Domestic monkeys: varieties, home care

For people who cannot imagine their life without a pet, the appearance of a tame monkey in the house becomes a real holiday. Little domestic monkeys look like a funny man, they delight others with their tricks and instantly attract attention. Such monkeys become Internet stars, delight their owners with a cheerful disposition and do not require complicated care, like other exotic animals.

Is it possible to keep a monkey in the house?

At first glance, there are practically no objective reasons why this cannot be done. These are sufficiently studied, independent animals similar to humans. Food for them is sold in zoogalleries, and on how to provide them with the correct content, many articles have been written.

domestic monkeys

Nevertheless, a huge number of people make the same mistakes when they are kept in captivity. Mainly because they forget: domestic monkeys are not children. They cannot exist in the same conditions as a person, eat our food. A monkey needs a flock, it does not perceive a person and cannot be trained like a dog or cat.

Difficulties begin when a grown up monkey refuses to wear a diaper - it is extremely difficult to accustom this animal to walking or at least to a tray. They can also be aggressive in expressing their displeasure. In order for the monkey to feel comfortable and calm at home, you will have to try to provide it with all the necessary conditions.

Javanese macaque

The breeds of domestic monkeys are quite diverse - small animals are best suited for keeping in captivity, which can be picked up and which will not require a significant place. One of the most common breeds are Javanese macaques.

monkey at home

These domestic monkeys are distinguished by a calm disposition and touching appearance and behavior. They have very expressive eyes, graceful handles with thin fingers. In nature, in families, these macaques with deep tenderness take care of each other, do not let their cubs go from their hands.

Favorite food of Javanese macaques is mollusks, crabs: they live off the coast of water bodies, and this is their natural food. Another name for these animals is crab eaters. Females are better suited for keeping in the house: they do not have fangs, like males, and they will not be able to harm their owners. The length of cynomolgus monkeys is about half a meter.


These are one of the smallest monkeys that are usually kept in the house. Their body length is only about 20 cm, they have a bright, beautiful color - the whole body is covered with thick wool and stripes, and the ears are decorated with white or black tassels.

These are very touching animals: they have a cheerful, emotional disposition, they like to play and have fun, frolic, they jump a lot and actively along the branches. However, in case of danger, they are very scared and literally panic: they have a very gentle psyche.

little domestic monkeys

Uistiti love fruits and vegetables, they can be fed infant formula. Among all others, these domestic monkeys are most comfortable adapting to captive conditions.


Capuchins are perhaps the most common and famous monkeys, which are usually kept in captivity. These species of domestic monkeys have miniature sizes of 30 to 50 cm in length; their natural habitat is southern South America. Capuchins have a fairly long lifespan for monkeys - about 25 years.

breeds of domestic monkeys

Capuchin species of domestic monkeys have a cheerful and unpredictable disposition. These are funny, stubborn animals who love to play pranks, make faces, mimic the owners and their guests. The facial expressions of the Capuchins are very rich - they are moving, emotional animals that never sit still. To be kept in captivity, they need to reproduce natural conditions: a cage where they could jump on branches and hang on their tail.

Capuchins love children's toys - they really look like little fidgets who do not want to grow up. During the games they make a huge amount of sounds, mutterings and chatter, so you need to be prepared for the fact that these animals are quite noisy. Another feature of these monkeys is that they adore rags, busily wipe their faces, and take cover during sleep.

Habitat equipment

At home, a monkey loves space, so it is important to responsibly approach the issue of placing an animal in an apartment or house. The animal should be treated as a member of the family, and therefore it would be most appropriate to allocate a small brightly lit separate room in which one could recreate the natural environment. It is necessary to place ropes, tree branches throughout the room so that the animal can splash out the accumulated energy.

species of domestic monkeys

If there is no possibility to allocate a separate room, you can solve the problem of placing the monkey with the help of a cage. The cage should be spacious, the size of an aviary. It should also have ropes resembling animals creepers, tree branches, a house in which they could feel protected. It is necessary to clean the cage daily.


In no case should you feed the monkey from the table. The main diet should be a special food for monkeys, which contains the necessary elements and minerals. Domestic animals should be given fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, seeds, sometimes boiled eggs must be included in the diet. Once a week, a domestic monkey should receive boiled fish or meat. Insects will become a real delicacy for a monkey.

All products must be fresh, thoroughly washed and free from preservatives. If the animal’s nutrition is not balanced, it lacks vitamins, this will immediately affect its health.


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