Vietnam, Nha Trang: attractions (photos)

In Central Vietnam, in the province of Khanh Hoa, is the resort city of Nha Trang. Its name (of Taman origin) translates as “mangrove river”. The bay of the same name takes the twenty-ninth line in the list of the most picturesque bays in the world.


If you look at the map, you can see that Vietnam resembles the letter “S” with its outlines. The small province of Khanh Hoa Nha Trang located in the extreme east of the state has the longest coast in the South China Sea. The city is 1278 km from Hanoi, and 448 km from Ho Chi Minh City. The terrain of this area is complex, the level of the earth's surface decreases to the east. It is a small copy of all of Vietnam. There are mountains, and plains, and forests, a coastal strip and islands.

Vietnam Nha Trang Attractions


The beaches of Nha Trang, which stretch for seven kilometers with a white sandy strip, are often called the Vietnamese Mediterranean. The sun shines here throughout the year, and the average annual temperature is +26.2 ° C. Unlike the southern regions of the country, the Ka pass and the Cheongshon mountains delay tropical monsoons, and they bypass the Nha Trang area. This allows you to relax in the resort all year.

vietnam attractions nha trang

If you prefer a beach holiday, then the best time to travel to Nha Trang is March-April. From mid-October to December, it often rains at dawn or in the evening. Humidity is very low in these places, so they are ideal for people with asthma or joint ailments. Divers are better off on a trip from April to June. Well, if you just want to see the unusual Vietnam (Nha Trang), the sights of which are of great interest to tourists from all over the world, then you can go on a trip at any time of the year. In any season, the trip will give you a real pleasure.

Vietnam, Nha Trang: what to see? Natural Attractions

Acquaintance with this distinctive city should begin with its natural features. The huge mountain range, which descends in waves to the South China Sea, created a real natural miracle: bays and dams, safely hidden from the winds. The coast of the sea has ideal white sand beaches. Transparent sea water, the absence of predatory fish and underwater whirlpools will delight even the experienced traveler.

Everyone who wants to visit Vietnam (Nha Trang) will be able to see the sights (photos and descriptions) in travel booklets advertising brochures. We want to present you the most interesting in our opinion natural, historical and architectural monuments.

Batdang Creek

Not far from the city (23 km), Batdang Creek flows, which has a second name - Dachai. It means "Creeping Stone." The stream stretches for 10 km - from the middle of Mount Honba to Honza. The powerful current of this mountain stream passes through numerous rapids, forming waterfalls.

The banks of Butdang are covered with lush vegetation, alternating with piles of stone boulders. Some of them are huge, like roofs, they hang over the water stream. It is this stone frame that stretches along the entire length of the stream, and gave it a name.

Vietnam Nha Trang Attractions Photos

One of the advantages of the stream as a tourist attraction in Khanh Hoa province is the pristine purity of nature. Here you can set up a camp on one of the huge stone slabs, relax, organize a small picnic.

Wangfong Bay

Today, many Russian tourists are attracted to Vietnam (Nha Trang). Sights (reviews confirm this) of this city do not leave anyone indifferent. To the north of Nha Trang (60 km), between the two islands and the mainland, there is a sand ridge that forms Wangfang Bay.

This place can rightly be called a miracle of nature - beautiful sea beaches, with fine white sand, temperate climate. The bay is surrounded by majestic mountains that cover dense tropical forests, coral atolls, striking in their beauty, a diverse animal and plant world.

Vietnam nha trang sights photos and description

Camran Bay

This bay is one of the three world seaports with the best natural conditions. Its area is 60 km sq., The depth (on average) is 18-20 meters. The mountains surrounding the perimeter of the bay protect it from the wind.

Kamrani Bay is an hour's sail from the international shipping lanes.

Vietnam, Nha Trang: attractions (architectural and historical)

And now let's move on from the natural beauties of the city to its historical, cultural and architectural monuments. I would like to start our review with the Catholic Cathedral. It is made in the Gothic French style, decorated with medieval stained glass windows. The temple is located on a small hill, very close to the train station.

vietnam nha trang sights reviews

It was built from ordinary cement blocks in 1933. Today it has become the seat of Bishop Nha Trang.

