Tulip Blue Parrot: variety description, planting, reviews

Parrot tulips are considered one of the most beautiful flowers because of their unusual inflorescences with wavy petals resembling the plumage of birds. One of the representatives of this type is the Blue Parrot tulip.

Tulip Blue Parrot

Grade description

The plant variety reaches half a meter in height. The flower is large, with a diameter of about ten centimeters, of a blue color. It looks very impressive, adding exotic garden.

Blue Parrot tulips are perfect for cutting and selling. The unusual appearance of the flower made the variety popular among bulb lovers.

Tulip has an average growth rate. There are varieties that develop faster, but due to the unusual and brightness of the Blue Parrot tulip, the growth rate is becoming a priority.

Features of the parrot flowers

Tulips are one of the most beautiful flowers that bloom in spring and early summer. The blue parrot is able to give the site a unique character and add some sophistication to the classic plantings. Tulip Blue Parrot releases a green bud, which gradually opens, changing color. At first, the inflorescence has a purple hue, but, as it blooms, the color changes to saturated blue with a silver tint.

Tulip Blue Parrot reviews

The height of the plant is about half a meter. Its unusual shape and beautiful color should be in a prominent place: landscape designers recommend planting a blue parrot tulip (Blue Parrot) in the foregrounds so that during planting it will not be covered by other plantings. Such a solution will allow everyone to see the beauty of the flower and appreciate it.

Planting bulbs

According to the description, Blue Parrot tulips bloom in late spring. For its comfortable growth, it is necessary to choose the right place for planting: it should be sunny, well lit throughout the day. Soil in the selected area requires fertile, loose. The place itself should be free of drafts.

Meadows of parrot tulips are planted in late September or early October. Depth of landing - at least ten centimeters. Around each bulb is necessarily left free space so that the plant can grow freely and properly develop the root system. After planting, the bulbs are watered, but sparingly.

Mulch is laid over the landings, with a layer of about five centimeters. In early spring, when the snow is gone, the mulch is removed. Some time after warming up the soil, sprouts of tulips will appear.

Tulip Blue Parrot Description

During growth, constant care is required. It comes down to timely watering, weeding plants, fertilizing, removing faded buds.

Watering the plant is recommended once a week. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall from above onto the plant, but only onto the soil around it.

From spring to the end of summer, these flowers are fed with fertilizers. It is best to use balanced types of mineral fertilizers containing potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and useful micro and macro elements, vitamins for bulbous flowering plants. You can buy fertilizer in any garden store. For top dressing, apply the amount that is declared by the manufacturer on the package.

Care for tulips comes down to the timely removal of faded buds. This will help to properly form the bulb and additional inflorescences.

After flowering, tulip bulbs are dug up and stored for storage in a warm, dry room. At first, they maintain a temperature of 20 degrees, but after drying completely, tulips are provided with a storage temperature of no higher than 17 degrees. With the onset of autumn, the plant is planted in the ground.

Grade Reviews

According to reviews, the Blue Parrot tulip has bewitching beauty and unusual coloring that attracts the eye. This variety is easy to care for, but bulbs do not always winter. To ensure a normal wintering of the plant, it is recommended to mulch the bed with a thick layer of organic mulch. This will protect the bulbs from freezing.

Tulip blue parrot blue parrot

Some gardeners practice early bulb distillation. For this, large containers are used in which plants germinate. With this method, fertilizing plants with each watering is mandatory. After flowering, the bulbs are planted in open ground for growing.

With proper care and storage of bulbs, parrot tulips will please their flowering for many years, increasing the number of copies annually.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9729/

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