What are the benefits and payments to the Heroes of Russia?

Payments to the Heroes of Russia is an expression of gratitude from the state for the significant achievements that such citizens have made for their country. Types of compensation may be different and do not always have a monetary form. Moreover, depending on the region, some benefits vary.

Who is the Hero of Russia

Before understanding what privileges and payments are due to the heroes of Russia, it is worth figuring out exactly who this status can belong to.

Hero of Russia benefits and payments

This title is the main and most honorable among the awards provided by the state. Becoming a Hero of Russia is not easy. To do this, you need:

  • show himself in a special way as a patriot;
  • risk your life for the sake of the motherland and the good of other people;
  • to accomplish a feat that will be of great importance for society, etc.

At the moment, the title of Hero of Russia are participants in various wars, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, people who have reached significant heights in culture, science, sports, space explorers and other bright representatives of the country.

The state significantly improves, at the expense of budget funds, the quality of life of those who received the title of Hero of Russia. Benefits, payments and special rights enable citizens with a similar status to lead a comfortable and stable life. But after conferring the title, it is important to contact the social protection authorities in order to start using the new privileges.

Tax benefits

This category of rights greatly facilitates the labor and domestic activities of people who have received the title of Hero of Russia. We are talking about the following features of taxation:

  • Real estate. The tax on the house, apartment and other real estate does not need to be paid. This rule is relevant, even if no one lives on the territory of a particular object. But when real estate is used for commercial purposes, you will have to pay taxes.
  • State duty. Those who received a special distinction are exempted from it. There are regions in which the toll is also canceled.
  • Land tax. Only on the territory of some constituent entities of the Russian Federation does the Heroes of Russia need to pay this fee. In many regions, such a benefit is absent, but it is offset by a decrease in the tax base by 10 thousand rubles.

Thus, in each region, it is necessary to find out separately what payments are due to the Hero of Russia. Benefits may vary, as are the conditions for their provision.

Social activities

A person who has received the title of GRF can help society to meet its professional needs. In this case, a citizen with a special status, certain privileges are available.

One example is the ability to create organizations on concessional terms with the aim of conducting charitable activities. Such a structure should consist of legal entities with the title of Hero of Russia. The essence of the benefits in this case is reduced to exemption from expenses associated with telephone communications, rent and payment of certain taxes.

In addition, citizens with special status can out of turn and out of competition replace leadership positions in state organizations at the regional and federal levels.

Affordable Cash Rewards

The legislation defines specific payments to the Heroes of Russia.

payments to the heroes of Russia

Here is a list of them:

  1. Payment of gasoline. For budget funds, no more than 100 liters per month is covered. In this case, the amount of payment to the Heroes of Russia is determined on the basis of the current cost of fuel. That is, the amount will change with the rise in price of gasoline, as well as after a decrease in prices.
  2. Monthly compensation to pensioners. People with the title of GRF who receive a pension can expect another payment in the amount of 1,500 rubles.
  3. Additional security. This financial assistance is equal to 415% of the social pension established by the state. There is also additional financial assistance in the amount of 16,000 rubles. It is paid regardless of the pension status of the GRF, and also whether it is employed or not.
  4. Compensation for the cost of servicing a home telephone. In order for the funds to be transferred, you must provide the appropriate receipts every month.
  5. Basic monthly payout. We are talking about the amount of 42,500 rubles., Which may vary slightly.
  6. Compensation to widows. The wives of the dead or deceased Heroes of Russia are entitled to a monthly payment from the state in the amount of 8000 rubles. This money is available regardless of the work of the spouse, her age and the availability of other types of state support.
  7. Posthumous Compensation. Payments to the Heroes of Russia will also include a clause on helping relatives after their death. Relatives who can count on such financial support are the wife of a citizen with a special status and his children under the age of 18 or who have entered a university. Amount of payment - 20,000 rubles.

It is worth knowing that the widows of the Heroes of Russia living in Moscow receive financial assistance every year on Victory Day. The size of the latter is determined by the government of the capital.

Ability to choose the form of benefits

A citizen who has received the status of the GRF can determine for himself exactly what state aid will look like in his case. For example, he may translate certain types of benefits into payments.

what benefits and payments are due to the heroes of Russia

Heroes of Russia, choosing this path - a monetary form of assistance, can count on a monthly transfer of 59 591 rubles and 94 kopecks to their account.

Even after these payments, a citizen has access to vouchers and medical services on preferential terms. Medicines also remain free.

