Septic "Topas": flaws, instructions, device, principle of operation

Previously, the biological treatment of sewage turned out to be something unrealistic, but now new cleaning systems have appeared, including the Topas septic tank. You should consider the disadvantages and positive features of this equipment before you purchase the device. An innovative feature of this system is the treatment of wastewater using microorganisms. Processing and disposal of effluents eliminate the possibility of environmental pollution. This system is completely environmentally friendly and meets all established standards for sewage treatment.

Operating principle

septic tank topas flaws

Septic "Topop", the disadvantages of which will be described in the article, as well as the advantages, works due to special microorganisms, which are anaerobic bacteria. Their vital activity leads to the fact that organic compounds disintegrate, and already at the second stage they are disinfected, being processed into clean sludge. Initially, sewage enters the chamber where the first stage of cleaning is carried out. In the process, the largest fractions of contaminants are eliminated, and then with the help of airlift the mixture enters the aeration tank. This sector No. 2 is the main part of the septic installation, it contains active bacteria. Here, the destruction of contaminants that have not been eliminated in the first stage takes place. Septic tank Topas, the drawbacks of which you must consider before going to the store, forms sludge during waste processing. It acts as a binder for particles of foreign bodies that are contained in liquids. After that, all the water enters the sump, which is sector No. 3. It is called a pyramid. In it, the formed sludge settles to the bottom, and then the finally purified water enters sector No. 4.

The main disadvantage

septic tank topas reviews

If you are considering a septic tank “Topas” as a suitable option for your country house, the disadvantages of this device should be carefully studied by you. Consumers quite often tilt their choice to other devices for wastewater treatment for the reason that the sludge that collects in the sump, which is filtering, will need to be periodically removed. However, the disposal process can be called quite simple, since it does not imply the need for special knowledge and skills. Among other things, if the “Topop” septic tank is installed at your summer cottage, then you can use silt as a fertilizer.

Consumer Reviews

Tapas septic tank flaws

“Topas" is a septic tank, the disadvantages of which can affect your final choice, at the same time it has many advantages. In particular, consumers note that the cleaning efficiency of the system is 99%. Among other things, the design is characterized by compactness, as well as low power consumption. You will not notice noise during the operation of this unit. Buyers emphasize that Topas is a completely automated device that does not imply compliance with special operating conditions. Its maintenance is very simple. The unpleasant odor will be completely absent, since its tightness impedes its distribution. Septic tank Topas, the principle of which was described above, can be selected by each user depending on the tasks assigned to the unit. For example, models are different in that they are designed for a different number of users. If we consider the models "Topop-8" and "Topop-5", then the first of them is designed to serve 8 people, while the second - for a family of 5 people.

Installation Instructions

septic tank topas working principle

If you will install the septic tank "Topas", the installation instructions must first be studied by you. Carrying out these manipulations involves the implementation of several stages, among them the preparation of the place can be distinguished. The design should be located 5 meters from the foundation of the house, moreover, this indicator is minimal. This recommendation is spelled out by SES rules. Once the location has been determined, you can start digging the pit. Its dimensions should be determined by the septic tank model. If you bought Topas-5, then you should count on the following sizes: 1000x1200x1400. As for the pit, its dimensions should be equal to 1800x1800x2400. As soon as the pit is dug, the master will have to make the formwork.

Installation of a septic tank

septic tank topas instruction

The device of the septic tank "Topas" involves the organization of sand cushions at the bottom of the pit. To do this, it is poured with a layer of 15 centimeters. After installation, the septic tank should rise above the ground by 15 centimeters. This is necessary for the convenience of operating the system in the spring, as well as to eliminate the possibility of damage to it. If the system is installed at the same level with the ground, then in spring, during the melting of snow, the station may be flooded. Most often, water enters through ventilation vents or the cover. In this case, the entire system, including compressors, may stop working.

Specialist advice

septic device topopas

In order for the operation of the Topas septic tank not to be accompanied by difficulties, it is necessary to choose a model that will correspond to the level of groundwater occurrence. If the aquifer is too close to the surface, then preference should be given to all varieties that are issued with the marking PR. These systems provide for the forced removal of purified liquid, which is due to the built-in pump.

Organization of the sewage system

HDPE pipes should be used for laying the sewer system, their diameter should be 110 millimeters. The pipe insertion depth into the installation is 80 centimeters relative to the upper ground level. If we are talking about the Long model, then the depth will vary from 120 to 140 centimeters. The slope of the pipe will depend on the diameter. At 100 millimeters, this parameter should vary from 1 to 2 centimeters per meter, if the diameter is reduced to 50 millimeters, then the slope should be 3 centimeters.


Septic "Topop", reviews of which for the most part are only positive, should be sealed. A hole must be drilled in the outer casing; for this, an adjustable column with a diameter of 100 millimeters should be used. The device comes with a polypropylene cord, with which the pipe is soldered to it. To do this, use a building hair dryer. As soon as the pipe is securely fixed, you need to connect the sewer pipe to it.

Disadvantages of the septic tank Topas

If you decide to choose a septic tank "Topas", it is very important to study reviews about it thoroughly. This is due to the fact that they are not always positive. Consumers among them note the rather high cost of this system, because it is proposed to purchase a device for 80,000 rubles. It is impossible not to note the energy dependence of the station, as well as the need to comply with strict rules for operation and maintenance. Despite the fact that they are not complicated, neglect of them can cause serious damage to expensive equipment, which will then need to be repaired.


The described septic tank is an autonomous sewer. Recycled water will not be suitable for drinking, but it is safe for the environment and does not have an unpleasant odor. The device of the treatment plant is quite simple, and as for the basis of work, then it is the biological process. The following components of the equipment participate in it: a receiving chamber, a station cover, aeration tank, airlift, air compressors, cleaning chambers, a hose for pumping sludge, as well as the outlet of purified water.

The station cover is equipped with an air intake. Sewage that has the highest degree of contamination enters the receiving chamber. Cleaning at the first stage is 50%. The aeration tank, in turn, is a chamber in which the cleaning level is 30%. The air compressor in the device is necessary for pumping air, which supports biological processes. In addition to the main elements, the system contains airlift, which has pumping units. It provides fluid transfer between chambers. each element is important for the correct operation of the system, this must be taken into account during the installation of the septic tank, because it is important to exclude damage that may cause the need for repair.


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