Neighboring states are neighbors

Adjacent, borderline. Such meanings of the word "adjacent" are given by the authoritative explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the famous linguist Sergei Ozhegov. And it coincides with reality. States whose boundaries are adjacent to each other (in the word the prefix "co" marks) are adjacent.

Border in Crimea

Sopredelle - the engine of international politics

Naturally, neighboring states are countries that actively communicate with each other. The territorial proximity makes trade and economic relations most effective.

The brushwood of war

And neighboring states are, sadly, also a source of tension and wars. They naturally have something to share. It was the conflicts of neighboring states that led to all the small and big wars in the history of mankind. The only exception is the crusades.

Today is so, and tomorrow is commercials

Neighboring states are also a reflection of the history of a given region. Very often, neighboring countries became a single state. Or, on the contrary, one big split into several adjacent ones. The closest examples from history are the USSR and Yugoslavia.

Russian-American border

Different neighbors

Therefore, it is clear that for each country it is very important to have good relations primarily with neighboring states, and not with those that are on the other side of the globe. This task is not an easy one, especially for large states like Russia, which have borders in three parts of the world. The neighboring states of Russia are very different countries, it is difficult to please all the many neighbors for many reasons. Some are even considering global exclusion plans.

Ukrainian border

However, the Russian Federation is trying to live in peace with its neighbors. After all, neighboring states are what they are.

And now we list counterclockwise all the neighbors of Russia, starting from the northwestern borders.

Neighboring states of Russia

Neighboring states of Russia

Abbreviations of the names of international organizations in the table: APEC - Asia-Pacific Economic Community, BRICS - Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, GUAM - Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova, EAEU - Eurasian Economic Community, EU - European Union, NATO - The North Atlantic military bloc CSTO - Organization of the collective security treaty, the United nations - the United nations, USRB - Union State of Russia and Belarus, the Council of Europe - Council of Europe, the CIS - Commonwealth of independent States, the SS - the Northern alliance, STS - Turkic Council FIR countries of the SCO - Shanghai Cooperation Organization, AL - Schengen Union.

StateRelationship assessment ("-" - negative dynamics, "0" - stable, "+" - positive)Border typeThe length of the border, kmLarge blocs, unions and international organizations of the countrySubjects of the Russian Federation at the border
Kingdom of NorwayNeutral (0)Marine and land

195.8 (land, 23.3 (marine - Barents Sea)

UN, NATO, ShS, SS, EU, CEMurmansk region
Republic of FinlandNeutral Friendly (+)Land and sea

1271.8 (land), 54 (sea - Baltic Sea)

UN, ShS, SS, EU, CEMurmansk region, Karelia, Leningrad region
Republic of EstoniaTense (0)Marine and land

333.7 (land), 142 (sea - Baltic Sea)

UN, AL, NATO, EU, CoEPskov region
Latvian republicTense (+)Land


UN, AL, NATO, EU, CoEPskov region
Republic of LithuaniaNeutral Stressed (0)Land and sea

266 (land), 22.4 (sea - Baltic Sea)

UN, AL, NATO, EU, CoEKaliningrad region
Republic of PolandTense (0)Land and sea

204.1 (land), 32.2 (sea)

UN, AL, NATO, EU, CoEKaliningrad region
Republic of BelarusClose (+)Land



Areas: Pskov, Smolensk, Bryansk
UkraineVery tense (-)Land and sea

1974.04 (land), 321 (marine - Black and Azov Seas). Part of the border is controlled by the LPR and the DPR; there are a number of disputed territories


Regions: Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh, Rostov. Crimea
Lugansk People's Republic (unrecognized)Close (0)LandNot regulated. Ukraine considers the LPR borders with Russia to be its-Regions: Voronezh, Rostov
Donetsk People's Republic (unrecognized)Close (0)Land and seaNot regulated. Ukraine considers the borders of the DPR with Russia its-Rostov region
Republic of Abkhazia (partially recognized)Close (0)Marine and land233 (land), 22.4 (sea - Black Sea). Georgia considers the border of Abkhazia with Russia its-Krasnodar region
Republic of GeorgiaTense (0)Marine and landNot regulated, as Georgia does not recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South OssetiaUN, GUAM, CE

Krasnodar Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan

Republic of South Ossetia (unrecognized)Close (0)LandNot regulated, as Georgia does not recognize the independence of South Ossetia-

North Ossetia

The Republic of AzerbaijanNeutral Stressed (-)Land and sea327.6 (land), 22.4 (sea - Caspian Sea)UN, CIS, CE, GUAM, STS

Chechnya, Dagestan

The Republic of KazakhstanClose (+)Marine and land5936.1 (land), 85.8 (sea - Caspian Sea)UN, CIS, CSTO, SCO, EAEU, STS

Areas: Astrakhan, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Altai Territory, Altai Republic

People's Republic of ChinaFriendly (+)Land4209.3UN, SCO, APEC, BRICS

Altai Republic, Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Region. Region: Transbaikal, Khabarovsk, Primorsky

MongoliaNeutral Friendly (0)Land3485UN

Altai Republic, Tuva, Buryatia, Trans-Baikal Territory

Democratic People's Republic of KoreaNeutral Friendly (+)Land and sea16.9 (land), 1.9 (sea - Sea of โ€‹โ€‹Japan)UN

Primorsky Krai

JapanNeutral (-)Marine194.3 (Sea of โ€‹โ€‹Japan and Okhotsk)UN, APEC

Sakhalin Oblast

USATense (0)Marine49 (Chukchi and Bering Seas)


Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

The neighboring states of Ukraine

Borders of Ukraine

To consolidate the concept of "neighboring states," we will provide a list of such for Ukraine. The list does not include LPR and DPR, as the country considers them to be its territory. Kherson region is named among the border due to the actual possession of Russia by the Crimea.

StateRelationship assessment ("-" - negative dynamics, "0" - stable, "+" - positiveBorder typeThe length of the border, kmBlocks, unions and international organizations of the countryEntities of the country at the border
Republic of BelarusFriendly (+)Land1084,2UN, CIS, SGRB, CSTO, EAEU, CEAreas: Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr, Kiev, Chernihiv
Russian FederationVery tense (-)Land and sea1974.04 (land), 321 (marine - Black and Azov Seas). Part of the border is controlled by the LPR and the DPR; there are a number of disputed territories.UN, CIS, SGRB, SCO, CSTO, EAEU, CE, BRICS

Chernihiv, Sumy, Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson

RomaniaNeutral (0)Marine and land1216 (land)UN, NATO, EU, CE

Areas: Odessa, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathian

The Republic of MoldovaFriendly (0)Land1222 (including the border of Transnistria)UN, CIS, GUAM, CE

Areas: Odessa, Vinnitsa, Chernivtsi

Transnistrian Moldavian Republic (unrecognized)Tense (0)LandMoldova considers the borders of Transnistria with Ukraine to be its-

Odessa region

HungaryNeutral (0)Land135UN, EU, CE, NATO

Transcarpathian region

The Slovak RepublicNeutral (0)Land98UN, EU, CE, NATO

Transcarpathian region

Republic of PolandFriendly (+)Land542UN, EU, CE, NATO

Areas: Transcarpathian, Lviv, Volyn

We hope that the question of what these neighboring states are, we have given an exhaustive answer.


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