When choosing a natural form of assistance, a person with the status of PEF receives the following types of compensation:

  • free dental prosthetics;
  • land acquisition;
  • treatment of close relatives at state expense;
  • improvement of housing conditions or obtaining an apartment for budgetary funds;
  • free travel in a train (compartment) and public transport;
  • education of children at the expense of money from the state budget.

Posthumous payments

It is worth paying attention to the fact that monthly payments for the title of Hero of Russia will be available to relatives even after the death of a family member with the status of GRF. If the deceased was the breadwinner, EDV is paid in full.

This principle also applies when, after death, the title Hero of Russia was awarded. A monthly payment in this case is also made and its size is 8000 rubles. A widower or widow can receive this help, depending on the situation.

Relatives of the deceased Hero of Russia also receive benefits

In addition, each family member is paid 20,000 rubles once.

Benefits in the field of medicine

The state enables people with the rank of PEF to have access to all necessary health services. However, some preferential conditions apply to family members. Here are the specific types of help:

  • People in GRF status may be the first to receive prescription drugs. You do not need to pay for them and delivery is done directly to your home.
  • The provision of medical services. The treatment itself is not paid. At the same time, a doctor’s appointment, hospitalization and inpatient treatment are carried out without a queue, regardless of the type of institution. These benefits are available to members of the families of Heroes of Russia.
  • Annual voucher. Every year, people with the title of GRF are given a free trip to medical institutions or a spa type. To get a ticket, you need to contact the last place of work or in the clinic at the place of residence. Nutrition and treatment will be paid by the state. As for the relatives, they can also go, but only after paying 25% of the preferential cost of the permit.
  • Free pass. The cost of travel to a health facility is paid by the state. Moreover, a citizen with a special status has the right to receive a first-class passenger seat on water or air transport, as well as to travel in a sleeping two-seater compartment, if the train was chosen as the transport.
  • Every year, citizens in the rank of GRF are given access to free dental prosthetics. But only on condition that precious metals will not be used.
Hero of Russia payout monthly

Thus, people who have made a significant contribution to the development of the state can undergo full treatment every year at no cost.

Labor benefits

In addition to information about what payment the Hero of Russia receives, it is important to know the rights of such citizens when it comes to employment.

what payments are put to the hero of Russia

The following benefits are available in this area:

  • Training. Any courses to acquire new skills related to work are paid by the employer. No need to pay money for the training of another specialty.
  • Staff reduction. If workers are fired at the enterprise where the Hero of Russia works, then he has the right to leave last. But this rule is true if such a citizen was not offered another position, a higher position or a new specialty.
  • Vacation Those who have been given the title of GRF have the right to take additional leave for 21 days at their own expense. And you can do this regardless of the existing vacation schedule of the enterprise.
  • Liquidation of a company. If the company was closed, then a citizen with a special insignia can be the first to use the offers at the employment center.

Housing and Utilities Situation

Housing privileges are defined in detail by law. They have the following form:

  • Improving housing conditions out of turn. At the same time, the area can be increased by 20 sq / m.
  • Free overhaul.
  • Lack of costs associated with utilities. This means that there is no need to pay for the housing itself, its maintenance and operation. This right also applies to relatives of the GRF.
  • Free housing. Such property is provided from the municipal and state funds.
  • Getting the land. Land is provided out of turn and can be used for farming or construction.
  • Extraordinary service. This right applies to attending sports, cultural and other mass events, as well as relevant when serving in communication facilities.
Payments for the title Hero of Russia

Installing alarms and a phone is also done without a queue, and you do not need to pay for communication.

How to use the obtained rights

Having found out what benefits and payments have been laid by the Hero of Russia, it is important to understand the mechanism for their use.

In this case, the law traditionally works after submitting the application. That is, a person with the status of GRF addresses the social security authority at the place of residence, writes an application for the provision of benefits and only after that gets access to all privileges.

If the award took place posthumously, all the same actions must be performed by the relatives of the deceased.

In this case, you must have the following documents:

  • identification;
  • certificate of family composition (necessary to extend the benefits to relatives);
  • award documents confirming the title.

When rewarding after death, you need to bring along a certificate of death of the Hero of Russia and documents that confirm kinship with him.


The title of Hero of Russia is a confirmation that the state appreciates the significant investments of its citizens in the life and development of the country.

A wide range of benefits covering all spheres of life of people with special status allows citizens with the title of GRF to live fully, covering all their needs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9665/

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