Vacuum cleaner Rainbow - a weapon against allergies

The neighborhood with home allergens living in book and bedding dust, animal hair and other litter causes sneezing and a runny nose even in healthy people, and for allergy sufferers and asthmatics this is a torture at all. It is terrible to imagine, but millions of unsolicited tiny tenants - microbes-saprophytes, dust mites and molds quietly endure broom cleaning and mopping, continuing to multiply daily and spoil the life of the owners of the house.

How to defeat the enemy

Ticks, bacteria, mold spores, pollen, keratinized particles of human epithelium, animal hair and fluff - all this terrible variety can be seen by examining ordinary house dust under a microscope. It is difficult to get rid of these β€œmonsters” with a conventional vacuum cleaner. Allergens, due to their small size, are able to seep through dust collectors and filters, once again appearing in the apartment.

water vacuum cleaner Rainbow

With a water vacuum cleaner Rainbow such a trick does not pass: dust, wool and other debris, together with the microparasites contained in it, remain in the water of the aquafilter. So, the owners of the device are no longer threatened with shortness of breath, sneezing, tearing, flow from the nose.

Power of nature

Engineers borrow many constructive solutions from nature itself. Observations of wildlife and natural phenomena gave the world such important inventions as airplanes and helicopters, hang gliders and submarines. The work of vacuum cleaners with an aquafilter is also based on the natural principle - air purification with water. You probably noticed how summer dust, poplar fluff and other impurities in the air disappear for a long time after a shower? This is the secret of natural purification.

Vacuum cleaner Rainbow

In addition, the aquafilter reduces the load on the engine of the device, allowing you to prevent its heating and rapid wear. That is why after using the Rainbow, instead of the usual smell of an overheated motor and dust raised in the air, freshness will wait for you, as after a summer rain.

A bit of history

The homeland of vacuum cleaners is Chicago (USA). The father of the invention is Daniel Hess, who patented the device in 1860. It is noteworthy that even then it was proposed to use a kind of aquafilter: the rotating bristles of the rollers of the vacuum cleaner captured dust and sent to the chamber with water.

How the Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner Works

The Rainbow vacuum cleaner is a formidable weapon in the fight for cleanliness and freedom from allergens. He, like a fighter, hangs over the enemies hiding in the carpet paths, upholstered furniture, carpet and other floor coverings, leaving them not a single chance of salvation. Dusty air passes through water, which moistens dust particles. Weighted with water, they settle to the bottom of the filter. At the end of cleaning, you only need to pour out the water with contaminants and rinse the aquafilter capacity - the vacuum cleaner has already done everything else.

Vacuum cleaners of the American Rainbow brand

It will also be useful to humidify the air in a special mode of operation at low speeds.

Rainbow Features

Vacuum cleaners of the American Rainbow brand have been produced since 1955. For more than half a century, the manufacturer has developed a conceptual approach to cleanliness: a lot of useful additions are attached to the usual device with an engine and a hose (they are sold separately and are suitable for most Rainbow models). So, for fleecy surfaces, mattresses and other dust nurseries, an electric Power Nozzle beating brush is provided. Vigorous vibrations and rotations of the beaters with parallel suction of the rising dust make cleaning even more thorough and more efficient. Among the unusual additions, Rainbow offers a special air bag for cleaning Aerofresh Bag cushions. And also nozzles: for cleaning the back wall of the refrigerator (Refrigerator Coil Cleaner), for cleaning in particularly difficult places, pumping up inflatable products and toys (Confined Space Cleaner & Inflator Tool) and others.

Rainbow - This is a long guarantee (4 years for equipment, 8 years for the engine) and thoughtful protection against almost all types of allergens.


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