Are Armenians Caucasians or not? The main features, the history of the people, culture

Caucasians Armenians or not? This issue has recently been increasingly arising in near-political and other similar disputes. In Russia itself and in many countries of the former Soviet Union, a rather definite attitude has formed towards the representatives of this people. Along with Azerbaijanis, Georgians and other smaller nationalities, they are considered Caucasians. However, this is not entirely true. In this article, we have presented in detail the material why the Armenians are not Caucasians. In order to understand this issue in detail, it will also be necessary to dwell on the main features of this people, its history and culture.

Distinctive features of the Caucasian peoples

Why Armenians are not Caucasians

To understand whether the Armenians are Caucasians or not, we immediately note that those who live on the slopes of the Caucasian Range are considered to be Caucasian peoples . These are the republics of the North and South Caucasus. Their exhaustive list is well known. The North Caucasus countries include Chechnya, Dagestan, Ossetia, Ingushetia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea. The South Caucasus republics are Georgia, Abkhazia and some part of Azerbaijan.

Now we need to understand why the Armenians are not Caucasians. Historical Armenia, on the territory of which only one tenth of the modern republic is located, cannot in any way relate to the Caucasus. This state was originally located on the Armenian Highlands. This is a geographic term that has nothing to do with the Caucasus. Therefore, on this basis for many it becomes obvious whether the Armenians belong to the Caucasians.

By the Lesser Caucasus Range we understand a large number of small ranges, as well as individual elevations of part of the Armenian Highlands. Understanding whether the Armenians are Caucasians, it is worth noting that they are Indo-Europeans by their ethnic origin. This does not connect them with the Caucasian peoples. In this regard, they are closer to the Greeks, Russian Germans and Iranians than to any people from the Caucasus. That is why the assertion that the Armenians are the same as the Caucasians is wrong.

However, many still disagree with this, despite irrefutable evidence. The fact that the Armenians are considered Caucasians, there is a certain explanation. When Russia entered the territory of the Caucasus, only a small part of historical Armenia found itself within its borders. Therefore, allocating it to a separate region was not rational and completely pointless. Therefore, back in the days of the Russian Empire, it was decided, for simplicity, to rank Armenia in the Caucasus. Since then, many people believe that the Armenians are Caucasians. In fact, this is a mistake that has been made for several centuries.

Why Armenians are not Caucasians, it becomes obvious when we delve into the essence of this issue. The fact is that historically the borders of the Caucasus do not coincide with the modern ones. In past times, the main confrontation in this region was between Georgians, Armenians and other neighboring Asian peoples.

Understanding whether Armenians belong to Caucasians or not, it must be emphasized that Caucasians should be understood as representatives of the peoples who inhabit the political-geographical region of the Caucasus. His natives also belong to them, among whom are peoples of Indo-European origin. At this stage, some may come to the conclusion that the Armenians are Caucasians.

However, it turns out that belonging to the Caucasian people, in the final analysis, is not determined by its belonging to the Caucasus type or even a group of Caucasian languages. This is extremely important when considering whether the Armenians belong to the Caucasians or not.

When did Armenia and the Caucasus begin to be divided?

Armenians belong to Caucasians

As we have already noted, Armenia was actually included in the borders of the Caucasus during the time of the Russian Empire. Moreover, in those years, this issue was openly of little concern to anyone. The debate about whether the Armenians are considered to be Caucasians began much later.

The defining argument of supporters of the assertion that Armenia is not the Caucasus, that the homeland of the Armenians is of the same name is the highlands, and the toponyms Transcaucasia and the Lesser Caucasus are not historically motivated, but were invented artificially during the Soviet era.

