What can I give a friend for my birthday?

A close friend invited to the celebration. The head begins to hurt in advance: what gift to buy? Undoubtedly, you are familiar with this situation. You do not know what you can give a friend for his birthday? The article will tell you several options for solving the problem.

Types of gifts

There are two groups of gifts: practical purposes and souvenirs. Considering what you can give a friend for his birthday, you should think how practical he is and what can make him happy? After all, someone will be delighted with a trifling toy, and someone will feel happiest on earth, having received, for example, a screwdriver as a presentation.

Interest Gifts

If you go to your best friend’s birthday , you undoubtedly know this person very well, you know his character, inclinations, interests. All this will help in choosing an original gift. So, for example, if the hero of the occasion is fond of diving, he will need a diary in a waterproof cover. And for an avid fisherman and hunter, a hiking filter for water or a flask, a folding fishing rod or a beautifully designed hunting knife are suitable . The summer resident will be happy with a set of seeds of bright colors, a hammock or barbecue. When thinking about what you can give a friend for a birthday or for any other reason, do not lose sight of the fact that he can be an avid collector. Then, depending on the subject of collecting, it is worth picking up a gift. A set of stamps for the philatelist or a new Feng Shui figurine - there are a great many options. Someone collects coins, someone - figurines. The main thing in this case is not to repeat and not buy what a friend already has in the collection. A wonderful gift can be a picture that will decorate the interior of your friend, unless, of course, he loves painting.

Business gifts

If a person has a hobby, then there will be no problems that can be presented to a friend. However, there are times when the hero of the occasion has no special interests. He gives a lot of time to his beloved job and does not have enough strength for a hobby. Then you should choose a business gift that is useful to a friend in his professional activity. Here you can also show originality. Buy a beautiful pen, make an engraved inscription on it as a souvenir. Or present a notebook in a beautifully designed leather binding.

Occasional gifts

It also happens that you were invited to a birthday on the eve of the holiday, and you run to the store, where you freeze at the counter, painfully choosing a gift. Or buy something shiny and expensive on the go, without bothering to consider what exactly you are going to give. This, of course, does not fit into the etiquette of gifts. If you want to make a pleasant thing by choosing what you can give your friend for a birthday, do not concentrate on the outward brilliance and high price of a randomly seen thing. A gift should remind you, and it is not he who matters that matters, but your attitude to a friend, your attention, so that looking at an expensive pen or keychain, he could remember you.

Other options

Gifts can be with humor if the birthday man is not deprived of it. Or carry a sentimental charge, recalling some pleasant moments. For example, this could be an album that you have personally designed. It is worth picking up a few memorable photos. Presentations such as a T-shirt or a mug with witty inscriptions or drawings are also popular. You can arrange a gift with a portrait of the hero of the occasion. For lovers of gadgets, who are also heavy smokers, an electronic cigarette will be a great gift.

Thinking about what to give to a best friend for his birthday, we use the whole arsenal of our imagination and test ourselves for the knowledge of a loved one. Only such an approach, when we can fulfill other people's dreams, is able to bring joy to a friend and bring satisfaction to the donor himself, because, as you know, it’s nice to receive gifts, but it’s even more pleasant to make them!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9727/

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