Game "Long Dark": the plot, the passage

Today we’ll talk about The Long Dark, a survival sandbox game that recently won the hearts of many gamers. We will talk about the storyline and share the valuable secrets of passing one of the episodes. Along with this, we will try to answer the question of whether it is easy to survive in conditions of constant cold, despair and hunger.

Early Access and First Version

long dark story

The game itself, "Dark Dark" offers to feel like some kind of Bear Grylls - a famous master of survival in any, even the most extreme environment. We are introduced to two heroes - pilot Will Mackenzie and a doctor named Astrid Greenwood, who must survive in a huge winter forest full of dangers and predators. We, as players, in turn, must make considerable efforts so that the characters not only do not die of hunger, but also manage to finally get out of the "cold confinement".

It is worth noting that this is not a full-fledged plot of "The Long Dark", but only a small background that helps to plunge into the passage. The game world is a "sandbox" that is randomly generated and provides users with complete freedom of action. The fact is that there was no early Dark Steam storyline on Steam, so users devoted all their time to survival alone.

Key features

Survival has never been easy. The protagonist in The Long Dark has a lot to do so as not to become a victim of the inhospitable mother nature. Hunting animals, finding safe places, gathering provisions and exploring the area - something like this looks like a daily schedule. The biological parameters of the character also play a very important role. We are talking about hunger, thirst, low or high body temperature, calories and fatigue. If we turn a blind eye to changes in our own (albeit virtual) organism, we can safely say goodbye to the chances of salvation.

the long dark story

The game provides a variety of equipment, ranging from clothing, axes and rifles to medicines, flares and flashlights. Every item in The Long Dark has a price, especially when so much is at stake.

It is especially worth paying attention to various types of weapons. With the help of marksmanship, you can not only protect yourself from predators, but also get a good dinner by shooting a deer or a rabbit.

We pass the first episode. First chapter: days 1-3

The plot of the game "Long Dark" begins with a plane crash, after which we, in the role of one of the main characters, find ourselves near burning trees. A plane is not visible nearby, so we are heading to the cave, having previously got rid of the metal fragment stuck in the palm of our hand. Having reached the place, you need to make a fire, deal with the wound and go to bed.

A new day is coming, and with it comes an unbearable feeling of thirst. We leave the cave and proceed to inspect the terrain and scattered boxes everywhere. Do not forget about fuel, since only with its help it will be possible to maintain fire. Together with the collected supplies, we return to the cave and extract water from the melted snow. After boiling it, in order to avoid possible infection, and treat yesterday’s wound with an antiseptic.

The whole next day we spend collecting fuel for the fire (we recommend breaking wooden boxes) and stocking up with water.

long dark story walkthrough

We continue the first chapter: days 4-5

In the morning we notice a fallen tree, climbing up to which we find the place where our jacket lies, other useful things and a suitcase belonging to another character - Astrid. After that, the video starts. Next to the suitcase, we notice a deer carcass with which you can cut meat. On the way back, our hero twists his ankle, after which his painful condition can be corrected with a rosehip decoction.

On the fifth day, we try to continue our search for the aircraft. We climb onto that tree again and continue to climb up the ledges. The very first chapter of our passage of the plot of the game "Long Dark" is coming to an end. Watch the final video.

The second chapter: go on reconnaissance

We continue to move forward on the plot of "Long Dark." We follow Astrid, simultaneously collecting various supplies. Along the way, we come across a clearing with rabbits - we can try to catch ourselves lunch. We come across another deer carcass, after which we turn left and get to the cave. Inside is a corpse with a torch and a box of matches. We take all this with us, finish the inspection of the cave and go outside.

long dark story game

Once back in the open, our hero encounters a wolf. Since he is busy absorbing a dead deer, he can be quietly bypassed. However, this is not the only meeting - several more predators await us. Each of them can be circumvented without a direct collision. If something goes wrong, then we run towards the nearest shelter, for example, a car.

Chapter Two: More Predators and Milton

A long journey leads us to the church, around which a wolf pack roams. You can go forward, armed with a torch. We search the church and move on, not forgetting from time to time to scare away predators with a flame and hiding behind cars.

