Eupator - tomato for greenhouse cultivation

Among the many varieties and hybrids of tomatoes, every gardener stops his choice on certain, liked by one or another properties and proved to be good yield, precocity or other valuable qualities.

eupator tomato
Today, a hybrid of modern domestic selection called Evpator, a tomato characterized by versatility, mass early maturity and excellent taste, can boast a similar interest to vegetable growers. This article is dedicated to the features of this tomato.

Tomato Eupator: grade description

Designed for greenhouse cultivation, the Eupator does not produce such a generous yield in open beds as is removed in greenhouses and greenhouses. Experienced vegetable growers collect 6-7 kg of fruit from one bush. A remarkable quality of the hybrid is its extremely fast fruit setting ability. Eupator is a ripening tomato, which ripens in 105-110 days.

This is a strong massive culture with an open habit, requiring compulsory care - regular removal of the stepsons formed in the axils of the leaves. Dissected medium-sized dark green, slightly pubescent foliage remains strong and healthy for a long time.

tomato eupator reviews
Eupator is a tomato resistant to cracking and fruit damage by various diseases, including vertebral rot, the traditional scourge of many greenhouse varieties. High-quality care of the plant in the greenhouse significantly increases its resistance to late blight.


The initial inflorescences are laid behind the 8th-10th leaf, and the next ones every 3. On one inflorescence, up to 8 fruits are tied - glossy, even, rounded. Fully ripened tomatoes are bright red in color, unripe are painted in delicate milky green tones. The average weight of one fruit reaches 130-150 g. The structure of the pulp is dense, elastic, each tomato has 4-6 seed chambers. Eupator is a tomato (the photos presented in the article confirm), which has an absolute advantage. This is an excellent presentation of the fruit and the ability to successfully transport.

How to grow tomato Eupator

Reviews of gardeners growing a hybrid for more than one year are unanimous: the variety is unpretentious, rarely sick and does not cause much trouble. Cultivation begins with sowing seeds for seedlings. They are sown in March in light nutrient soil, previously treated with a weak solution of manganese. Sow in rows, placing seeds 2-3 cm apart and deepening them by 1 cm. Then the soil in seedlings is well moistened using a sprayer, covered with a film or glass, creating a comfortable microclimate that stimulates rapid germination, and left warm. bright place.

eupator tomato photo

With the advent of the first shoots (on the 3-7th day), the protective material is removed, and the containers are placed so that the seedlings do not lack heat and light. When 3-5 leaves grow, plants are planted in separate cups. Seedlings are planted in the greenhouse in mid-May according to the scheme 40 * 50 cm.

Crop care

Eupator is a tomato that requires attention to itself. He needs regular top dressing, support, pinching, watering and loosening the soil. Culture should ensure the development of a single stem, that is, prevent the growth of side stepsons. As the tomato grows, the size of the support or garter also increases, periodically fixing the stem.

Feeding begins with a seedling period, adding nutrients to the water for irrigation once every 7-10 days. There are many complex fertilizers designed specifically for seedlings of vegetable crops. Their solutions in the concentration indicated in the annotation, and give the seedlings as the main food.

After planting tomatoes in the greenhouse, the feeding regimen changes. After 10 days from the moment of planting, the bushes are fed with ammonium nitrate or other complex fertilizers, dissolving 1 tbsp. spoon in 10 liters of water. The nutrition rate for one bush is 1 liter. Further, the plant is supported by regular top dressing of high-quality organic matter every 2 weeks. Watering should be regular, the soil in the greenhouse should be kept moist at all times. However, foliage and ovaries should be kept dry during watering. After watering, the soil is loosened.

tomato eupator grade description

Compliance with the basic rules of agricultural technology will allow you to give the maximum yield to a crop such as tomato Eupator. Responses of practitioners cultivating a hybrid of gardeners emphasize the mandatory content of tomatoes in a state of low humidity and constant moisture in the soil.


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