How to increase immunity in children with folk remedies? Gifts of nature for the health of your child

The question of how to increase immunity in children with folk remedies is so relevant that there is no need to argue about its importance. After all, no matter how high-quality and effective pharmaceutical preparations are in this regard, artificial chemicals and compounds that are far from always safe for the body are still used in their manufacture. And this is not to mention the fact that prices for them are growing every year, and not every family can afford expensive pharmacy products. Fortunately, since ancient times, we have learned about how to increase the immunity of children with folk remedies.

how to increase immunity in children with folk remedies

A true leader when it comes to immunostimulating plants. You can buy dried echinacea at any pharmacy. A tablespoon of raw materials to obtain an effective decoction must be poured with boiling water (about 250 grams of water). It should be infused for 12 hours, after which the remedy should be filtered. In the container, add honey (enough tablespoon), and then divide into three or four equal parts. Echinacea is drunk half an hour before meals, and the full course of therapy is 10-12 days.

Onion and honey

If you are looking for information on how to increase immunity in children with folk remedies, you probably already heard about this method. The bottom line is simple: take a large head of onion, peel it and cut into smaller ones, and then boil over low heat for an hour. In the end, onions should be mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Three times a day before meals, give the baby this mixture for a teaspoon.


How can you increase the immunity of a child? Rosehip broth is one of the best remedies. It can be drunk as a standalone drink or added to tea. It tastes very good and suits even very young children.

how to increase the immunity of the child


You might be surprised, but pollen is one of the best options. How to increase immunity in children with folk remedies based on it? This beekeeping product should be taken orally by one teaspoon (in the morning and before bedtime). However, it is important before this to make sure that the baby does not have an allergic reaction. You can also give children pollen mixed with honey and butter.


Viburnum berries are extremely rich in immunomodulating substances. These are vitamins (A, B, P, C), and antioxidants. And most importantly, viburnum contains red natural pigments that are harmful to viruses. Before going to bed, the child can be given viburnum tea. To do this, grind 20 berries, grind with a teaspoon of honey and pour water (warm, but not hot). In addition to all of the above, viburnum helps calm the nervous system and will help make your child’s sleep deeper and stronger.

products that increase immunity in children

Fish fat

What other products that increase immunity in children exist? It is worth recalling the good old fish oil. Now you can take it in capsules. It is enough to drink 2-3 pcs a day.


Surprised? Yes, it is delicious fresh bacon that is a very effective immunostimulant, because it contains an important component - arachidonic acid. And if you rub the lard with garlic, then the food will be more useful several times more!

We hope that these tips will help strengthen your child’s immunity and help him stay healthy throughout the year!


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