Get international rights in Moscow. International Driving License

Modern residents of the Russian capital often think about whether it is possible to obtain international rights in Moscow. Usually a similar question arises for those who are used to traveling a lot on their own vehicle. After all, a Russian driverā€™s license abroad will be invalid. Some believe that applying for a universal driverā€™s license is a huge cost. But actually it is not. Subject to certain instructions, each driver is able to facilitate the procedure to the maximum.

get international rights in Moscow


First you have to understand what international law is. In Moscow and other regions of Russia, the design of this paper is the same. However, specifically we will discuss how to realize the desired in life in the capital.

International rights to drive a vehicle allow citizens to drive a car not only in our country, but also beyond. In fact, the documents are a confirmation of the legality of driving a car. Such paper is useful to all drivers. But an international model will be required for those who travel a lot on their vehicles.

To date, such a document can only be used in 69 countries. In those that signed the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic. This is usually enough.

What can I use

It should be noted that international laws of 2014 (and not only) may be different. Russian legislation provides for different scenarios.

international law in Moscow

So, according to the law, the citizen of the Russian Federation has the right:

  1. To use abroad the usual driverā€™s license, translated into a foreign language and certified by a notary. Drivers licenses issued before 01.03.2011 are implied.
  2. Drive a car using national rights.
  3. Carry out a procedure that allows you to obtain an international driver's license of the established form and use them abroad.

It is recommended to use the last offer. It usually refers to drivers who have an old-style driver's license.

Registration Authorities

Where exactly can I get an international driverā€™s license? This service is provided in all regions of Russia. The main thing is to find out which bodies are involved in the design of the relevant paper.

For example, you can seek help at:

  • STSI.
  • MREO.
  • MFC.

Also, ordering the mentioned document is permitted through the State Services portal. A similar operation is practiced quite often. Registration of driverā€™s rights through the mentioned service does not cause any difficulties.

Documents for issuing

Now itā€™s clear where to get international rights. And what is needed for this? The mentioned operation requires certain documents. There are not as many as it seems.

traffic police international law

Among the mandatory securities requested during the preparation of the document under consideration, there are:

  • passport;
  • customary (national) rights;
  • application for the issuance of MVU;
  • A photograph measuring 3.5 x 4.5 centimeters (black and white or color).

In addition, for the issuance of the document it will be necessary to pay a state fee. A medical certificate is not required for paper processing. These changes have been valid in Russia since 2016.


To get international rights in Moscow, do I need to pass the relevant exams? This question worries almost all drivers. Indeed, it is often necessary to confirm driving skills to obtain a driverā€™s license.

Fortunately, you do not need to take additional exams for driving. International rights are issued if you have national rights. They will already have marks on the allowed categories, which means that the owner will not have questions about driving skills.

Nevertheless, if a person wants to immediately receive international rights (in Moscow or another region), you will have to demonstrate the ability to drive vehicles. This is a normal occurrence. In this case, even the list of documents required for issuing paper is increasing.


How much does it cost to obtain international rights in Moscow? As much as in any other region of Russia. In the country, the size of the state duty does not depend on the city of residence of the citizen.

international driver license

In 2017, you will have to pay 1,600 rubles for an international driverā€™s license. But sometimes you can do with a smaller payment. For example, if you draw up paper through the "State Services". In this case, citizens receive a 30% discount on payment of duties. Accordingly, 1,120 rubles will have to be paid for a driverā€™s license.

Such an attractive condition is valid in Russia until 2019. Most likely, then the discount will cease to act.

About reality

In fact, obtaining international rights is not so problematic. Especially when you consider all of the above features and nuances of the procedure.

What does international law look like? They resemble a small paper book. It contains information about citizen driving skills. Here you can see a photo of the driver.

international law 2014

How many rights will be valid? The established legislation indicates that the maximum validity period of an international driverā€™s license is 3 years.

It is important to consider that the validity period of the mentioned paper cannot exceed the validity period of national rights. This means that if the Russian driverā€™s license is valid for another 6 months, then the international analogue will be valid for a similar period. And nothing more.

Auto Control Features

Suppose a certain driver turned to the traffic police. The established international rights were issued to a citizen. Can he drive a car in foreign countries without a regular driverā€™s license?

Not. The thing is that the document being studied is drawn up on the basis of national rights. So, without them, the issued paper will be considered invalid.

Accordingly, the deprivation of a driverā€™s license in the Russian Federation entails the inability to use the IDP. They will not be taken, but they cannot be considered valid either.

international law where to get

MVU in Russia

Is it possible to get by only with international rights in Russia and not receive international rights? The traffic police assure us that this cannot be done.

If you try to drive a car without national rights and show the inspector international, then a fine of 500 rubles will await you. You can drive a car with an IDP, but only if you have a valid national driverā€™s license.

About the order of receipt

Obtaining international rights in Moscow is not difficult. To bring the idea to life, you will need:

  1. Collect a package of documents.
  2. Contact one organization or another for a service.
  3. Wait for the issuance of the document.

After some time, the citizen will be informed about the readiness of the requested certificate. The document can be picked up at the institution where the application for extradition was filed.

When to pay state duty? Experts say that this can be done either at the time of filing an application for the issuance of MVU, or in advance. Otherwise, there is a need to provide the traffic police or the MFC with a check with paid duty. Otherwise, the request will not be sent for consideration.

Addresses in the capital

And where exactly can you get international rights in Moscow? Not every traffic police body is engaged in the design of the studied paper. It is recommended that you call the selected organization to clarify the situation.

Here are a few addresses to turn to for help:

  • Bolshaya Ordynka 8.
  • Kievskaya, house 20.
  • Warsaw highway, 170 D.
  • 27 Nagatinskaya Street, Building 2.
  • 35 Lower Buildings, Building 2.

This is not a complete list of traffic police, in which you can get international driver's licenses. But they 100% provide this service.


We understood how to get international rights in Moscow. In addition, from now on, we became aware of key points when driving a car with this document.

what international law looks like

How long to wait for his readiness? Usually a driver's license is issued approximately 1 month. This term applies to the IFC, the traffic police, and the State Services.

The instruction provided is valid in 2017. It is possible that over time the size of the state duty for the provision of services will increase. That is why it is better to specify the cost of an international driverā€™s license in advance at the registration authority.

With the right actions, obtaining a driverā€™s license will not cause any trouble. The main thing is to have valid national driver rights . Without them, as we have already found out, it will not work. So first you have to worry about ordering a regular driverā€™s license!


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