Wonder Park "Galileo", Nizhny Novgorod: address, mode of operation, description

An unearthly attraction attracts citizens and guests of Nizhny Novgorod to the educational and entertainment center - the Galileo Wonderland Park. Numerous mysterious rooms, fascinating halls, transitions with unimaginable wonders lead guests to the main goal - the mirror maze.

Through the efforts of engineers, magicians and scientists, another reality turned out to be surprisingly entertaining and amazingly informative. The entertainment center uses the ideas of Wood, Ames, Da Vinci and other scientists.

Wonderland park galileo nizhny novgorod

Rules for guests

The Galileo Wonderland Park in Nizhny Novgorod is open from ten in the morning to eight in the evening every day (except for two days in December - 30 and 31, and one in January - the first). But you can only enter it until seven in the evening. This rule was introduced because the average time spent in rooms and labyrinths of the park is an hour.

Guests can make one lap on one ticket (that is, there is no return trip).

Entrance to the park is allowed only with removable shoes or shoe covers (the latter are issued to guests free of charge). Large bags and outerwear must be taken to the wardrobe. Here, as in any similar institution, the administration is not responsible for things left in pockets or bags.

The basic rule, which is simply necessary to observe (judging by the reviews) in the Galileo Wonderland Park (Nizhny Novgorod): strictly follow the set of warning instructions in order to avoid injuries and other misunderstandings. For example, if there is an instruction to hold on to the railing and handrails, then this must be done, because its non-observance can spoil not only mood, but also health.

It is recommended to refrain from visiting the complex for pregnant women, people with problems with the cardiovascular system, spine and musculoskeletal system. As well as suffering from seasickness, children under six years of age, patients with epilepsy and the disabled.

The park will not be allowed with drinks and food, with animals, as well as persons intoxicated or intoxicated.

Wonderland park galileo nizhny novgorod prices

Running around the Galileo Wonderland Park in Nizhny Novgorod is strictly prohibited. And further. The administration asks parents to take into account the individual characteristics of the child when moving around the park: there are places and passages with closed space and dark places. Children under 12 years old walk in the halls of the park only accompanied by adults.

Any shooting in the entertainment complex is allowed.

What is inside?

The miracle begins with many interactive exhibits: everything can be touched, twisted, pressed, etc. Each of them is equipped with a name plate and detailed instructions.

In addition to various force meters, mysterious signs that only the phone’s camera sees, and clock mechanisms, the setting is very attractive, on which you can listen to how your own heart works.

Not only children, but also adults love the room with an exercise bike: you just need to pedal a little - and 60 kg as it did! The mirror perfectly reflects the "new forms".

The attraction amazes guests where an adult can become a baby and a child a giant.

Then you find yourself in a hall in which everyone “knows how” to soar above the ground. Then you relax on a musical bench, leave a message to the descendants in the magic sand and paint with light.

Wonderland park galileo nizhny novgorod reviews

Further more

The most mysterious is yet to come. After these fun rides, unrealistic dark transitions begin, followed by a mirror maze. The first thing that “scares” the guests of the park is an unusual bridge: it seems that it turns over together with the people standing on it! Handrails here are a must! Behind it is a room in which you can "walk" only on the ceiling ... And then mirrors, in many of which people are not reflected ...

Next, a terrible maze, almost no one succeeds in photographing there - it's scary ...

And the finale: a grandiose mirror maze! Each visitor at the entrance is given a telephone that can be contacted if it seems that there is no way out ...

Wonderland Park Galileo (Nizhny Novgorod): prices

The cost of a ticket for an adult is 400 rubles on weekdays, on weekends and holidays - 450 rubles. A children's ticket, respectively, costs 300 and 350 rubles.

On a children's ticket, the entertainment complex can be visited by children from four to sixteen years old, cadets of military schools (upon presentation of a supporting document), students - full-time students of universities, colleges, schools (upon presentation of a student ID) and pensioners (upon presentation of a certificate).

Children under three years of age and birthday people go to the park for free (they will require a document confirming the date of birth at the entrance).

Wonderland park galileo nizhny novgorod address

Adventures in the laboratory cost 250 rubles for all visitors without exception. On weekends or holidays, the price is the same - 250 rubles.

If the holiday is special

In this case, you can not even go to the wonderland "Galileo" (Nizhny Novgorod). The laboratory offers on-site workshops. The mysterious professor will come anywhere: in a cafe, a school class, home and even on the street. The workshop program lasts 45 minutes. There are many options: trainings, scientific topics, master classes, etc.

An equally interesting presentation option is a gift certificate. You can purchase it from the administrator at the entrance to the entertainment center or via the Internet. The cost of the certificate starts from 50 rubles. It is valid for two months from the date of purchase.

And if you go to the park for a festive event, then for a long time: for three hours. The holiday ordered in the park lasts so long. It includes a full visit to all rooms, passages and halls of the center, an amazing laboratory workshop for any of the selected programs, and colorful, mysterious tea drinking.

This pleasure is worth it in the Galileo Wonderland Park (Nizhny Novgorod) at 800 rubles per person (but not less than 8,000 rubles) on weekdays and 900 rubles per guest (but not less than 9,000 rubles) on holidays and weekends. Sweet table is paid separately. The partner of the entertainment center, the company “These are the pies,” offers pre-ordered delicious pastries, as well as a variety of teas and fruit drinks.

Wonderland park galileo nizhny novgorod how to get

Interesting offer

Every year a wonderful park holds a regional creative contest among schoolchildren - the project “Miracles of Galileo”. The prize fund of the competition is 150,000 rubles.

School classes of different ages and additional education groups are invited to participate. A competition is held from the beginning of the school year to November 15.

The creative project is being prepared by the guys on the topic “What interesting things I learned in the Galileo Wonderland Park” (Nizhny Novgorod). Address for the provision of works: 11 Kazanskoye Shosse (Indigo-Life TRC), 3rd floor.

The format of the work can be very different: presentation (no more than 15 slides), photo collage (no more than 15 images), video (no more than five minutes), own creative solutions, crafts, applications, drawings and more.

Application and selection of a winner

A completed application is sent to e-mail konkyrs.galileonn@yandex.ru. Or you can file it by the phone number indicated at the office. site. The finished project should be submitted to the administration of the entertainment complex no later than November 15.

The jury evaluates the work in three groups:

  1. Junior: elementary school and preparatory classes.
  2. Secondary school level: grades 5-8.
  3. High school: grades 9-11 and students in secondary special educational institutions.

Grades are set according to the following criteria:

  • originality and technical complexity;
  • relevance of the project to the stated topic;
  • the number of participants involved in the work.

Awarding of the winners takes place in the shopping center "Indigo" in the park of wonders "Galileo" (Nizhny Novgorod), in a festive atmosphere. The ceremony is scheduled on one of the days from November 11 to 17.

Wonderland park galileo nizhny indigo

How to get to the Galileo Wonderland Park in Nizhny Novgorod?

The entertainment center is located in the Indigo Life shopping center on the third floor. The nearest public transport stop is “Composer Kasyanov”. From it to the shopping center 210 meters. You can get to this stop by buses No. 2, 40, 52, 58, 90, 204 and minibuses No. 17, 10, 24, 83, 304.

Near the center there is a free ground parking for a thousand cars.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9697/

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