Soon we will see the abandoned settlement of Milton. A column of smoke will be visible in the distance, which means that we are not alone in this place. We leave at the banker's house - it opens with a key, which can be found in a bank nearby. Inside is a blind old woman who agrees to tell us something interesting in exchange for chopped wood.

Third chapter: meeting with the Gray mother

We continue our passage of the first episode of the story "Long Dark." Chapter 3 begins with chopping wood. We are looking for a suitable tree and fill the woodpile with the required number of kilograms. After that, we return to the old woman, who is known as the Gray Mother. We watch a short video and go in search of food. The required amount of food should be ten kilograms: we try to walk through abandoned houses and crack down on a couple of wolves. After that, the Gray Mother will share useful information with us. She will tell you even more after we complete the next assignment. This time the passage of the plot of "The Long Dark" sets us the task of exploring the situation near the city tunnel.

the long dark story walkthrough

It is necessary to stock up on provisions, repair broken equipment, and only then go on the road. A suitcase will be lying next to the bus that used to transport prisoners. After its inspection, the next cut scene will start. We hasten back to the old woman, give her the Reishi mushrooms collected along the way (this gesture will significantly increase the level of trust) and report a dead tunnel. The gray mother is very upset and goes to bed.

Third chapter: new assignments

After some time, we return to the old woman’s house, which reports the code to the bank vault. After our visit to the banker's house, we are on our way to a nearby farm. Already in place, our hero must fight with a lone wolf, who lurks in the barn. After the fight, you need to find two keys: one will lie on the corpse, and the second inside the blue pickup.

We go into the farmhouse and pick up another key, which should go to the bank cell. We return to Milton and move towards the bank. In the cell under the number "15" will be the belongings of the Gray mother.

After the return of the stolen things, the old woman will please us with another assignment. This time we need to go towards the cemetery, not far from the church where the grave of Lily is located. We go there then to leave the pearl jewelry given to us by the Gray Mother. After the task is completed, we return to the old woman’s house, who will tell us about her dead daughter. We will be allowed to pick up her equipment and be advised to keep heading towards the Persistent Mills.

We pass to the final part of the passage of the plot of "Long Dark" in the first episode.

long dark storyline 3 episode

Fourth, final chapter

We wait until morning comes and hit the road. Do not forget how to prepare: we gather supplies, water and repair damaged equipment. Our road should lead us to a mountain park. We find places reserved for picnics, and try to go down the slope, insuring ourselves with a climbing cable. Already at the very ground a small emergency will occur, and the character will get off with only a slight bruise.

After this, you must follow the path, guided by the map of Lily. By the way, during the trip you can please your hero with a small halt and replenish energy. Finally, we come across a waterfall and a small cave. If you pass through it, then we will face a duel between a bear and an unknown hunter.

This is where the first episode of The Long Dark comes to an end. After the credits we will have the opportunity to continue the passage. We end our guide on this chapter. In the plot of episode 2 in "Long Dark" we are waiting for even more tests, as well as a meeting with new characters. We strongly recommend that you try this game on your own and access the guides only if the passage causes real difficulties.

Looking for a signal pistol

To get a flare gun means to greatly simplify the passage. To find it in the plot of "Long Dark", you will have to try very hard, because he appears only after the "command" of the Gray Mother.

The weapon fires flares and very effectively copes with many tasks. We hope that our small guide will help answer the question of where, in the story, where to find a signal pistol in the "Long Dark".

walkthrough long dark story

We turn to the first episode. Not far from where the School is located, west of Milton, there are several houses. You need to choose the most central building and look for a gun inside, next to the toilet, where there is a small red carpet. Attention: the presence of this secret stock in the game is directly related to the Gray mother, who should hint at him.

In the second episode, the gun along with a small supply of missiles is hidden inside an orange box. To find it, you must search the dam.

Why is it needed?

We have already touched on the topic of the effectiveness of a signal pistol at the beginning of this chapter. So what exactly can you do with it? Weapons bring the greatest benefit when scaring away wild animals. Although the signal pistol was not designed to kill a living creature, they can still cause fatal injuries. By the way, it is worth mentioning that only this weapon is able to scare off a wild bear. Even the guns in this case are useless, so without a signal pistol it is better not to risk it.


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