented heights. And one of these modifications is Dragon Mod - it turns an egg from a useless item into a full-fledged interactive way to get your own dragon. After installing the mod, you need to go in search of a bright and warm place, since just such conditions require the birth of a small dragon. Now you will learn one of the most exciting secrets of Minecraft - how to activate a dragon egg. Dig a hole with three by three edges and fill it with water. Place a cube of earth on the central cell of the pit, and the egg itself is already on it. To speed up the process, you can place lava around the egg, then the dragon will be born earlier than usual. You can track the progress of egg growth, as it can be seen even visually. But the result is always the same - after a while you have a unique and unusual pet.

Content and use of the dragon

In fact, this is a very interesting feature of the Minecraft game: how to get a dragon egg can be understood intuitively, but what to do with it further is already a much more serious issue. The most important thing is to feed your new pet as much as possible. Most of all he loves fish, and in return he will give you excellent protection and will become an original means of transportation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F964/

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