All inclusive, or "all inclusive" - ​​reviews

Almost everyone who is going to relax abroad prefers the all inclusive, or "all inclusive" system. For regular customers of Turkish, Tunisian, Egyptian hotels, it has long become the norm.

The most profitable option

all inclusive holidays
All inclusive is an international visitor service system. It is accepted in many countries. Every year, more and more hotels are switching to such a service, thereby attracting vacationers. Naturally, everyone wants to get a relatively inexpensive vacation with the all-inclusive system. And this is not surprising, because it is he who is a great way to relax normally without spending a dime more than what has already been paid for a ticket to a travel agency.

Types of all-inclusive system

All inclusive makes three or four meals a day available during the entire stay. This is usually a buffet. In this case, dishes of each item are usually presented from three to ten, regardless of whether it is a salad or hot. Complimentary alcohol is also included in the meal, as well as drinks, mostly locally produced. Some upscale hotels include an all-inclusive sauna, fitness and animation.

All inclusive holidays
Today, there are several types of recreation, in which everything is included - meals, some procedures, etc. The most common is Ultra all inclusive - a program that offers tourists some advanced accommodation plus alcohol and other drinks. And all other types are just its varieties with certain additional parameters that are different in each hotel.


All inclusive, being a system of customer service, under which they can not only eat and drink various drinks for free all day, also offers such additional entertainment as tennis courts, aerobics, fitness, etc. Moreover, all these services in different hotels are significantly different from each other, since the level of each institution plays an important role in the quality of food and a set of additional offers.

Be sure to find out

If you are going on vacation to another country, you must definitely ask in a travel agency what exactly is an all inclusive vacation that is offered. Does it include the use of sports fields, a sauna, a spa. Those traveling with a child need to clarify the availability of a children's menu and high chair in the restaurant, learn about the possibility of getting an extra crib in the room and freshly squeezed juices.

All inclusive or all inclusive
It will be nice if the hotel territory will have free playgrounds and entertainment with professional animators. Going on vacation, many bring expensive things with them , so even a small safe in the room can please the owners of the ticket. You should also ask if the hotel has free Wi-Fi.

To some, these questions may seem idle, but this is not so, since there are no uniform standards for the all inclusive system. And only after clarifying all the questions of interest, you can relax for your pleasure in order to be charged with positive.

Only positive emotions

I always want the long-awaited vacation to pass without problems, in a comfortable environment. And only the rest offered by the all inclusive system can help in this. Reviews of the services available at specific hotels can be found in the travel agency information booklets. Also, those who have already tried to spend leisure time on this program are always willing to share their impressions, warning about shortcomings and admiring the positive sides.

All Inclusive in Russia

Rest on the all inclusive system today is optimal. It allows you to pre-pay all future expenses. And after arriving at the place, there will no longer be a need to worry about your expenses, worry and save. Everything will already be paid. And the cost of the tour in this case will be significantly cheaper than with independent planning of the trip.

All inclusive meals
Rest "all inclusive" in our country is also very popular. Many hotels, pensions and motels include most of the services in the price of the tour, so visitors do not have to constantly calculate the services and the number of procedures that they would like to use.

All inclusive hotels

Today, among certain segments of the population, there is a widespread misconception that according to the all inclusive concept, only expensive four- and five-star hotels or high-class clubs work. This is not quite the right opinion, since almost any hotel, regardless of level, can feed and entertain its tourists at no extra charge. The difference will be only the quality and quantity of services included in the proposed “set”.

All inclusive meals

A lot of two- or three-star hotels include in the price and three meals a day. The difference between all inclusive and full board is the ability to get local soft and alcoholic drinks throughout the day, and without restrictions. The taste and sophistication of dishes depend on the class of the chef, although, as a rule, special culinary masterpieces cannot be counted on. But tourists are guaranteed to enjoy a buffet with several types of salads and almost the same number of hot dishes.

All inclusive reviews

The menu has some vegetables and fruits, as well as pastries. As a rule, all the food on offer can be very tasty, although some by the end of the week they want to eat somewhere else, outside the hotel.

Cons and pros

It is well known that any, even the most thoughtful form of relaxation is not without its drawbacks. All inclusive is no exception. As a rule, managers in travel agencies are silent about the existing shortcomings. Moreover, they may unexpectedly be regarded by some tourists as virtues.

You need to know that "all inclusive" involves some economic attachment to a particular hotel and beach. After all, to visit another bar or restaurant located outside the hotel, you have to pay. Yes, and for an individual tour you need to pay extra, at the same time solving the issue of nutrition.

The concept of "all inclusive" is beneficial for many because they do not speak foreign languages ​​and are not able to delve into the peculiarities of living in a foreign country. A hotel that works according to the formula, when everything is included in the service, is a kind of state in the state, since everything is provided for such tourists in it.

All inclusive
Rest on such a system has its undeniable amenities and advantages. Judging by the reviews, it is more suitable for lovers of economical beach holidays, as well as for the first time coming abroad. It is no less relevant for people of middle and older age categories who prefer stability with predictability.

Today, the all inclusive system is the most common in Turkey. Most hotels in this country operate on it. In addition, it is typical for Tunisia, and has recently gained popularity in many hotels in Egypt.

A similar food system is offered at many Caribbean resorts - Cuban and Mexican, Dominican and Bahamian. Local drinks in this region are high-quality rum from Cuba or Jamaica, as well as tequila from Mexico.

In Europe, "all inclusive" as a form of food is offered mainly in the south - in hotels in Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Montenegro, etc. It should be noted that the European version of this system is significantly different from Turkish or Egyptian. It is more like a full board, however, with a large number of local alcoholic and soft drinks.


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