LED lamps for suspended ceilings: overview, types, specifications and reviews

Lighting technology is being improved in different directions, allowing the release of increasingly ergonomic, vibrant and functional devices. One of the most attractive solutions for the totality of characteristics at the moment is the LED lamp. It differs from classical lighting devices with radiation parameters and more advanced controls. But its form factor also stands out thanks to which the structure can be organically integrated into the ceiling. The metal frame acts as the supporting base, and the clamping elements of the case provide reliable fastening. There are special LED lamps on the market for stretch ceilings, but this narrow segment also offers a considerable selection of models for various tasks.

LED lamps for suspended ceilings

Main characteristics of LED devices

LED lamps have many advantages, but there is a significant drawback due to which they are rarely used for lighting workplaces. This is due to unnatural radiation that bores the eyes. Therefore, it is important to consider the temperature of light. For home use, the naturally white spectrum of 3700–4200 K with moderate brightness will be optimal.

When calculating the power of the device, use the following rule: if the usual incandescent lamp used to work in the room, then its potential should be divided by 8 - this will be the performance of one LED element. As for the voltage, for full coverage of light fluxes, 220 V models are used, although if you plan to install multiple point devices in groups, this figure can be 110 V. The design of luminaires for LED lamps for stretch ceilings is very diverse - there are pear-shaped, spherical , candle and other forms of the body. As a rule, it’s for stretch linens that miniature devices are selected that require complete masking of the structure.


what LED lamps for suspended ceilings

Due to the specifics of the installation site, only models of a certain design should be selected for such tasks. It has already become a classic solution in the form of a single LED-lamp for 220 V. It is formed by three components - a housing, diodes and a block of protection against voltage drops. This is a powerful light output device, which can be enough to service a small room. There are also miniature point devices that include several LED emitters in the design. They are good for their compactness, minimal impact on the placement surface and high energy efficiency. If LED lamps are required for stretch ceilings in rooms of a large area, then it will be advisable to use spots. These are massive case devices, in the niche of which several diode elements are also located. The advantages of this solution include the possibility of complete disguise (the body literally merges with the stretch fabric) and high performance in terms of light power.

What else to consider in choosing?

luminaires for LED lamps for suspended ceilings

At home, the risks of damage to the lamp due to external influences are low, but depending on the purpose of the target room, you still need to pay attention to the protective properties. In a bedroom, study or living room, for example, you can use lamps with the usual IP40 insulation class. If we are talking about a kitchen or a corridor where there are high dusting risks, then it is better to purchase devices with a protection index of at least IP50. In rooms with a high coefficient of humidity, special LED lamps for stretch ceilings are installed. What models to prefer in this case? The main condition is a high-quality water-repellent coating, so it is optimal to choose lamps with protection class IP56. It is also worth abandoning metal cases. It is better to give preference to plastic, ceramics or glass.

Top LED Lamp Manufacturers

Leading LED device developers include Philips, Osram, and Foton Lighting, UK. The first two manufacturers made a significant contribution to the technological development of the segment, offering today devices that are optimal in terms of performance. In particular, Philips relies on environmental safety and reliability, and Osram products are famous for their original construction and design designs. There are enterprises among domestic manufacturers that produce high-quality LED lamps for suspended ceilings. Which are better? Experts recommend making a choice from the assortments of Gauss, Optogan and ASD. As a rule, the lamps of these companies are based on elements of the same Philips brand, but the cost in this case will be lower - about 500-700 rubles, while the original models cost 1000-1500 rubles.

Lamp Placement Configurations

how to change an LED lamp in a stretch ceiling

When planning the installation scheme of luminaires, two parameters should be taken into account - installation depth and location points. As for the first requirement, it is possible to perform indoor or outdoor placement. Deepening the structure under the niche of the canvas will make the case almost invisible. On the surface there will be only a lens and the working part of the lamp. For outdoor installation, the structure protrudes downward, therefore higher aesthetic requirements are imposed on this scheme. In this case, it is recommended to provide for the presence of decorative inserts on the case. Thanks to crystal or metallized elements, the stretch ceiling with LED lamps will give reflections, which will make the interior design more interesting. Placement points should be calculated as a general rule, according to which the distance between the elements should be at least 20 cm. It is desirable to maintain a balance of coverage of the area with light fluxes.

Installation technique

LED lamps for suspended ceilings which are better

By the time the installation starts, the corresponding wiring should be prepared in the subceiling niche. It connects the electrical filling of the lamp housing. Installation is carried out using clamping elements - the design of the device is inserted into the cartridge and latched. Some models in the gap between the carrier base and the base of the device provide for the presence of thermal protection rings. They should not be forgotten during the installation process. Counter question: how to replace an LED lamp in a stretch ceiling? This operation is easy when it comes to single modifications. It is enough to open the latches provided in the design on the springs and the device will come out by itself. There are models with threaded sockets - respectively, for their dismantling you only need to unscrew the case.

Service Nuances

LEDs are undemanding in care, they do not need additional technical support, but sometimes they need preventive and repair operations. Periodically wipe the front surfaces of the devices, check the insulation quality and the operation of protective devices - for example, the same fuses.

A special approach is required when repairing failed emitters. How to change an LED lamp in a stretch ceiling if a diode burns out? Dismantling is carried out according to the scheme discussed above, and the device itself is carefully checked for the presence of faulty elements. They can be calculated by the presence of a black dot on a yellow surface. This component is replaced through wiring and installing a new LED with the same size.

Reviews of LED Ceiling Lights

stretch ceiling with LED lights

For the most part, users of such structures are satisfied with the operation process. In addition to obvious design advantages, energy efficiency and reliability of the devices are noted. If we talk about the cons, then LED lamps for suspended ceilings are expensive. Even the minimum price of 500 rubles. higher than the cost of traditional fixtures. And this applies only to the budget class.

Relate to the shortcomings and complexity of the installation. A full range of LED lighting control options is available only if special drivers and controllers are integrated into the circuit, and this greatly complicates installation activities.


how to replace a led lamp in a stretch ceiling

In the lines of manufacturers of lighting equipment regularly appear new versions of devices that allow you to perform custom design configurations. Even simple LED lamps for suspended ceilings have greatly expanded the possibilities of arranging radiation points. In addition, fundamentally different devices are now appearing. These include ribbons that are located on the inside of the canvas and provide muted backlighting. But in terms of the amount of light output, miniature point and ribbon products are still not able to compete with traditional chandeliers equipped with incandescent lamps.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F9736/

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