Analyzing this argument, it is worth noting that the Armenian Highlands, along with most other territories of historical Armenia, was precisely the place where the formation of the ethnic group of this people actually ended. At the same time, those who doubt whether the Armenians belong to the Caucasians should not forget that it was the Ararat Valley, where East Armenia was located, as well as the adjacent areas of the Lesser Caucasus, that became the center of the formation of the Armenian nation. The arguments about allegedly invented terms by Soviet science also look poorly reasoned. Today they are widely distributed around the world, are actively used and applied even by scientists who have nothing to do with the states of the post-Soviet space. Moreover, in reality, the terms themselves appeared long before the advent of the Soviet Union. For example, the same Armenians were part of the Transcaucasian Democratic Federal Republic, which appeared immediately after the collapse of the Russian Empire. Because of this, difficulties arise when trying to determine whether Caucasians are Armenians or not.

The appearance of the slogan

The slogan itself that Armenia is not the Caucasus first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. He appeared in connection with the increased concern of Armenian leaders, who feared violation of their territorial integrity due to the aggressive policies of Azerbaijan and Turkey. These two countries sought to create a single state in the Caucasus. The Armenians who did not want to participate in this alliance began to dissociate themselves, put their Indo-European origin at the forefront, declare that the Armenians and Caucasians are not the same thing.

These discussions intensified during World War II. One of the popular tricks used by Nazi propaganda was to distribute leaflets. They stated that the Armenians should be alien to the Caucasus, as they are the Indo-German people.

In addition, answering the question whether the Armenians are Caucasians or not, the modern concept of the Caucasus region should be cited. Whereas earlier it was customary to consider areas of the post-Soviet space in the region of Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus under it, then a different approach prevails in modern scientific literature. The new structuring is based on the historical parameters of the Caucasus region. Now they single out the Central Caucasus, which includes three independent states - Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. To the North Caucasus are autonomies on the borders of the Russian Federation, which are part of it. Finally, the border areas with Georgia, Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan are called the South Caucasus.

Current situation

Caucasians Armenians or not

Of course, the motives on the basis of which they denied that the Caucasian and the Armenian are one and the same are not relevant today. Instead, a new rationale has emerged that is increasing the number of opponents of the accession of Armenians to the Caucasian peoples.

Most likely, this is due to the extremely negative attitude towards Caucasians, which today is forming in modern Russian society. In the mass consciousness, they are personified with the drug trade, the deprivation of indigenous people jobs. It is also believed that the existing Caucasian phobia is provoked by Russophobia, as well as a complete lack of ability of representatives of the North Caucasian peoples to integrate into the new environment. As a result, the negative attitude towards the Caucasians is reflected in the Armenians, who again seek to dissociate themselves.

This problem is especially acute among Armenians, who have their own culture and history in comparison with the Caucasian peoples. Moreover, in the mass consciousness of the Russian people, there is simply no fundamental difference between Armenians, Azerbaijanis and most other Caucasians. They simply do not distinguish among themselves.

In this regard, experts believe that, first of all, one should not refute the thesis that the Armenians are also Caucasians, but should acquaint the Russian-speaking population with the history of Armenians, their culture, traditions, and their contribution to world achievements in various fields. The ultimate goal of this will be the possibility of forming the ability of a citizen of the Russian Federation to distinguish and distinguish Armenians from other Caucasian peoples. Then it will not be so important for him whether the Caucasians are Armenians, since he will identify this people as independent and independent. Bringing the information to the masses, it is important to place particular emphasis on the fact that the existing positive stereotypes associated with the peoples of the Caucasus appeared not without the participation of Armenians. For example, the concept of "Caucasian hospitality" is historically based on the ability and desire to receive guests by Georgians, Armenians and Ossetians. It is in these cuisines, in contrast to the traditions of Muslim peoples, that it is allowed to consume wine, that is, fermentation products.

The Armenians living in the Nagorno-Karabakh region laid the foundation for the concept of "Caucasian longevity." During the Soviet Union, it was in this area that the largest number of centenarians older than a hundred years lived. It was in the Soviet press that this region began to be called the epicenter of the centenarians of all the planets, and this stereotype appeared from here.


