Pekingese eyes drop out: reasons, prevention, help to the pet

Each breed of dog is susceptible to its specific diseases. For example, the Pekingese are known for the fact that their eyeballs can easily fall out. Therefore, these four-legged friends need careful care and care. Their owners need to monitor the health of pets, especially the organs of vision.

Causes of the disease

Pekingese eyes fall out

Is it true that Pekingese eyes drop out? Indeed, proptosis in animals happens often. Its consequences are always negative and extremely dangerous. The main cause of the disease is the cranial features of this breed. Dogs are distinguished by a shortened muzzle, a raised nose and shallow eye sockets. As a result, the orbits are underdeveloped, and the organs of vision are extremely vulnerable.

Even a small external effect on the pet's skull and careless handling of it leads to proptosis. Therefore, it is important to protect four-legged friends from neck injuries, blows to the head, fights, as well as sharp jumps. If they get injured, then the Pekingese eyes drop out partially or completely. It is not recommended to start it in families where there are small children. In addition, sometimes the problem arises due to severe diseases that weaken the eye muscles.

Symptoms of the disease

dog breed pekingese

The owner can easily determine that his animal has had proptosis. Such a disease is noticeable in a number of symptoms:

  • depressed condition of the dog,
  • increased anxiety;
  • frequent blinking;
  • drying of the cornea;
  • fear of light;
  • conjunctival edema;
  • bleeding from the organs of vision;
  • protrusion of the body of the eye from the orbit by more than 75 percent.

If such signs are detected, the owner must consult a veterinarian.

Help pet

Pekingese eyes drop out what to do

If the Pekingese eyes fall out, the owner should not panic. Of course, the sight will be unpleasant, but you need to keep calm in order to help the four-legged friend. He is already unpleasant, painful, scared, and the ownerโ€™s fright will only aggravate the situation.

Experts advise not to try to "insert" the organs of vision in their place, because an unprofessional approach will negatively affect the condition of the animal. Self-intervention in most cases leads to blindness, and sometimes to the death of the dog.

Pekingese eyes drop out, what to do? Owner assistance should be as follows:

  1. Call a veterinarian to your home.
  2. Wear a plastic collar around the neck of your four-legged friend, if one is available. Or make sure that the dog does not touch the damaged organ.
  3. Moisten a clean cotton napkin in water to clean the open wound of dirt, blood, pus. Do not use liquids that contain alcohol, as well as fleecy fabrics and cotton wool.
  4. Gently lubricate the affected area with ointment for the eyes.
  5. It takes 10 minutes to apply ice or something cold to the injured eye.
  6. If the doctor cannot come by himself, then the pet must be delivered to the veterinary clinic on its own.

If the owner does not take urgent measures to save the animal, then detachment of the retina, atrophy of the eye, muscle rupture, necrosis of the cornea, damage to the optic nerve, and cataract will soon occur. The dog will lose vision partially or completely. In severe cases, the dog may die.

Preventative measures

Is it true that the Pekingese eyes drop out

In order not to encounter a problem when the Pekingese eyes fall out, or in order to avoid relapse, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  • if possible, remove from the apartment all traumatic objects for the four-legged friend;
  • make sure that small children do not damage the eyesight;
  • during the walk to protect the animal from other dogs;
  • do not lift him by the scruff of the neck, do not hit him on the head,
  • daily preventive examination.

With the availability of funds, it is quite possible to carry out plastic surgery, since the breed of Pekingese dogs has naturally wide palpebral fissures. Surgical intervention will significantly reduce the likelihood of proptosis.

Treatment measures and recommendations for owners

When the owner delivers the four-legged friend to the clinic, he will be anesthetized, they will clean the eye sockets, introduce the necessary antibiotics, adjust the visual organs in place, and stitch them. If this is not done, the pet will remain blind or cross-eyed. A protective dressing is then applied to the injured area. Unfortunately, sometimes it is not possible to save the eye.

When the animal is recovering, after one to two weeks the stitches can be removed. At this point, the doctor introduces anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs to him. In the future, the dog is required to undergo treatment when antibacterial injections are given to it.

If the Pekingese eyes fall out and there is no veterinarian in the village, the owner will have to try to โ€œinsertโ€ the eyeball into the orbit itself. To do this, one person holds a pet, and the other gently presses on the organ of vision with clean hands so that he returns to orbit. However, specialist advice is subsequently necessary.

Thus, lovers of short-haired dogs must first learn more about their features, and only then get such a pet. The Pekingese dog breed is prone to loss of eyeballs, but with proper care, due attention and care, the animal can live without proptosis.


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