USSR Museum in Moscow - the opportunity to return to the Soviet Union

Anyone who was born and lived during the Soviet era will be very interested in visiting a museum in Moscow, where objects made during the Soviet Union are exhibited . Here you can see and recall long-forgotten things that were actively used in everyday life several decades ago.


The USSR Museum in Moscow at VDNH absolutely corresponds to the place where it is located, since the exhibition of achievements of the national economy itself is the spirit of the USSR. The museum is located in Pavilion No. 2. You can get to the place by metro to the VDNH station.

Museum Description

The USSR Museum in Moscow was opened in December 2012. The exposition is located in the exhibition halls with a total area of ​​350 square meters. The interior of the halls creates the atmosphere of the times of the Soviet Union: white-red walls, symbols of the USSR, portraits, household items. All this allows you to fully plunge into the past.

In all the halls of the museum plays a variety of Soviet background music, which creates a certain surroundings, as well as adds color to this place.

Museum exposition at VDNH

At the entrance to the pavilion where the museum is located, there is a gas-goat car, by which you can understand that you are in front of the USSR History Museum in Moscow. The exhibition halls themselves are located opposite the entrance to the pavilion. The red door is distinguished by recognizable symbols: balalaika, matryoshka, telephone, sickle and hammer. The entrance to the museum is through a souvenir shop where you can buy various little things with the symbol of the USSR: passport covers, notebooks, mugs and much more.

One of the first exhibits that visitors to the museum sees is the Felix counting machine, which was actively used several decades ago.

He did not bypass the USSR Museum in Moscow and the pioneer theme. So, one of the exhibits is a pioneer banner. Here you can see the figures of pioneers and the legendary pioneer tie. Board games of the times of the Soviet Union are presented to the attention of guests of the USSR Museum in Moscow at VDNH.

In the center of one of the halls there is a motorcycle with a cradle, on which you can sit and take a photo, which museum visitors are very willing to do. In the cradle of the motorcycle there is a screen where the film “Watch out for the car” is silently shown.

Motorcycle with cradle

The museum "Back to the USSR" in Moscow exhibited an old atlas on which the borders of the USSR are highlighted. The quality mark of the Soviet Union is marked on the walls of the museum, and a large number of Soviet posters hang here. The theme of the 1980 Olympic Games has a special place in the exposition of the USSR Museum in Moscow.

Museum staff recreated a Soviet apartment with all the pieces of furniture and everyday life that were typical of that time.

Soviet apartment

So, in the corner is a collection of old toys that you can touch. Kitchen utensils in the apartment are presented with glasses, teapots, tin cans. Particularly noteworthy are the Soviet cup holders and faceted glasses that could be found in every apartment.

After inspecting the Soviet apartment, the museum guests move on to the next room, on the corner of which there is a soda machine and Zaporozhets. U-turns of Soviet newspapers, as well as the flags of the republics that were part of the USSR, are hung on the wall. Next to the car are the "Sea Battle" slot machine and the "Vyatka" scooter. In the museum hall you can see a closet with Soviet things. Of particular note is the iron, which had to be heated on a stove before ironing.

In the USSR Museum in Moscow there is even a reconstruction of the Lenin Mausoleum, where the figure of Vladimir Ilyich lies. The most interesting thing is that the creators of the museum provided the body with respiratory functions.

The figure of V.I. Lenin

At the exit you can see a pay phone, a mail box and a red "Victory". In the car you can sit, and also dream against its background.

The USSR Museum in Moscow did not manage without a photograph of the kissing Brezhnev and Honecker. Against the background of this poster are Soviet players, each of which can be touched and twisted.

The museum is open daily from 10:00 to 19:00. The cost of admission is 300 rubles.

Reviews about the USSR Museum in Moscow

Guests note that it was very interesting for them to visit here and get the opportunity to plunge during their childhood. Inspection of this place causes a smile, gives pleasant memories.

"Back to the USSR" in Zvenigorod

For a while, you can be in the Soviet Union in Zvenigorod, Moscow Region, on the street. Moscow, 7/9. The museum exposition is housed in interiors of different years. Each item can be touched, which allows you to feel the atmosphere of a bygone era.

Museum "Back to the USSR"

The museum "Back to the USSR" organizes excursions for children and adults. Guides will tell a lot of interesting things about life during the Soviet Union. For example, about what you could buy for 2 kopecks, about studying at school and about your favorite games for Soviet children.

In the buffet you can drink a milkshake prepared according to the Soviet recipe, eat an eclair and watch an old movie, a fairy tale or the “Blue Light” of the 60s.

For children, master classes in wood burning and gingerbread painting are held.


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