In the end, we can conclude that it is not so simple to answer the question unequivocally whether the Armenians are Asians or Caucasians.

It is worth recognizing that the Armenians are close to the Caucasian peoples, as belonging to this group is determined solely by the geographical and political principle, and not by belonging to a particular language or genetic origin. After all, if you stick to them, then you will have to exclude from the Caucasus peoples their classical representatives - Karachais, Balkars, Kumyks and many others.

Moreover, the territory of modern Armenia is an integral part of the Caucasus, which is confirmed by the existing opinion among geographers from different countries of the world.

It is worth recognizing that the supporters of a strict demarcation do not bring really important and undeniable arguments. Often their position is based on populist and emotional statements.

Main features

To understand the essence of this nation, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on its main distinguishing features, history and culture. As we have already noted, the Armenians are of Indo-European origin, which prompts some to wonder: are the Armenians Slavs or Caucasians?

It must be admitted that at some points they are really closer to the Slavs than to the Azerbaijanis and Georgians neighboring with them, but at the same time modern Armenians lack anthropological homogeneity. This is due to the complex processes of ethnogenesis, which culminated in migrations of all kinds of ethnic elements, which at different stages of history were part of the Armenian ethnos.

However, there is still the most common, the so-called armenoid type. According to some signs, it is approaching Albanians, Western Greeks, and Yugoslavs.


The formation of the Armenian people began in the 13th century BC. It ended in about seven centuries. By the beginning of the VII century BC, the territory on which the Armenians lived covered modern Transcaucasia, Anatolia and the Middle East. The first mention of this people is found among Greek historians in the VI-V centuries. BC.

At the same time, the state of Urartu fell, after which the Armenian Highlands fell temporarily under the rule of the Medes. Historians do not exclude the possibility that even in those days an independent Armenian kingdom could exist under the protectorate of Media. It was later subordinated to the Achaemenids.

It is known that the Armenians took part in the Greek campaign of Xerxes, while Alexander the Great was unable to conquer them. His power was recognized, but only nominally.

Artashes First

In 189 BC, the ruler Artashes I led a rebellion against the Seleucids, proclaiming himself an independent ruler. So the state of Great Armenia was founded. Soon, another Armenian kingdom called Commagena was founded in the neighborhood. During the time of Tigran II the Great, a powerful Armenian empire appeared, the influence of which spread over the territory from Palestine to the Caspian Sea.

In the year 1 AD, a period of interregnum began, which began with the assassination of Tigran IV and the fall of the Artashesid dynasty. Since then, mainly Roman proteges began to reign in the country. After the Roman-Parthian war, the independence of Armenia was again recognized. The Arshakid dynasty ascended the throne. After this, Rome repeatedly attempted to destroy the Armenian state, but they were not crowned with success.

At the very beginning of the 4th century, Christianity became the state religion of Armenia. At the same time, by the end of the century, the state had weakened so much that it was divided between Persia and Rome.

Middle Ages

Armenians managed to secure religious autonomy only by the end of the 5th century. A century later, Armenia actually became a vassal state under the rule of Byzantium.

In the VII century, the country was captured by Arabs. Armenia managed to conclude an agreement, according to which it received internal independence, but at the same time passed under the political power of the Caliphate.

They regained their independence in 860 after winning the Battle of the Forty against the Arab Caliphate. From that time, the golden age of Armenian history begins. Under the reign of Gagik I reaches its greatest prosperity, but then goes to decline, by 1045 it was captured by Byzantium.

The invasion of the Turkic-Seljuk tribes, which began in the 11th century, led to the disaster of the Armenian ethnos. The process of expelling them from their historical homeland begins, which lasts several centuries.

In the XIV century, Tokhtamysh and Tamerlan made regular raids on Armenia. Since the 16th century, attempts have been made to liberate Armenia with the participation of European states.

