Animal Shelter in Kazan "Zooobot"

How many homeless animals on the city streets. Among them are those who were already born on the street and never knew the owner's affection, a warm bowl of food and dry bedding. They are forced to wander around the neighborhood in search of crackers or pits, rummaging in garbage containers. There are also animals that were once domestic, but the owners betrayed them, sending them to self-sufficiency on the street! In all cities public organizations help such tramps. There are animal shelters in Kazan - Stolbishche (village) and "Zoozabota".

About shelters

Dogs in a shelter

Homeless Animals Assistance Group is a charity organized by volunteers, that is, volunteers. Zoo care and a shelter in the village of Stolbishche are non-profit organizations, they help animals in a difficult situation only with their personal funds and voluntary donations of people who are not indifferent to the fate of stray animals.

There are very few funds at animal shelters in Kazan, and the guys are trying first of all to help animals whose lives are in danger. But they don’t refuse a place for those cats and dogs brought by caring people, there is one condition - at least a little help. This may be assistance in transporting the animal to the hospital, a small material contribution, finding the animal a permanent home or overexposure. If there is no possibility in the prescribed, then you can just take a picture of the animal, post information about it on the Internet.

Organization Objectives

How to help homeless animals?

Any organization has goals. If it is commercial, then the goal is profit. But the shelter in Stolbishchi and Zooobot in Kazan are charitable foundations, all the funds raised go only to animals. The money that people donated and which the volunteers themselves invested goes to the following needs:

  • animal feed;
  • medicines and veterinary services;
  • bowls, collars, leashes, pans;
  • aviaries;
  • litter in aviaries.

Animal shelters in Kazan urge you to fight for:

  1. Help for homeless cats and dogs by society.
  2. Recognition of animal rights at the state level.
  3. Protecting animals from abuse.
  4. Punishment of people for cruelty to domestic and stray animals.
  5. Mass sterilization of domestic and homeless animals.
  6. Increasing citizens' responsibility for their pets.

Volunteers cannot do without public assistance, and together they can really achieve their goals!

Buy a pet or take from a shelter?

Take the dog from the shelter

Animal shelters in Kazan, like other similar organizations, constantly post photos of their pupils on the Internet, with information about what a house is needed. Many pass by such announcements, even if they are considering making a tailed friend - a cat or a dog. Not everyone is ready to bring an outbred pet into the house, and why?

Breed animals are in fashion and that is why they are turned on. But there is one thing: these animals cost a lot of money, and not everyone has one. The shelter in the Stolbishchi and Zoo Zabot in Kazan give puppies and kittens, adult cats and dogs completely disinterestedly! Moreover, all animals are provided with sterilization and castration for free - there will be no offspring.

Animals that fell into the hands of volunteers of the shelter undergo all necessary treatment from parasites. They are treated, fattened and washed, and they become no worse than the handsome "blue" blood.

The animal from the shelter will be devoted to its owners until the end of life, love disinterestedly, please with its presence, warmth and affection.

Unobtrusive tracking by the volunteers of the fate of animals that were taken home from the shelter is normal practice. Volunteers, who once saved their life, do not want their former pupil to be again on the street. Therefore, a contract of responsibility is concluded with people who take the pet. Volunteers can sometimes call to find out if everything is fine. From the owners it is only required sometimes to send volunteers photos of their former guest.

Can I help the shelter?

Animal shelter

Animal shelters in Kazan do not refuse help, they need it! Everyone can help by making a contribution. It could be:

  • a small amount of money;
  • animal feed - specialized, even the cheapest, cereals, offal, bones, canned food, stew and so on;
  • unnecessary blankets, bedspreads, collars, leashes, bowls, pans;
  • medicines for animals;
  • dissemination of information about finding a home for orphanage inmates.

Many people think that helping everyone is simply unrealistic. But it is worth trying to help at least a small amount - if everyone makes a small contribution, then it will be possible to help everyone!


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