Knitting cap for a boy - detailed description

A children's cap, knitted with knitting needles with one's own hand, is always more convenient and beautiful than bought in the most expensive store. Why? Because in its manufacture you put all your love and care. Anyway, handmade things were appreciated at all times. They have some special quality, which makes them the most beloved and unique. Today we will tell you how to knit a hat with knitting needles for a boy. Of course, our little sons are real men, but they also love beautiful and warm things tied by caring mother's hands.

The easiest option for hats for a boy

The model, the description of which will be described below, is intended for spring. It will not take a lot of yarn to make it, and time will be spent quite a bit.

Knitting hat for boy
You can knit this model either on circular knitting needles or on two, but then you will need to make a seam. And another option is the use of stocking knitting needles. Choose the method that is easier for you.

Knitting pattern

So, we collect 80 loops on the knitting needles (this is about 1.5 years old) and we knit with a 2x2 elastic band in a circle of about 4 cm. Next, go to the front surface. Do not forget in the last row of the elastic band to either change the needles to a larger size, or make an increase from 5 to 10 loops.

We continue to knit the front surface for another 12-15 cm. After this, it is necessary to start making reductions. In eight places, through an equal number of loops we knit two together the front. We make such reductions in each row. When 8 loops remain on the knitting needles, thread the thread through them and tighten. The ends are seasoned on the wrong side.

That's basically it. Spring hat for a boy knitting with needles. Having spent a minimum of time and yarn, you have updated your babyโ€™s wardrobe. As a decor for hats for a boy, you can use a large button, as in the photo.

Simple hats decor option

If you want to connect something unusual for your crumbs, but you are a beginner needlewoman, and you cannot afford complex models, do not despair. There is a way out. Knitted hat for knitting with needles for a boy, the description of which is described above, is very simple in execution, but if you use unusual decor, it will easily turn into an original and stylish spring model.

Spring hat for a boy with knitting needles
So, we knit a hat according to the above scheme, using yarn of a bright color, for example red. And from the black thread we make pompons - two of the same size and one smaller. Of those that are larger, we make the ears of the cap, and of the small - the nose. Eyes can be made from the remnants of dense fabric or crochet these details. We fix all the elements on the header and get the panda's face. The photo above shows how to arrange all the details. Surely such a hat your baby will wear with great pleasure.

Cap "Pinocchio"

Here's another one that may be knitted with a hat for a boy. The scheme for creating such a model resembles the ones described above.

Knitting hats for boys with knitting needles
The difference is only in the final stage. Reductions begin similarly to the previous method, but are performed in four places and every two rows. After two loops remain on the knitting needles, they are threaded one into the other and tightened. To finish the design of the cap, you need to make a large pompom and fix it on the end of the cap. Knitting such a model is better from multi-colored yarn to get a strip. The photo shows an example of such a hat, made in pastel colors. But you can make it more visible and vibrant.

Hat for a boy with two pompons

You have probably already seen that knitting hats for boys with knitting needles is not at all a boring task. The variety of existing models is amazing. You can take advantage of our choice and recommendations, or you can come up with something of your own.

Now let's share another knitting pattern for hats for a boy. This option is suitable even for beginner needlewomen, as it is very simple to execute. But such a model looks stylish and beautiful, and it is very comfortable to wear. A knitted hat with knitting needles for a boy made in this version will serve your baby for more than one year, as it stretches very well both in length and in width.

Hat for boy knitting scheme
For her knitting, soft yarn of medium thickness and knitting needles are larger than necessary. This is necessary so that the canvas of the cap turns out to be soft, loose and stretches well.

We start knitting, as in the first embodiment, with gum. But, unlike the previous options, instead of the front surface, after the gum, you need to complete 4-5 rows of a shawl pattern. If you knit on two knitting needles, then just do all the loops face, and if on circular, then purl.

After you have made several rows of garter stitches, we add (10-15 loops) and knit the elastic again, but only now it will be a 1x1 option.

In this model, there is no need to perform downsizing. Having knitted the cap to the required height, we simply thread the thread through the loops and tighten them. The ends are seasoned on the wrong side.

Now you need to make two pompons and fix them on the sides of the cap, as in the photo. You must admit that all this is not difficult at all. An original and comfortable hat knitting for a boy knitted.

Winter hat option

And now weโ€™ll look at how a more complex hat for knitting a boy knits. The scheme of such a model will be slightly different from previous options. It can be worn both in winter and spring. Everything will depend on what yarn you will use for knitting hats. You will need threads of two colors, knitting needles and two buttons.

Hat with earflaps for a boy with knitting needles
Knitting begins with a set of 80-100 stitches. Focus on your childโ€™s head circumference, yarn and knitting needles. Further knitting continues with facial loops. After fifteen centimeters, we begin to make reductions so that the cap fits tightly around the head. They are performed in the same way as in the first described embodiment. Now we proceed to the formation of the ears and the visor of the cap.

To do this, on the lower edge of the product, you need to mark the place where the ears of the hats will be located, and raise the loops. Knitting is performed with a garter stitch for 10-12 cm, after which we knit two loops together in each row three times from each edge and close the rest. We knit the second eye in the same way.

The visor fits in the same way. Just do not need to make reductions at the end to round its shape. Please note that the visor is knitted from a yarn of a different color. So that he holds well and does not fall into his eyes, on the surface of the cap he is fixed with buttons.

If there is such a need, you can attach ties to the ears. It can be laces crocheted or bought in a store.

This is how knitting hat with earflaps for a boy fits. Good luck and inspiration!


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