New time and modernity

Israel Ori

At the turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries. the central figure of the national liberation struggle is Israel Ori, who actively sought allies in Russia and Western Europe. In 1722, a rebellion was raised against the Persian authorities.

The key point of the New Age is the accession of Eastern Armenia to Russia, which took place at the beginning of the 19th century. In the middle of this century, an active upsurge in Armenian socio-political thought begins, and the national movement intensifies. After the signing of the San Stefano Peace in 1878, which marked the end of the war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, the Armenian question arose sharply. It concerns the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire, who wants independence, recognition of their rights and freedoms.

A number of diplomatic promises were made, which were never fulfilled by the Turks. This led to increased protest sentiment. In response, 1894-1896 Sultan Abdul Hamid II organized mass killings, the victims of which, according to various estimates, were from 50 to 300 thousand people.

In the part of Armenia that was part of the Russian Empire, the situation was incomparably better. But here, at the end of the 19th century, problems arose that were initially associated with the adoption of anti-Armenian political measures. Ethnic Armenians were forbidden to hold top government posts, schools were closed, Armenian history was excluded from the curriculum. The tragic event in the life of the country was the First World War. Turkish authorities carried out the Armenian Genocide, during which from one to one and a half million people died.

History of Armenia

After the collapse of the Russian Empire, an independent Armenian state was proclaimed. In 1920, Soviet power was established in these areas. In the 1920-1940s, Armenians suffered from Stalinist repressions. The advanced intelligentsia was repressed, thousands of people deported to Central Asia.

In 1965, events on the day of commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the genocide of the Armenian people led to thousands of unauthorized rallies. Then the first underground anti-Soviet organizations appeared that began to advocate for independence.

In 1991, according to the results of a nationwide referendum, Armenia was declared independent of the USSR, sovereignty was restored. The first president of the country in the same year was elected Levon Ter-Petrosyan.

In the modern history of Armenia, the Karabakh conflict played an important role. Back in 1988, the Armenians united around the idea of ​​annexing Nagorno-Karabakh, which at that time was part of the Azerbaijan SSR. , . 1991- . , 1994 . , .

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In the world, Armenia is considered one of the oldest centers of world civilization. The historical foundation was laid by the state of Urartu, which existed from the 9th to the 6th centuries BC on the territory of the Armenian Highlands. Scientists came to the conclusion that the immediate ancestors of modern Armenians were Urartians and Hurrites, the Armenian people themselves became the cultural successor of the ancient population of the Armenian Highlands. As a result, the culture of Armenians, starting from the VI century BC, becomes a continuation of the more ancient history of the Urartians, Hurrites and Luvians.

It is noteworthy that cultural development continued almost without interruption, even at a time when the country was under the yoke of the invaders. From the end of the 9th century, when the independence of the Armenian kingdom was restored, the era of the Armenian Renaissance began. It lasted until the thirteenth century. Many famous writers belong to this period, including Grigor Narekatsi, Vardan Aykazn, Nerses Lambronatsi, Konstantin Erznakatsi, Khachatur Kecharetsi, Kirakos Erznakatsi, Hovhannes Tlkuranzi.

Armenian music is well known. Its originality was originally formed in the III century BC. It was the work of the gusans. Since the middle of the XIX century, classical Armenian music has been formed, the first professional symphony orchestra appears. In 1868, Tigran Chukhadzhian wrote the first opera in the national language called "Arshak II". Since the 1880s, the processing and collection of folk songs by professional composers has come to the fore.

National architecture develops in the VI century BC. The most significant of the buildings that have survived to our time is the Garni Temple, which was built in the first century AD. After 300 years, Armenian Christian architecture begins to develop.

Along with the Roman and Greek theaters, one of the oldest European theaters in the world of the European type is considered Armenian. The development of theatrical art in the 19th century is well known after Eastern Armenia was annexed to the Russian Empire.

Thus, it becomes apparent that the Armenians are not Caucasians, because Armenia is a separate state with its own history and culture.


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