Longshon Pagoda

Tourists are fascinated by Vietnam's unusual monuments for Europeans (sights). Nha Trang is famous for its magnificent building - Longshon Pagoda. It is located 500 meters from the train station.

It was built at the end of the XIX century and was repeatedly rebuilt over the past years. The entrance of the Pagoda, its arched roof is decorated with dragons made of glass and small elements of ceramics. The main sanctuary is a spacious hall, decorated with interpretations of traditional Vietnamese motifs. Behind the pagoda, on the top of the hill, is a statue of a huge white Buddha who sits on a lotus flower. This figure can be seen from anywhere in the city.

Vietnam nha trang what to see sights

The 24-meter sculpture, which was built in 1963, has an observation deck. It offers stunning views of Nha Trang and its surroundings. The Buddha pedestal is surrounded by images of figures of monks who self-immolated, protesting against the puppet regime of Ngo Dinh Zyem.

Institute of Oceanography

It has more modern Vietnam attractions. Nha Trang is world famous for its Institute of Oceanography, which was founded in 1923. He became one of the first research centers in the country. The institute is located on a hill near the marina of Kauda, ​​6 kilometers from the city center.

At the Institute you can see a huge aquarium located on the ground floor. It consists of twenty-three separate reservoirs in which representatives of marine fauna settled. Behind the main building there is a spacious hall, which houses 60 thousand prepared samples of marine inhabitants, stuffed seabirds, corals, and the remains of outlandish sea creatures.

vietnam sights reviews

Today, thousands of tourists from all over the world visit Vietnam (Nyanchag). Sights, photos of which can be seen in this article, talk about how carefully the Vietnamese relate to their history.

Alexander Ersin Museum (Pasteur Institute)

This museum is included in almost all excursion programs for guests who want to get to know Vietnam, Nyanchag. Sights of the city tell about its history, unique natural features.

The Pasteur Institute was founded in 1895 by Dr. Alexander Yersin, who, unlike the many thousands of colonists who lived in Vietnam at one time, was a Frenchman beloved by the local population. Ersin was born in Switzerland, arrived in Vietnam in 1889 after successfully working in Paris under the leadership of the great Louis Pasteur.

He spent four years traveling the Central Plateau, carefully recording his observations on paper. During this time, he went to the place where the city of Dalat is today and advised the government to organize a mountain post here. Dr. Yersin found in Hong Kong (1894) a microbe that rats carried, causing the bubonic plague. The famous researcher was the first to plant quinine and rubber trees in Vietnam .

Vietnam Nha Trang Attractions

Today, the Pasteur Institute coordinates the research work on vaccination and sanitation in the southern part of the country. Despite a rather modest budget and outdated equipment, laboratory workers produce vaccines (including for diphtheria, rabies, typhoid, whooping cough) and conduct research on virology, microbiology and epidemiology. Two more branches of the Pasteur Institute are located in Dalat and Saigon.

The huge library of the doctor, as well as his study became a museum. Today, here you can see some of Yersin’s personal belongings, laboratory equipment. Above the entrance is a portrait of a famous doctor.

Bao Dai Villas

Everyone who wants to see Vietnam (sights), Nyanchag will surprise with a variety of interesting places. From the mid-fifties to 1975, the villas of the emperor of Vietnam, Bao Dai, were intended for senior government officials in South Vietnam. Since 1975, they passed into the possession of senior communist leaders. Today, wealthy foreign tourists can rent a room here.

vietnam attractions nha trang

Bao Dai villas were built in the 20s of the last century. They are located on three picturesque hills with amazing views of the South China Sea, Kouda Dock and Nha Trang Bay. Most of the furnishings of these villas have not undergone major changes in the past.

Dienhan Citadel

The construction of this building dates back to the XVII century - the time of the Chin Dynasty. It was rebuilt by Prince Nguyen Anem, who later became emperor Zia Long (1793), after attacking the rebellious Taisons. Today, only some fragments of the wall and gate are preserved here.

Tourists reviews

Today, many Russians have visited Vietnam. Attractions, reviews of which are received by all tour operators, are impressive. First of all, most vacationers are impressed by the magnificent nature. Fans of beach holidays are satisfied with well-groomed, sparsely populated white beaches.

Lovers of history and architecture also enjoy the trip. Excursions to memorable places are very informative, they allow you to learn more about this interesting country.


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